Always Running (Pietro Maximoff x reader) Body-switching AU

Pietro was probably one of your least favorite people in the world. It wasn't that he was a bad guy really, but his arrogance got under your skin like nobody's business. That and the fact that he was constantly running. You felt as if he was always trying to show off his super speed. It irked you to no end. There was also the fact that Pietro knew exactly how attractive he was. Yes, you could admit that he was a gorgeous man, with those brilliant blue eyes that seemed to bore into your soul and a body that most people would drool over. He was beautiful, but that didn't mean he had to be so damned cocky.

"Can you please shut up for five minutes?" you snapped. You hadn't meant to, but it had been a really long day. Training had not gone well at all. You were too tired and Pietro's constant chatter about his upcoming date was not helping at all. "I think you are jealous, no?" he asked with a smirk. You rolled your eyes. "Not in the least, Pietro. I just want some peace from your voice." You tucked your book under your arm and left the room with a huff, missing Pietro's eyes following you out.

Unlike you, Pietro didn't have negative feelings toward you. In fact, you fascinated him. He really wanted to be close to you, but had no idea how to do it. His usual charm didn't work on you. Pietro was at a loss as do what to do. Nothing seemed to work. Quite the opposite. Everything he did only pushed you further away.

"You know, you could just ask Y/N out. Start out trying to be friendly instead of your usual flirting," Wanda commented, taking a sip of her tea. Pietro glanced back at his twin in confusion. Wanda sighed. "Try to get to know Y/N first. Put yourself in their shoes. If someone was constantly trying to flirt with you, but also went out with other men, wouldn't you think twice about the kind of relationship you could have?" Pietro didn't reply. He sank down. "I do not know how to put myself in Y/N's shoes." Wanda rolled her eyes before leaving the room. She knew what she had to do, but she had to enlist Bruce's help first.

*short time skip*

"SPEEDY!!!!" Your voice rang through the Tower. Pietro didn't respond. He was too busy sulking. It didn't matter. You came rushing in a second later, promptly running into a wall. "Oof." Pietro bit back a chuckle. You whirled around and him sitting in a nearby chair. Except it wasn't him. Not really. It was you, or at least your body.

You don't know how it happened, but you had woken up in Pietro's body. As soon as you stood up, you realized that you not only were in Pietro's body, but you had his speed. Unfortunately for you, you had no idea how to use it. You kept running smack dab into every wall you could. Needless to say, it was a bad morning already. And you hadn't even had your coffee yet.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" you screamed, still cringing at the sound of Pietro's voice coming from your mouth. Hearing his accent when you were speaking was weird. "I didn't do anything, Y/N. Talk to her," he answered, gesturing toward Wanda with his head. "Wan? Please tell me he's lying and you had nothing to do with this?" She blushed a little. "I did. I could not stand to listen to the two of you fighting all the time, so I decided to try and get you to understand one another better."

"By switching our bodies?" Pietro spat. It was clear that he was in just as bad a mood as you were. Wanda shook her head. "No. The idea was to loan you my powers for a little while so you could understand how the other thinks...something went wrong and you switched bodies instead. And, judging by the fact that you keep running into walls every few seconds, you got each other's powers as well."

You let out a groan at the same time Pietro did. "I need coffee." You made your way over to the pot, but once again, you moved too quickly and hit the counter instead. You let out a loud swear while Pietro tried to bite back another chuckle. "Oh, shut up." You reached for the pot only to have Wanda move it away from you with her mind. "What the hell, Wanda?" She smiled sheepishly at you. "Sorry, Y/N, but not while you are in Pietro's body. You have seen how he is me you do not want to see what this stuff does to him."

In a huff, you moved to leave the kitchen, running into yet another wall. "DAMMIT!" you yelled. You could feel the bump forming on your head from where you hit. Pietro sighed and got up. He made his way over to you, griping the whole way. "Your body is too slow, Y/N. How do you get anywhere? It is inconvenient, no?" You shrugged. "It works for me."

You winced as he checked the bump on your head. "This is nothing. It will bruise, but heal quickly." You smiled a bit. You were amused to hear his way of speaking in your own accent. "Thanks." You got up and tried to leave slowly. Pietro followed you out and Wanda watched with a smile on her face. It seemed to be working after all.

Your day was extremely eventful to say the least. Not only did it take you most of the day to figure out how to move without running into things, but you also had to avoid Pietro's screaming fangirls all day. You didn't give any of them any indication that you were interested, but it didn't help. No wonder Pietro was so cocky if this was the kind of attention he got all the time. You turned down several date offers just because you didn't know when you'd be back in your own body and you didn't want to get stuck with the dates. If Pietro got mad, so be it.

Turned out, he wasn't mad at all. When you finally got back to the Tower, Pietro came hurrying over to you with wide eyes. "Y/N, how do I stop it?! I cannot make it stop!" Your brows furrowed. Pietro grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the elevator. You had to admit that, while holding your own hand felt odd, there was something about it that felt right. "Pietro?" He turned back to you with his eyes still wide. "Stark and Wanda are angry...but I cannot seem to stop. I need you to help me."

He didn't say another word as he lead you to his room. Before going inside, he turned to you. "You must promise you will not laugh. Do you promise?" You assured him that you did. He opened the door at you gasped. There, all over the room, were several rabbits. "W-What did you do?" He shrugged. "I don't know! I have had the sneezes all day and every time I sneeze, another rabbit appears." You had to fight not to laugh. You remembered this kind of thing happening. It kind of came with the territory of being able to summon anything at will. Over time, you'd learned control, but Pietro didn't know that.

"Stark says if I summon another rabbit, he will kick me out of the Tower for a month. Please, Y/N, help me." You sighed and nodded. "First off, take my allergy medicine. That's why you keep sneezing. And second, try to relax." Pietro walked toward the door. "How can you stand it?! Moving so slowly!" You smiled softly as he left. He came back a few minutes later and sat down on the floor. A rabbit hopped over and into his lap. You sat across from him. For the next few minutes, you did your best to help Pietro with your powers. You both had your eyes closed as you tried to help him get rid of all the rabbits he'd accidentally conjured up.

While you worked together, you couldn't help but enjoy the peace between you. Pietro really wasn't that bad. Sure, he had his moments, but right now, when he was vulnerable, you really couldn't help but like being near him. You wished it could last. Soon, all but one of the rabbits were gone. The one that had climbed into Pietro's lap. "Perhaps Stark will let me keep him, yes?" You smiled and shrugged. "Maybe." After that, he asked you about you day. You licked your lips before telling him everything that had happened.

Pietro looked at you gratefully. He wasn't sure he was going to be able to handle it anymore. He now understood what Wanda meant. Not only did he now have a sense of appreciation for you and your powers, he understood how much control you had to have all the time in order not to throw the Tower into chaos like he had. Pietro also got what Wanda meant about his feelings toward you.

You had told him about the constant barrage of admirers that day. Even though he knew they were his admirers and not yours, Pietro couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. It bothered him a bit. Was that how you felt every time Pietro had another date? Or whenever he bragged about his exploits, which actually weren't that many? He just had a reputation to keep. If so, no wonder you seemed to hate him.

"Hello? Earth to Pietro!" Pietro shook himself out of his daze. "Forgive me, Y/N. I just realized that Wanda was right. I was not seeing things from your point of view. Now that I have, I cannot help but feel guilty for it." You smiled before placing your hand on his arm. It felt strange and yet comforting at the same time. "That's okay, Pietro. I wasn't either and I'm kind of glad we had this little mix up. I get it now. Maybe we can be friends now?" Pietro frowned a bit. "Yes...friends. Or perhaps more?" You bit your lip or rather, Pietro's lip and shook your head. "I'm not ready for that yet, but maybe someday." Pietro beamed.

"I can accept this." He leaned over and kissed your cheek. He had to be honest, he didn't like the way the stubble felt under his lips. Maybe he should shave. However, he didn't feel it for long. He pulled back and stared at you, stunned. Your eyes were closed, but Pietro wasn't looking at his own face anymore. He was looking at yours.

He let out a laugh, prompting you to open your eyes. You blinked in disbelief as you joined in his laughter. Moving the rabbit off his lap, Pietro stood, bringing you with him as he hugged you. You hugged back when suddenly, you were in his arms. "Now, let me show you how the speed really works," he said with a smirk. Without waiting for a reply, he sped off. You felt the wind whipping your air. It felt like you were flying and, in Pietro's arms, you were okay with that. 

(a/n: With some constructive criticism, I learned that the way I was writing Pietro's accent made it somewhat difficult to read. Based on this, I changed it up a bit. I hope you like it and that it's easier for you all to read.)
