White Picket Fences and New Jobs



"So what exactly are we looking for?" Erin asks while staring at the patients photo.

She has a file of a Hope Wilson, in for dementia.

"Anything that seems out of the ordinary here." Stein says while burying himself in his file.

Erin stops and stares at Stien, "Are you like, serious?" She then laughs, "We're in an asylum man, everything's out of the ordinary here."

Sara laughs along while Martin replies, "It seems you do have a point, but i'm sure you're smart enough to know what i mean." He chuckles.

"Maybe, we'll find out." Erin laughs while putting her attention back to her file.

Reading over the womans file, Erin realized this was going to be a long hour.

"I'm gonna go get a milkshake, anybody want anything?" Erin asks as the group walks into the diner where their suppose to find Jax.

"No, thankyou." Stein smiles at her.

"Chocolate milkshake?" Sara smiles at the girl when Erin nods. "You got it." Erin replies and walks away.

She walks up to the counter and waits for someone to come up to her.

"Can i help you ma'am?" A lady in a blue outfit  and white apron asks from behind the counter.

"One chocolate and one vanilla milkshake please." Erin asks the girl.

"You got it sweetie." She says while walking off to make the drinks.

Erin stands and waits, leaning against the counter with her elbows on the surface.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing all alone in here?" A big guy asks Erin, taking a seat next to where she's standing.

She guesses by his letterman jacket and young features that he's a highschool jock.

"I'm not alone." Erin answers simply. She keeps her eyes on the lady making the milkshakes as she finishes the first one.

"Well," the guy looks around and puts his hand on the counter near Erin's, "seems to me like you are."

"Just screw off." Erin says coldly as she watches the lady pouring the second milkshake into a glass.

The lady begins to come over with the milkshakes in hand.

"That's an asshole thing to say." The guy says getting angry.

"Well i only say asshole things to asshole guys." Erin says. She gives him a sarcastic smile and the lady puts the milkshakes infront of Erin.

"Bitch." The man grunts and slaps Erin across the face.

A mixture of ohs and gasps echo through the diner and out of the corner of her eye Erin see's Sara already on her feet.

Erin tocuhes the side of her face and feels the bruise already appearing.

She checks her hand to make sure there's no blood on her fingers.

She quickly reaches for the mans hand, pulling it back and off of the table. She twists his wrist back causing him to scream and fall off his stool.

Erin doesn't let go of his hand, though. She stands infront of the guy and knee's him in the chin causing him to fall back in a daze.

"It's not nice to hit women, asshole." Erin spits.

She pulls $5 out of her pocket and throws it on the counter infront of the stunned worker.

Erin grabs the two milkshakes and walks over to her teammates who are watching her.

"He was being an dick." Erin shrugs.

All 3 teammates smirk at the girl and Sara slides over to make room for her to sit.

Erin takes a seat and slides the chocolate milkshake over to Sara who smiles a thankyou to her, but then frowns and lightly touches Erins cheek.

"I'm okay." Erin smiles at her, even though it hurts a bit to smile.

"Well uh, back to our conversation." Jax says. "Even if this town wasn't full of small-minded idiots," Erin silently motions to the boy just standing up from the floor with the help of some other boys, "it'd still be creepy as hell."

"You know," Erin adds in while she looks around the place, "My sister and i use to watch these old horror movies when we were home alone and they all started in places like this."

Jax makes a motion with his hands, basically saying 'exactly!'.

"First it's all perfect, and then, boom, some alien monster beast thing starts killing kids on Lover's Lane." Jax says.

Erin agrees with him, "Exactly." She says.

"I'm telling you man," Jax gets cut off when a lady starts arguing with a guy, part of the group of that one guy who bothered Erin.

"What is it?" Stein asks.

"One unhappy cheerleader." Sara laughs while taking a sip of her milkshake.

Erin take a few sips after realizing that she forgot it was there. "Now that's scary." She says while doing so.

"That girl was from the newspaper article Rip showed us." Jax leans closer and tries to get a better view of the girl. "She knows the guys that went missing."

"Perhaps she can illuminate us as to their whereabouts." Stein ssuggests while he looks at Jax.

"You realize nobody understood a word you said right?" Erin laughs slightly cause Martin to look at her seriously, but only for a moment as he cracks a small smile.

When he turns back to Jefferson, the boy says "Dude, can you not say 'Hey Jax, why don't you go talk to her and find out what she knows?' like a normal person?"

Stein sarcastically gestures with his hands, "Hey Jax," he mimicks, causing Erin and Sara to both laugh quietly, "why don't you just go do that?"

"All right." Jax says while he gets up and goes to talk to the girl.

He leaves the two girls and proffesor alone with eachother.

"We musn't dwadle. I believe our lunch hour is nearly at an end." He begins to leave the diner while saying "Come along, nurses."

Both girls stand up, leaving their half empty milkshakes behind.

While walking with Stein back to the asylum Sara beings up "Just so you know, Ra's Al Ghul taught me how to kill someone slowly, over the course of days." She winks over at him.

"Preach!" Erin yells almost a little too loud. She smiles at Sara and then gets close enough to her to whisper "That was also kind of hot."

Erin leaves Sara with hot cheeks and a small smile on her face.

The trio walks back to the asylum and begins to continue their work of countless hours looking through files.

"This is a waste of time." Sara groans, she slams a case file shut and runs her hands through her hair.

"We should be out there looking for Savage, not in here playing doctor." She adds.

Stein adds in, "I'd like to think that in a town with multiple murders the local insane asylum would be fertile ground for clues."

Erin flips the page of a case of a girl who says that a demon makes her do bad things.

"Would you mind getting me those case files over there?" Erin looks up only to see the proffessor is talking to Sara so she looks back down at the page.

Erin skims through the transcript of a conversation between the woman and a doctor.

"He makes me do it. He shows up in my room no matter where i am and tells me to do these bad things."

"How come nobody else has seen this demon?"

"Because he's smart. He hides and when i'm alone he comes out and threatens my family and i. He makes me do these things."

A chair screeches amd when Erin looks up she watches as Stien walks out of the room.

Erin turns back to the transcript and flips the page.

"Could you draw a picture of this demon for me?"

*indistinct scribbling*

"Now for the record, what i am seeing here is a picture of what look like a black mutant dog with red eyes."

Erin skips through the rest of the transcript and lands on the last page.

Martin walks back into the room but Sara doesn't follow.

"Where's Sara?" She asks the scientest.

He shrugs and waves it off, "Out and about somewhere."

"Oh." Erin says, momentarily stopped from her work. With not a clue where Sara is, but knowing she can take care of herself, Erin turns back to the last page of the folder.

Current patient status: Deceased.

Extra Notes: Suicide by hanging, note left stating "He bit me, i can't take it, i'm sorry"

Erin closes the case file and looks at Stein who's opening his next case, "This is useless, i'm finding nothing."

"I am certain there is something in this place worth looking in to, just don't loose hope." Stein smiles at her, causing Erin to smile back.

"Alright." Sara walks back into the room ignoring a questioning look from Erin, "There's a restricted hall, Hall H. It's reserved for Dr. Knox's physcotic patient. Dr Knox, who is, drum roll please,"

Erin gives her a quick drumroll on the table while Sara paces and gives them the information, "Surprise surprise, Savage."

Erin fakes a symbol noise and Sara smiles at the girl.

"You were right Martin." Erin smiles , throwing the other case booklets aside, "There is something in this place worth looking in to."

"So we head back to the ship and let them know we got some news." Erin claps her hands against the table.

Stein checks his watch, "Well, we should be going then, especially since our shift had ended 7 minutes ago."

Erin raises a playful eyebrow and smirks a little, "Doctor Stein were you using our physical labour to work over time."

Martin only laughs and tells the woman, "Believe me, if it was up to me i would be back on the ship playing a game of chess with Gideon."

"You can play games with Gideon!?" Erin asks with surprise, "I'm defiantly kicking her engine ass in scrabble later.

Both the proffesor and the assassin laugh at Erin's comment.

"Make sure you're cautious, she's ruthless when it comes to checkers." Stien laughs.

"Point taken." Erin points a finger at him and laughs.

The group packs their things and begins to head out. "We're checking out for the evening." Stein informs the head doctor.

"Have a nice evening." He blantly responds while keeping his eyes glued to his work.

The trio walks out the front doors and makes their way to the empty field where a cloaked Waverider awaits them.

When they board they find the rest of the team in the main bridge.

"We got some news!" Erin says when she finds herself walking into a quiet room filled with her teammates.

Sara walks in behind her and continues her sentance, "Restricted Hall H, used specificly for the psycotic patients of Dr. Knox."

"Who also happens to be savage." Erin adds while she takes a seat.

"AKA our new neighbour." Kendra brings up.

"Wow, small world." Erin mumbles. She then brings her attention back to Kendra who looks over at Ray eating something.

"You're really going to eat that?" She questions the billionaire.

"Say what you want about Savage, but he makes one hell of a casserole." Ray defends.

Erin stands up and takes the fork from Ray, she eats a bit of the casserole and nods in agreement. "He's got a point." She says while handing the fork back to Ray.

"Wait, shouldn't Savage be going all Chainsaw Massacre on you by now?" Erin asks Kendra when she takes back her seat.

"Savage doesn't know i reconize him, therefore he's not going to try to kill me just yet." Kendra tells the group. "He can't steal my powers before i've found them."

"Mr. Snart and i have been analyzing these forensic files." Rip says while holding up brown folders.

"Which reveal nothing except Savage is very good at making people dissapear." Snart continues.

Jax then speaks up from his seat, "Hm, something you both have in common."

Erin gives Jax a look that tells him to lay off, Snart did loose a partner after all.

"What?" Jax counters her look, "Are we just going to pretend that Mick Rory wasn't a part of our team." Jax turns to Snart now. "If you can just ice your best friend like that, i hate to see what you could do to us."

As much as Erin trusted Snart, Jax did have a point. He was a criminal after all.

But then again, Erin might as well be too with all the stuff she's done.

"We need to stay focused." Erin tells the team, mostly Jax.

Rip then begins to speak, moving towards his office. "Look, Savage is going to be busy with his little cocktail party. Whilst you two keep an eye on him," He says reffering to Kendra and Ray. "Sara and Martin have the opportunity to find out what he's been doing in the secret wing of the assylum."

"Um, hello, i work there too." Erin tells the Captain.

"You, Ms. Cooper, are going to have a different job."

Erin looks at Rip confused. "You will accompany Mr. Jackson."

Erin looks back at Jax, who shrugs with a confused look as well.

"Go with him where?" Erin asks.

"On his date." Rip explains.

Erin turns around and gives Jax a look. "Wow, we've been here for like 7 hours and you've already got a date? Talk about good with the ladies." She smirks and laughs.

Jax laughs and Erin can feel everyone behind her smile too, like they were all letting out positive vibes.

"Alright." Erin turns around to face Rip.

She claps her hands. "Let's get this party started then."

A/N So i'm back from Vacation and i came back with a new chapter! Now that i think about it i should've told y'all where i was going to see if any of my readers were there.

I went to Orlando, Florida, any of my readers live there or were there this past week?

It's a pretty long chapter this time and please don't let it flop like the last one.

Last chapter only got like 90 reads where as all my other chapters are in the 200's at the least.

I'm busy with sports so my updating schedule isn't the greatest but i'm glad for those who have stuck with this book through it's long waits and stuff like that.

Part 3 for this is coming out soon!

Please leave any comments, suggestions, or questions, i love hearing from you guys!

Over and Out Superfriends!
