Let's Have Some Fun



"May your colour reflect your mood. For within the eyes holds the soul."


Indistinctive voices.

Its like they're all around her, to be heard but not seen.

Just as it becomes clear, panic makes a presences in her mind.

A man and woman still talk.

Is it the same two from before?

But wait, her arms don't feel pinned down and her legs feel free.

Does this mean she can open her eyes?

She can't waste the one chance she has to attack them, she has to wait until one of them is close enough.

The mans voice is distant, he's far.

But the woman, she's...right beside her.

Without a moments hesitation Erin pops out of the surface shes on and swings her arm towards the voice, opening her eyes in the process.

Something cool wraps around her arm and stops it from moving any further.

And that's when her eyes focus.

They focus on Sara, standing in front of her, holding Erin's arm which is near inches from her face. Sara places another cool hand on Erin's shoulder nudging her lightly to sit back down.

"You came back." Erin whispers.

In response, Sara smiles and nods, releasing Erin's arm.

"What...what happened?" She asks.

"You tell us," Erin turns to face Stein sitting on a bed in the corner. "They took you away and you came back unconcious."

Erin nods her head, trying to remember as much as she can.

An accented voice.

"What can you remember?" Sara asks.

A woman's voice.

"Um...i...i remember this voice- a womans voice."

Erin wasn't the right one.

"Uh...they were looking for someone." 

Erin closes her eyes, scrambling through her mind to remember as much as she could.

"I wasn't that person though."

Sara places two soft hands on either one of Erin's arms, encouraging her to keep going. "Do you remmeber who they were looking for?"

"Project Panther."

"Project Panther." Erin mumbles.

"Who's project panther?"

Now that stumped Erin.

She squeezed her eyes tighter trying to bring back her memories but it was no use, she remmeber nothing more than the accented woman and a few words.

"I...I don't remember." She shakes her head, dropping it down and into her hands.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." A soft hand touches her back lightly.

"You did the best you could." The voice belonged to Stein.

Erin looks up, tossing sad smiles at both her girlfriend and friend.

It was only then that Erin's mind drifted to the rest of the team. "Where is every one else?" She asks.

"The rest of the crew is on the bridge, We're working on locating Kendra and Carter, they disappeared around the same time you did, except they never came back." Sara says.

When Erin looks over at Stein she suddenly notices his ill look.

"Everything okay Proffessor?" She asks.

When Stein doesn't answer Sara takes his place. "He had to send Jax away to save his life, now he's not doing too hot."

Erin nods her head without taking her eyes off of Martin.

Sara's voice draws her eyes back to the blonde. "There's some stuff you missed."

"Like what?" She asks.

Sara begins to dive into all that Erin had missed while being unconscious.

She told Erin about the Oculus, which allowed the Time Master's to control and predict they're every move, as well as an ally of the Time Master's that the team has yet to identify. Sara explained how the Time Master's were helping Savage and had let him go. She talked about how her and Leonard had rescued the group, how they were now stationed in the Temporal Zone and how the Oculus doesn't work within the Vanishing Point.

By the time Sara had finished her explanation Erin was stunned. It took her a moment to process all the information, although she had no words.

Her only question was "So, what now?"

Erin slid of the bed, sending a quick glance to the Professor who assures her that he'll be fine, before heading off with Sara.

"Last I checked, they were all deciding wether to go back and destroy the Oculus or to return back home." Sara explains.

Erin's mind runs a mile a minute as she works out the probability of survival.

They could go back home and leave Rip's family dead, which she knew she wouldn't do. But with the alternative she wasn't so sure. They could go back to the Vanishing Point but that could be exactly what the Time master's want. They could be leading themselves straight into a suicide mission. But then if they don't go back, the Time Master's win. The question was, which side would she chose?


"Are you sure we're making the right choice?"

"We've talked it over as a team, Ms. Cooper, we all decided that this was the best course of action. And may I remind you that you had agreed on this as well?"

Erin sighs, knowing he's right. But the fact still doesn't diminish the worry that resides in her mind. Yes she had agreed to this, but what if she was wrong, what if they all were?

"Let's just make this quick." She mumbles as they land.

They all take off their restraints and prepare their weapons and suits.

A fight was bound to break out and they all knew it.

Stein starts spewing off some science stuff that none of them really care to listen to. Mick only speaks up when the Professor asks if anyone is excited about it, to which he responds "We're excited to blow it up."

Erin couldn't help but agree. Knowing she had been controlled this whole time had struck something bad within her. It brought her back to Savages words. "You have been manipulated since day one, you were the easiest target." He had told her. There was more truth to his words than she had known at the time.

She really had been controlled from day one, and not just by her father.

But she didn't want to think of that at the moment, the more important focus should be the Oculus and destroying it, giving her at least a small sense of freedom.

Rip was suddenly talking, going over the plan as they exited the Waverider and walked towards the building. "Dr. Palmer will deactivate the core contained supernova, which should create an anomalistic event."

"I have no clue what any of that means." Erin mumbles to Stein, who lets out a quiet laugh. "Dr. Palmer's going to cause an explosion." He reiterates, to which Erin nods her head.

"Sounds like a plan."

Erin perks up and stops, causing Stein to stop and look at her, the rest of the group following suit.

Something wasn't right, a bad feeling crept up her spine sending a shiver through her body and raising the hairs on the back of her neck.

Her eyes flash a dangerous but faint green, "Something's not right."

Before any one is able to react they are suddenly surrounded by men with guns.

"Hell again, Rip." A voice speaks. "Right on time."

"Oh shit." Erin mumbles next to Sara.

A man Erin recognizes as the one who ordered to take her away steps out of the shadows. Erin surpresses a growl, the darkness in her eyes growing and the green becoming more noticable.

"Uh, I think we've walked into a trap." Ray states matter-of-factly.

Erin rolls her eyes. No shit.

"No." The man shakes his head. "It's destiny."

"Fuck your destiny." If Erin had said it loud enough for him to hear she wouldn't have known, for he moves on without even acknowledging her.

"I must say, you've all played your parts well." His eyes scan over the group of legends, "As with everything else you've done, I'm afraid it was all for nothing."


Erin couldn't stand to hear that word.

Everything she had done in her life, it all meant nothing? She refused to believe it.

But yet again here she was, about to die, and what had she done with her life? Nothing.

Her actions all added up to a zero sum.

She hadn't done anything spectacular really. Traveled to a few places in the world and through time, killed a few people, maybe saved a few lives, but it didn't feel enough for her.

She couldn't feel it in her heart knowing she changed people's lives. Sure, she guessed it's stupid of her to think that, given the amount of things she's done with her life, but shouldn't she feel happier if she had changed so many lives?

She's interrupted from her thoughts when Rip and the man stop talking and all guns are pointed at her and her teammates.

The man left the group alone with the soldiers and their guns.

"Do we got a chance of fighting our way out if this?" Erin whispers to Sara.

Both girls keep their voices quiet as they talk. "How many knives you got?"

"Erin slightly feels around for her knives, counting as she does. "Twelve, plus two guns, a round each, you?"

"Not enough." Sara replies.

"Is it worth a try?" The sound of loading guns fills their ears.

"I guess we don't have a choice right now."

Erin slides a knife from her belt and prepares to throw it at the nearest soldier.

However, she finds her fighting skills unneeded as all the soldiers begin to fall, gun fire filling the air, but not coming from their guns, coming from above them.

When Erin looks up she unconsciously smiles at the sight of the Jump Ship.

Only one person could be operating that thing, and her suspicions are confirmed when the Jump Ship lands and a smiling Jax walks out.

"Hope I'm not too late." He says.

Martin tumbles towards him, "No, Jefferson, you're right on time."

The pair claps hands and forms Firestorm, and Erin finds herself wondering how the Time Master's hadn't seen Jax coming.

Maybe they had been too focused on the legends to be watching Jax.

She shook her head, no matter, she is just happy to have the whole team back together and all full health, like a family, and once they found Kendra, they would really be whole again.

Rip pats Firestorm on the back, saying "Good work." to something the boy had previously said.

"We need to get to the Oculus before reinforcements arrive." Rip adds.

The team begins to walk into the big building, staying out of sight as best they can.

Erin hears oncoming footsteps and rounds the corner firing two shot without second thought. The rest of the team looks from the two dead bodies up to Erin, but say nothing, already knowing that she's just this badass.

They reach the entrance to the Oculus within no time and Rip turns to face the group.

He looks between Sara and Erin, "I need you two to guard this entrance, lessen the oncoming soldiers for us."

The two girls look between each other, giving a stern nod and turning around.

The rest of the team leaves and both girls pull out their weapons.

"Do we got company?" Sara asks.

A spec of green grows in Erin's irises as she chanels her powers, listening throughout the complex.

She tunes out the voices and heartbeats of her teammates.

She imagins her travelling throughout the halls of the building, listening intently for any company that may be roaming towards them.

Loud gun fire from the room behind errupts her thoughts, but not before she could make out a few oncoming figures.

She opens her eyes and the green dissapears.

"5, maybe 6 guards, coming from our left, all armed." Erin looks at Sara with a smirk, "We can take 'em."

Sara smirks back.

She slides a knife into each hand and Erin pulls a pistol from her holster.

As if on cue, 6 soldiers round the corner guns all pointed at the two assassins.

"3 and 3." Erin cocks her head, "Seems about fair."

Without another word Sara launches a knife at the closest guard, hitting him right in the neck and most definatly severing his carotid artery.

Erin fires from her gun and hits a soldier in the shoulder.

2 down, 4 to go.

Both girls duck and roll away from each other when the guns start to blaze.

As Erin comes up from her roll she qickly props herself up on her knees, sliding a knife from her belt and launching it into the chest of another soldier.

Meanwhile, Sara had pulled out her bo staff and swept a soldiers feet from under him, bringing her staff down on his neck and winding him. This had given her enough time to plunge her other knife into his heart.

Erin glances over at Sara and smiles proudly.

She's brought back to reality when a dark figure encloses on her. She only smirks in response.

She stands from her knees and in a spilt second kicks the mans kneecap. He bends over in pain and she sends a punch to his throat which causes his hands to fly up to his neck.

He carelessly swings her way and she catches his forearm and holds it above her head as she cocks her gun again.

The barrel of her pistol squeezes into his stomach and she fire 4 times, dropping him hard on the ground for good measure.

Sara finishes off the last soldier by sending him into a wall, either killing him or knocking him unconcious.

The girls look around at the 6 bodies on the ground, smile, and rejoin eachother in the middle of the chaos.

Their moment of smiles doesn't last long as more soldiers begin to surround them.

More than they can handle.

Erin counts, 5, no 7.

Now 13.

More join them, 19.

The number keep growing until Erin can no longer count the mass of soldiers around them.

"Ya, we can't take them." Erin mumbles.

"But do you know who can..." Sara trails off and when Erin finally realizes what's she's talking about her eyes go wide.

Soldiers shout at them to drop their weapons but the girls pay no mind. "No, no, no, no. No way."

"It's out of control," Sara argues quietly. "no one and nothing else would have the momentum to take them all down."

Erin shakes her head but Sara pushes, "I'll keep you in line, i won't let you kill anyone."

The soldiers continue to yell, threatening to fire.

Erin shakes her head. "It's not the killing that bothers me, i've killed before. It's the fact that there's...there's this thing inside of me that i can't control."

The soldiers begin to cock their guns.

"Do you trust me?" Sara asks.

Erin nods her head without hesitation.

"Then trust that i'll make sure you're okay."

"Hey!" A man yells above the rest. "Stop talking and put your weapons down!"

Erin turns away from Sara and puts her hands in the air, gently dropping her gun to the floor.

She hears Sara sigh before following in her path.

Slowly, the guards walked towards them.

"Now," Erin says calmly, closing her eyes.

She smirks.

She opens her eyes and when she does they flash a dark, violent, army green.

"Let's have some fun."

A/N Hey y'all. So i spent a solid like two days debating whether or not to stop the chapter here and i finally made up my mind.

My original plan was to continue the chapter and end after the dreaded events of the Oculus. The next chapter will be short and contain... duh duh duhhhh, the dreaded part of the episode.

Anyways, sorry for the long wait, how'd you guys like this chapter?

I can enter this book into the Watty's, do you guys all think i should?

Also, i posted this two or three chapters ago but can you guys vote on which cover you like best for the new book?




That's all i got for now! Exams are happening next week so i may not be able to update for the next week or two but i'll do my best.

Over and Out Superfriends!
