White Picket Fences and Mutant Hawks



"Wow, you're looking snazzy." Erin compliments upon seeing Jax in his suit.

Meanwhile, Erin was in a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a black shirt with sleeves that went down just past her elbows.

"So what's the plan loverboy?" Erin bugs Jax with the nickname.

Jax laughs and turns around, ready to leave the ship.

"Well i'm picking her up, in a car that Rip, uh, borrowed and i'm going to take her out somewhere, i'm just not sure where though, i'll try to get her talking about Tommy." Jax explains.

He then turns back to Erin. "I can give you a ride until we're about a block away from her house." He suggests.

Erin nods her head and smiles. She says thankyou to the boy and then hops into the car with him.

They ride in silence until Erin speaks up. "Wherever you're going, take the back roads if you can, it'll be easier for me to follow you undetected." She explains.

Jax nods his head and agrees with her.

Then, Erin starts to mock him a little and pretends to fake mother him, "Now remeber," she says in a fake perky voice, "be polite and always use yor please and thankyou's. And if the father says midnight, bring her home for 11."

Jax laughs along with Erin and then he mocks a voice too, "Yes mother." He laughs.

As they continue to laugh, Jax pulls over onto the side of the road and puts the car in park.

"Alright." Their laughter dies down. "We're one block away from her house, it's just up there and to the left." He motions with his hands down the road.

Erin pats him on the back and then steps out of the car, "I won't be too far behind, good luck." She smiles at him and shuts the door.

Once the door is closed Jax takes off towards the girls house.

"Okay," Erin mumbles to herself, "Happy thoughts."

She closes her eyes and when she opens them, they're a dark shade of green.

"Just think of puppies, and kittys." Her claws start to come out from her hands. Slowly, she begins to shrink lower and lower to the ground.

"Think of that casserole, man that was a good casserole." She whispers.

In a matter of moments, her talks and whispers turn into low growls and snarls.

Her dark green eyes glaze over the field and she sniffs out Jax's direction; two streets down and to the left, he's with an unfamiar scent, most likely the girl.

Her ears perk up when the sound of tires against ashphalt fill the silent night air.

She begins to run lightly on her four paws, remaining calm in her panther state.

As Jax's smell gets weaker she begins to pick up the pace until she is in a full sprint.

She flashes by the streets in hopes that no one sees her. But once she reaches the back roads, she catches up to the car and then slows down, hiding in the fields of wheat.

She stays alert but doesn't focus much on what's going on inside the car.

As Jax drives further into the country roads Erin begins to pick up a scent.

It's a very u familiar scent, something she hasn't ever smelled before, but it's an animal of some sort.

But it seems angry, filled with rage, and out here, an animal like that isn't safe to simple people like that girl, or even Jax.

She could hear it walking, and if her sensitive ears could tell her anything, it's that this animal was big, at least a few feet tall.

The one thing that didn't make sense was that Erin never expected a large animal like that to be out here in this small town.

She keeps her eyes trained on the car but she stays alert of her surroundings just in case.

Then finally, she see's it, the animal she could smell, although it looks half...human?

She watches it as it runs through the field and heads right for Jaxs car. Erin's already in motion and running towards the creature.

But she doesn't get there in time to stop the girl from getting out of the car and having her throat slashed at.

She screams and blood oozes from her neck.

Jax quickly gets out of the car and heads towards the girl but the weird mutant creature already has its eyes set on Jax.

The creature begins to make its way towards Jax as he hops over the car hood and Erin pushes herself to run faster.

As she watches the scene play out, she runs faster and faster, getting more angry that something would dare threaten to hurt her teammate, her eyes turning a bright red.

Just before the creature reaches Jax Erin jumps from the shadows taking the thing out from the side.

It screechs as it tries to claw at whatever has dragged it away from its target but it's no use.

Erin lets out a loud roar as her and the creature hit the ground.

The beast is up immediatly but so is Erin. It makes another attempt to go after Jax but iss again hit from the side by the panther.

She pinns whatever it is down on the ground and roars as she dig her two front paws into its shoulder, causing it to let out a loud shriek of pain.

Erin hears car doors close and looks behind her to see Jax beginning to drive off.

She knows she has to follow him, and therefore she leaves the human like thing behind, so she run after the speeding car.

She run along the edge of the road, staying hiddin in the fields just in case anythig else seems to happen.

And with those thoughts, something does.

She hears sirens in the distance, ones which belong to police cars that soon come into view, obviously in pursuit of Jax and his new girl.

She silently runs alongside Jaxs car staying in the shadows.

But when his car come to an abrupt stop so does Erin. Her paws slide in the muddy field but she manages to stop quickly.

The police all step out of their cars with their guns raised. As Jax steps out of the car all guns move in his direction.

Erin growls and slowly creeps out if the shadows. Her red eyes show through the dark first and the officers look around confused.

Then they spot the panther and some of them point their guns at her but others remain on Jax.

Erin continues to growl, slowly drawing closer to the officers. She can smell blood somewhere, Jax's girlfriends blood, she smells it from the car.

Her growl turns into a yelp and something peirces her side. Erin falls onto her other side from the impact force and notices the tranqilizar dart in her side.

She slowly feels herself fade away into a black nothingless and soon she passes out.


"Do not worry Ms. Lance, where ever Jefferson and Erin are, i'm sure they're able to take care of themselves." Martin assured the assassin while they walked around the asylum.

After hearing the news that Erin had gone missing, Sara seemed to be a bit off, but nobody said anything.

Sara just nods at Steins words but stays silent.

Inside her mind nothing but worry fills her head, but she wouldn't dare show it to the team. Not everybody even knew they were a thing yet.

Were they a thing? Had they ever really made it official?

Sara believed they were a thing. The moment she got Erin back, she would make sure of it.

Suddenly an alarm blared through the asylum catching them off gaurd.

Patients and workers scream and run from a danger yet unknown to Stein and Sara.

A creature appears from down the restricted hall that the pair had just passed.

It roars with big ugly teeth and wings sprouted from its back.

The creature reminds Sara of Kendra, kind of.

It runs at the two and Sara manages to hit its head causing it to screech and stammer back.

It charges again and this time Sara kicks its stomach. She spins and takes out her staff, hitting it in the neck which causes it to retreat.

Another creature appears infront of them and Sara is ready to bash its head in until she realizes who it is.

"Oh my god." Stein begins to speak for the both of them. "Jefferson! Jefferson it's us!" He tells his partner, who bares his new set of big teeth and chargers at them.

Stein steps to the side while Sara grabs Jax's wrist and throws him into a wall.

While Jax is momentarily disoriented Sara grabs Stiens arm and pulls him to start running.

They don't get very far until they bump into another creature.

Sara easily bashes its head into the walland kicks its knees in while the duo keeps running.

Both come to a halt when they hear a growl a long ways down the empty hall.

Sara speaks cautiously and qiuetly, "Stein, i know that growl anywhere."

Slowly, around the corner a creature comes prowling into site and Sara immeditaly knows her.

It's a panther, more specifically Erin.

Her eyes are a bright red, like fire burns through them. She has big brown wings, sprouting from her back, some blood is smeared on the feathers in all different places.

Her once sharpe teeth have turned into one big ugly fang, much like Jax's teeth had been moment before this encounter.

Her claws were visibly longer, and visibly sharper.

She stood on her two hind legs and let out a spine chilling, loud roar.

She falls back onto all four legs and charges at the two letting out another loud growl.

"Erin!" Sara yells warningly, she didn't want to have to hurt her but she would defend herself if need be, not enough to kill the girl she loves though.

A blue beam shoots past Sara above her head.

The ice blast collides with a pipe that burts and lets outs high pressurized air as it falls into Erins path.

She screeches and lets out a whimper as the pressure is too much for her to handle, causing her to fall back and go uncouncious.

Sara turns around to find Snart facing them with his cold gun in hand.

"I did the same to the kid too." He drawls. Snarkily, he smirks and says "You're welcome."

"Gideon and i developed a syrum to fix what Savage has done to them. We need to get them back to the ship." Stein orders.

Sara picks up the unconcious panther and starts to carry her towards where Jax has been knocked out.

She whispers into the girls ear as they walk. "Don't worry, we're going to get you fixed, you'll be okay."

A/N So there's your chapter!

Just as a heads up i'm going on anoher vacation next Wednesday so i'm not sure if i'll be able to get a chapter up before i leave. I'm going to Nashville with some of my family so it'll be a long drive and i'll get to at least work on a new chapter in the car.

I'm already planning my second book for this, any name ideas? I'm at a loss and open to about anything right now.

Now here are some questions...

1. Do you guys like the length of the chapters i'm posting? Want them shorter? Longer?

2. Do you think the team should find out about Erin and Sara soon? Or should i wait a little longer?

3. How do you guys picture the team finding out about them? I have some ideas but i want your opinions too.

Okay that's all for now! Thankyou for reading and y'all have a lovely evening;)

Well, for me it's day time right now so that doesn't make sense but i felt like quoting Sara so don't judge.

Over and Out Superfriends!
