When It Rains, It Pours



Let them tremble at your name

The team stands around the rooftop in St. Roch.

Erin stands next to Sara, absentmindedly leaning into the assassin.

"Alright," Jax starts, "help me lift this, we can fly it out of here." He directs his statement towards the hawks.

"To where? And we would never make it in time." Kendra argues as she crosses her arms.

All Erin could think was that this would be the end of the Legends, one last hurrah before they destroy the earth and everyone they love too. She wishes that Carly was here so she could say her final goodbyes and tell her younger sister how much she loves her.

"Maybe the Waverider can?" Ray suggests.

His idea brings a small amount of hope to Erin, but when she looks over to the meteor her smile drops.

It's gone.

"Rip we need-" Sara stops mid sentence as she looks around in confusion. That's when Erin notices that Rip is missing as well.

"Where's Rip?" Sara asks.

Erin uses this chance to mention "The meteorites gone too."

Erin attempts to recount the last few minutes of their adevnture. Both the meteorite and Rip had been with them up until this point.

A familiar whirring noise fills her ears and seconds later the entire team seems to notice it as well. When Erin follows the sound her eyes land on the Waverider as it flies towards them.

"What the hell?" She mumbles. Why was the Waverider coming from the sky instead of the ground?

The ship lands and the ramp opens, causing the team then scurries towards it.

When Erin boards she immediately ducks as something sparks above her head.

She did not remember the Waverider in such bad condition. In fact, it had been in perfect condition last time she was on it.

The lights were out, leaving the ship in almost complete darkness and as they walked the halls she noticed broken pipes and panels and sparks flying from almost every inch of the ship.

They silently agree to head towards the bridge, where their Captain would most likely be.

The bridge appears to be just as bad- if not worse- than the rest of the ship. Pipes fall and spark, with gas spraying from a broken pipe in the roof. Gideon seems to be a bit dysfunctional, glitching in and out every few seconds and everything in Rip's office is disheveled and broken.

"Will somebody please tell me what happened?" Jax asks, now separated from his other half.

Rips seat turns and their captain stumbles out looking just as rough as his ship. "Sorry I gave you all a fright." He says.

"A fright?" Erin crosses her arms, "More like a heart attack."

Rip chuckles nervously, letting out another apology at the group, though something told Erin he wasn't all that sorry.

"What happened to the meteor?" Jax asks.

"Uh, i flew it into the heart of the sun." Rip shrugs. "Well, i angled the ship to eject the meteorite before impact, and then, uh, time jumped away."

The team stares dumbfounded and their captain. "You could've been killed." Stein decides to mention.

Mick, who somehow already has a beer, adds in "Should've been, you're a moron."

Erin chuckles at that, her serious demeanour changes as she realizes that everyone's okay.

Rip smiles at her, but directs his statement to the whole group. "Now, who fancies a trip back to 2016?"

"Is the old bucket of bolts even gonna make it?" Sara cracks a smile as well.

Rip looks over in Jax's direction, who is already claiming "I know, i'll fix it." before any one can utter another word.

"Splendid." Rip claps his hands together. "You all will be back to 2016 in no time. Until then, retire to your rooms, pack your things and relax."

The team disperses and Erin takes a hold of Sara's hand before walking her down the hall.

Sara smiles at her boldness before informing her "Our room's the other way, you know?"

After walking away from the bridge Erin slows her pace, her hand still intwined with Sara's.

"I know," She smiles back at the blonde, "I thought we could take a detour."

The two walk silently hand-in-hand, enjoying the others presence like they use to when time's were much simpler.

"How are you doing? With the news about Laurel?" Erin finally speaks up.

Sara remains silent as they walk, most likely thinking of an answer, is what Erin imagines.

Eventually a sigh escapes the blondes lips. "As good as i can be i guess."

She says no more and so Erin speaks up once again. "I know you don't usually open up and it's hard to sometimes but i'm here for you when you want to."

She only gets a nod in response.

"How are you doing with your moms death."

Erin's answer holds no hesitation, she's already thought about it and come to a conclusion. "I want answers."


"I can't believe it's over."

The team of heroes stand at the harbour they know all too well at this point. The water out past the ship glimmers and splashes around. The wind whips around them, pushing Sara's hair every which way and causing Erin's ponytail to mingle in front of her eyes.

They all stare at Rip, preparing to say their final goodbyes.

"Well, for some of you, yes. My journey, it seems, is only just beginning." The Brit tells them all.

Jax is the one who speaks. "How does that work? Savage is three times dead."

"The Time Masters are no longer of growing concern, due to our destruction of the Oculus. Someone needs to be responsible for protecting the timeline. Who better than a former Time Master? And any of you who would like to join me."

As Sara looks over to Erin, she doesn't even need to ask to know that the brunette is on board for another round. The real question was, is she?


"Are you happy? I used the door again."

"Ya but you picked the lock, again."

"I call that progress."

Both sisters laugh as they hug, Wayland jumping to get attention as well.

Pulling out of the hug, Erin bends down to greet the young pup.

"So, you're back," Carly states. "does that mean the missions over, you're done time traveling?"

"Not exactly."

The pair make their way to the small living room couch, where they sit and the dog curls up at their feet.

"Now that Savage is dead there's no more threat, but there's also no Time Masters left, so Rip gave us the option to go back and continue protecting the timeline..." Erin trails off, to which Carly finishes.

"And you want to go back."

Erin nods her head.

She gives a slight smile to her younger sister in hopes that she would understand and that she would be okay. Carly nods her head, confirming what Erin had hoped.

"Can i ask you some things first?"

Carly nods her head and allows Erin to continue with her question.

"Can you tell me more about what happened to Mom?"

Carly doesn't seem all that surprised with the question. Although, she takes a moment to answer, as if formulating the response in her head.

"Well, it happened like two days before you came back. Dad was out at work and Mom was at home like usual. They said it was armed robbery, but they didn't take anything. The cops think that the robber saw Mom, freaked, shot her and ran."

Erin listens carefully as Carly explains everything to her. From the colour of her Mother's clothing to the part of the house the robber came through.

Erin takes a deep breath when Carly finishes. "Don't you think it's a bit odd that they didn't take even one thing?" She asks.

Carly shakes her head, "Don't do this."

"Do what?"

"Look too much into a situation." Tears build up in the younger girls eyes. "I know it hurts and i know you're hurting but don't take your pain and turn it into something unhealthy like this."

Erin stays silent, not sure what to say. She had to admit that Carly was right, that she was looking for a distraction and this seemed to be the easiest thing. But she couldn't help that nagging feeling in the back of her mind that kept telling her something wasn't right.

"I don't know, Carls." Erin admits. "Something just doesn't seem right about this."

Carly reaches out to grab a hold of Erin's hands, "It's just cause you live such a crazy life, you've learned to question everything."

Erin smiles again, "You're the best, you know?"

Carly mirrors her smile, "I know." They laugh.

"The one thing i don't know though," Carly adds, "is why you're still here instead of with your team. Now go be a hero."


"I wasn't going to go the first time. Then Laurel convinced me." The soft voice carries through the yard. "And now i'm going to do this for her."

A male voice speaks up next. "Well, she'd be proud of you."

"How do you know?"

"'Cause i am." A third voice speaks, directing Sara and Quentin to their left.

Erin stands beside a headstone, arms crossed and smiling at the pair. "And i bet your Dad is too." She adds in.

Quentin Lance smiles at the young girl, before meeting her in a hug. "Well if it isn't my future daughter-in-law."

Erin pulls out if the hug and stares at Sara with a playful smile. "What have you been putting in his head?" She laughs.

"Dad's being weird, ignore him."

Erin laughs again in response before asking, "So, you make your choice yet?"

Sara nods. "We better get going, we don't wanna be late."

Sara walks up to Erin, kissing her Dad goodbye before grabbing the brunettes hand and beginning to set off.

"Hey, Quentin," Erin catches his attention when they reach the gate of the cemetery. She smiles as she says, "one day."


"A full compliment." Rip gawks at the team in front of him. "To be honest, i had my doubts that all of you would be willing to throw in with me for a second go."

8 individuals stand in front of him in the darkness, the only light source being the lamp a few feet away.

But alas, the team reunion is over when Kendra speaks up. "Well, actually..."

Carter continues for her, "We're not coming with you. With Savage gone we want to start fresh, see what happens."

"I give it three months." Mick speaks up.

Erin tunes out Kendra and Ray's conversation to toss an odd look at Mick, who shrugs and continues eating whatever food he had on him.

When Erin tunes back in, she hears Kendra and Carter say "Be safe." and "See you guys around."

They sprout their wings fron their backs and begin to take off towards the city.

"Every time they do that, i get hungry for chicken."

Both Erin and Sara end up tossing Mick odd looks, but this time Erin doesn't tune out the conversation when Rip says "So, shall we?"

Rip leads the team over to the Waverider but a loud noise stops them in their tracks.

Erin turns around, prepared for whatever may be coming their way. But she's confused when she notices an identical Waverider coming their way, and coming fast.

"Is that..."

"The Waverider." Erin finishes.

"Another Waverider?" Jax is the one to ask this.

Ray, who's standing slightly in front of the two girls, begins to take slight steps back. "Whatever it is, it's not slowing down!"

The second Waverider begins to get closer and closer towards the ground, spinning in circles and only gaining speed.

"Get down!" Rip shouts, everyone taking cover as the ship comes in contact with the ground.

Erin ducks down next to Sara, both of them turning their backs and blocking their heads from debris and when the noise finally ceases, they turn around.

"What the hell is going on?" Jaxs asks while the ramp begins to open.

A man, looking to be no older than late 30's, comes stumbling out.

"To be honest, Mr. Jackson, i have no idea." Rip answers.

The mans clothes and hair are messy and he is covered in what looks to be dirt. "Is this 2016?" He asks. "Is this May 2016?"

Hesitantly, Jax answers the mysterious man. "Yeah."

Instantly, the man speaks up. "You're exactly where you said you'd be."

When nobody else talks, he continues. "Do not get on that ship." He points to the original Waverider. "If you do, you're all dead."

Erin scoffs silently, thinking this man to be a sort of villain, although something tells her she should trust him.

"Says who?" Rory's gruff voice joins the conversation.

"Says you, Mr. Rory." The man says, shocking them all.

Rip is the one to speak up, asking "I'm sorry. Who exactly are you?"

Something begins to seem off about the man. He looks around, almost paranoid as his body seems to... glitch?

"My name is Rex Tyler." It's obvious something is happening with the man, he seems to be fading away. "I'm a member of the Justice Society of America."

Then the man is gone. Faded in front of their eyes and gone without a trace. Leaving behind only the wreckage and the old Waverider.

Leaving the team to dwell on his words.

A/N Sorry it's been so long! I hope the long chapter makes up for my absence.

Wow, there's only one chapter left till the book is over. But don't fear, i have a second one i'm working on as well and i have great plans for it! I just wanna thank everybody who reads this book.

Wether you were with me from the start, came in half way or are reading this long after i've finished it. No matter when you started reading this, i'm grateful for all of you and i hoped you liked this chapter as well.

Over and Out Superfriends!
