Bar Fights and Decisions



"Oh, i should have mentioned it before." Rip says. "Nausea is one of the side effects of time travel."

Mick throws up.

"Along with-" Rip is inturupted by someone saying "Ah!"

"Vertigo." Hunter finishes.

Erin bends over and lets her head rest in her hands. "Erin, you okay?" She hears Sara ask.

"I can't see." Stein says.

"Temporary blindness." Rip points to Stein, then to Erin, "And very-might i add-very massive headaches."

"Oh, it should only last a minute. After all, that was a mere jaunt." Erin hears Rip say, her head punding with every word he speaks. "The further back in time you go, the worse the side effects."

"Better?" Rip asks someone- most likely Stein.

"It's all relative." Stein then replies.

"You good?" Sara asks, Erin assumes to her.

"Yeah, i'm good." Erin sits herself up again and runs her hands through her hair, clearing her mind.

"I can't believe you kidnapped me!" Jax then begins to rant.

"Hey!" He says to Rip, "I wanna go home."

"Good news then," Rip rounds the table in the middle of the room, "2016 will be around in, uh, 41 years."

"Now." Rip turns to Erin, who sits near Snart, Mick and Sara. "You four, feel free to make yourselves comfortable back here on the ship while the rest of you are coming with me to find Professor Boardman.

"Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah." Erin speaks up.

Sara finishes Erins thoughts by saying, "You're benching us? I thought we were a team."

"The mission doesn't require your particular skill set." Rip pauses, then says, "Yet."

"Meaning you don't need anyone killed, maimed, robbed or mauled to death." Snart says from behind Erins chair.

"Precisely." Rip answers the criminal.

Rip then goes to talk to Ray, but Erin doesn't pay attention to any of it, she only hears Mick yell to Ray, saying "Hey haircut, deafness wasn't one of the side effects."

"We better hurry up, Professor Boardman will die in less then 24 hours." Rip starts to explain.

Erin turns to Sara while Rip talks. "I'm going to find a room." She tells her.

"Gideon, right?" Erin asks as she roams the halls of the Waverider. "Yes, that is indeed my name, Ms. Cooper." The AI replies.

"K, You got a room for me?" She asks.

"Yes. Down the hallway and to the right." Gideon explained.

Erin said thanks to the AI and then follows her directions to a room.

Erin scopes out her room for a bit before getting bored and deciding the head back to the main room.

"Why does this stupid station play nothing but reruns?" Mick asks the group just as Erin walks in.

"Don't bother explaining." Jax says to Erin, who wasn't going to bother explaining it anyway.

"Am i the only one on this ship who could really use a drink?" Erin asks as she leans against a door frame.

"I say we go get weird in the 70's." Sara seconds.

"Excellent idea." Snart encourages, spinning around to face both girls.

"I got the perfect outfit." Sara says walking off, Erin follows saying, "I'm with her on that one."

Both girls left to get dressed, when they met back up, they are wearing practically the same thing.

"Cisco?" Both girls laugh.

The only difference between the outifts were that Erins was visibly two peices with a tight short sleeve shirt. And instead of white, like Saras, Erins was a black and dark blue outift.

The girls walk over to Snart and Mick, who had just told Jax to stay on the ship.

They roam the streets until they find a bar and walk inside.

They all gather near the jukebox while Mick goes to buy everyone a beer.

"Ah, dollar beers. Gotta love the 70's." Mick says as he walks back and hands everyone a beer. "Anybody want to listen to some Captain and Tenelle?" Mick is given strange glances so he then explains, "My mother played it, alot."

Erin takes a few sips of her beer and then sets it on the table. "Wow, you guys are really far out." Some lady smiles as she walks by the group of outcasts.

"Wanna dance Leonard?" Sara asks the criminal, while also grabbing Erins wrist to drag her to the dance floor.

"You go right ahead. I'll watch." Leonard denies Saras request.

"Not creepy at all." Erin laughs, making Snart smirk at her comment.

The two ladies begin to dance and sway their hips on the dance floor until they are inturupted by a man grabbing Saras shoulder.

"Can i help you?" Sara asks the man.

"How about you and your friend join me out in the parking lot." The man spits.

"How about no." Erin spits back, causing a death glare from the thug.

"Hmm, tempting," Sara covers for Erin, "but you're not my type." Sara looks over to the thugs lady partner, "But your lady on the other hand, well she's just my speed."

"I don't think you understood my request, bitch." The thug grabs Sara's wrist and she glares at him.

"Ohhh, wrong move buddy." Erin laughs.

The man glares daggers at Erin but before he can react to her statement he belches out a scream as Sara twists and breaks his wrist.

The man stumbles back and smashes a bottle off the bar table.

"We got this, don't worry." Erin says to the two criminals as Sara fights off the thug.

Once the thug falls to the ground, a bunch of his followers stand up to fight the two girls. "Looks like he had some friends." Sara announces.

"Team up? For old times sakes?" Erin asks the assassin.

"For old time sakes." Sara echos, smiling back.

The two stand back to back and link arms.

"Ready?" Sara asks her friend. "Ready." Erin replies.

A man charges at Erin and Erin yells, "Brace!"

Sara braces herself as Erin leans on her back and kicks the man in the head. Sara flips Erin over her back to kick a man who was charging at her.

Erin and Sara turn around to face eachother and smile. "Man, i missed the old days." Erin says.

"Duck." Sara says to Erin, who kneels down and hears Sara punch out a man who must have been behind Erin.

Erin stands back up and looks over Saras shoulder, where one last man remains, begining to charge at them.

"Use the wall?" Erin motions to the man behind Sara.

Sara nods and uses a table to jump up and over the man, who turns around to face Sara instead of Erin.

Simoutaniously, Erin sweeps the mans feet out from under him and Sara punches him, sending him to the ground knocked out.

Everybody begins to stand up from the floor, except for the unconcious ones of course.

"Now we could stand for a little help." Sara informs Snart and Rory.

Everybody joins into the fight. Mick throws somebody across the bar and yells, "I love the 70's!"

Snart throws somebody into the jukebox, killing the music. "Awe Snart, you ruined the mood." Erin says sarcastically as she punches a man out.

"Doesn't Matter paws, we gotta get out of here anyways." Snart tells her.

Erin punches out one more guy and follows Leonard out of the bar.

"Why paws?" Erin asks once they are out of the bar, while Mick and Sara go to find a car, Erin and Snart stay behind.

"The nickname?"

Erin nods her head.

"I've seen what you can do." He replies simply.

Mick pulls up with a car, Sara sitting in the front. "Get in." He tells the pair.

Leonard and Erin climb into the back and Mick begins to drive back to the ship.

Once they near the ship Erin peers over Saras seat and says, "Is someone shooting at our ship?"

"Hold on." Mick says as he hits the attacker with the car just before he could activate a grenade.

The four step out of the car, "We go out for one lousy drink and you somehow manage to pick a fight with Bobba Fett." Leonard says, charging up his cold gun.

"Ms. Cooper i need you to cover the Proffesor to the ship." Rip yells over the comotion.

Erin runs over to the one man she doesn't reconize, which must be the professor and runs alongside him as he makes his way over to the ship. Although Erin doesn't possibly know how she can cover him when she has no weapons herself.

Suddenly, a grenade goes off sending Erin and Boardman flying apart.

Everything was a blur to Erin. Her ears posessed a ringing noise and black dots clouded the edges of her vsion.

Her right hand stinged like hell but each time she looked down dizzyness came over her and her vision would blacken for just a moment.

She remeber her one job; to get the Professor to the ship, saftley.

That obviously had went down the drain by now, but Erin still knew she had to find Boardman and get him to the ship.

She rolled over to face the spot where Professor Boardman had been, and found him laying a few feet from his original position.

Erin began to sit up, pausing for a moment at a wave of dizzyness. Erin had just sat up, and was begining to stand when she saw Kendra swoop down and pick up the Professor.

Erin relaxes, knowing that Boardman isn't in her hands anymore.

Erin feels arms wrap around her and pull her to her feet. When she looks to she who it is, she sees Sara.

The two begin to run toward the ship with Sara supporting Erin.

Sara starts talking to Erin, who's ears ring over the sound of her voice.

As the ringing in Erin's ears die down the two near the Waverider.

"You know i didn't hear anything you said right?" Erin tells Sara as the run up the ramp.

"I figured it out." Sara laughs.

The two get onto the Waverider and the ramp closes behind them.

Erin leans off of Sara, giving her a break, and leans onto the wall instead.

"Professor Boardman has sustained severe internal injuries." Gideon informs the team.

"Prepare the medbay to recieve Professor Boardman." Rip shouts. He then looks over at Erin and down at her hand, "And Miss Cooper as well." He says.

Erin looks down at her hand as Rip yells something else to Gideon and the ship starts to move.

"Shit." She says as she looks down at her burned and bloodied hand.

Kendra and Carter help the Professor to the med bay and Erin walks behind them, studying her hand.

It doesn't take long for Sara to catch up with Erin and ask her, "Are you okay?"

Erin nodds her head. "Yeah, i guess. I'm just lucky i got away with only my hand that's burned."

The girls reach the medbay in time for Kendra and Carter to walk out of the room, most likeley going to talk to Rip.

Erin sits down on one of the medical beds and lets Gideon repair her hand.

"So how's everyone been? You know, since i left?" Erin asks the asassin, who takes a seat next to the bed.

"Everything's been the same, well, for the first month you were gone, we thought you were kidnapped or," Sara stutters a bit, "or dead."

Erin looked down at her feet dangling off the side of the bed.

"Then you called, and we knew you were okay but we couldn't figure out why you left." Sara finishes.

But Erin knew that Oliver had known why she left.

"I left because i couldn't risk hurting you, or the team." Erin explains.

"The night before i left, you remeber what happened, right?" Erin asks.

Sara nods her head, "That was the night i tried to free myself from the leauge, and took the venom."

"When i walked in, and saw you," Gideon finishes healing Erins hand, so she moves it to her lap and continues. "I lost it. I lost control and i almost killed Nyssa. And-and when Ollie stood up from giving you a cure, he tried to stop me and i almost mauled him to death. If you hadn't woken up, i-i might have killed them both." Erin explains at the brink of tears.

"Come here." Sara pulls Erin into a hug, letting Erin cry on her shoulder saying "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have left."


Sara walked off to the main room while Erin went off to change.

Once she had changed into a comfortable pair of jeans and a t-shirt, Erin went to join the others.

She walks into the main room just in time to see Sara punch Rip. "Will you people please stop hitting me!" He pleads.

"Then start telling the truth." Sara angrily speaks to him.

"The truth about what?" Erin asks from the doorframe, walking toward the group, her arms crossed.

"Cappy here lied about being a time master." Snart tells Erin.

"I relinqushed my position as a Time Master when i commandeered the Waverider. Chronos was clearly sent to bring me in. "

"You lied to us." Erin says with anger lacing her voice.

"Of course i lied to you. I needed your help and you all barley said yes as it was." Rip explains.

"So what about the legends part?" Jax asks hopefully.

"Ooh, you lied about that too, didn't you?" Snart speaks up, making Erin take a step closer to the Captain.

"I chose you all because, a hundred years from now, your lives have minimal effect on the recorded timeline. I needed your help without disturbing the history of 2166." Rip explains to all of them. Earning himself a very angry glare and clenched fists left at the sides of Erin.

"So we're like the opposite of legends?"

"Give me one good reason why we shouldn't kill you." Mick growled.

"Ditto the arsonist." Stein added.

"I'm with him." Erin motions her head towards Mick.

"Because Gideon wouldn't listen to your commands and you'd be stuck here forever." Rip explians to the group.

Erin walks up and punches Rip.

"What was that one for!" Rip exclaims, holding his cheek.

"That's because i can't kill you, not yet at least." Erin says back.

"I didn't lie about the mission itself." Rip defends himself, "Or the brutality and ruthlessnes of Savage. Or my need for your help."

"I don't imagine you're the kind of guy who quits his job and takes on this kind of threat for altruistic reasons, so Rip, why don't you tell us: What did Vandal Savage to do you?" Asks Ray.

Rip sighs and a grim expression covers her face leading Erin to believe that she knows exactly where this conversation is going.

"The Time Masters discourage marriage. They urge against procreation even more. A Time Master should be free of any personal entanglements that might compromise him. But i fell in love, and we had a child."

Yep, Erin knew exactly where this was heading.

"A boy. Jonas."

"Savage killed your family." Ray beats her to saying it.

"He slaughtered my family. And thousands of other families. And that body that i swore an oath to serve turned a blind eye, they continue to turn a blind eye. I won't." Everyone stares at Rip in shock as he continues talking.

"The last thing that my child saw in this world was that monster's face, you can be damn well sure that when Savage dies, the last face he sees will be mine. I understand, given the circumstances, if you wish to return home. We can make the jump once the repairs are done, if and when Proffesor Boardman stabalizes." Rip tells everyone.

Erin was left speechless, and she suddenly felt bad for punching the Time Master.

"I think we all need a little time to consider our options." Stein speaks for the group.

Everyone files out of the room one by one, but Erin remains behind.

"You're not going to punch me again, are you?" Rip stares at her.

"No." Erin looks at the floor, then back up at Rip, "I actually wanted to say sorry for punching you."

Rip laughs a small, almost sarcastic, laugh. "Yes well, i believe you still stand by your point that i did indeed deserved it." He says.

Erin nods her head.

"Well then," Rip states "I guess you should go join the rest of your friends, nothing more to be said here."

Erin nods her head once again, "Nothing more." She repeats quietly.

Erin walks out of the main room and into a cargohold- type room.

As she walks through the door, a lazer beam shoots right infront of her and she hops back in suprise.

"Watch it!" Mick yells at Ray, who accidently fired one of the lazers from his suit.

"Sorry." He mumbles back.

Ray sets down the peice of the suit as Erin takes a seat next to Sara.

"What's the point of us even giving this a second thought?" Rays question directed at the group. "Rip's already seen the future. He knows exactly what's in store for each of us. Might as well just stayed dead 'cause the world doesn't need any of us."

Ray motions to Sara, "You're just a lost assasin." He then looks to Erin, "You're just a meta with claws. And you're just a pair of good for nothin criminals." Ray directs at Snart and Mick.

"I can live with that." Mick responds.

"Well i can't." Ray responds, and Erin practically rolls her eyes as she sees the big 'we're gonna change our future' speech coming.

"I can't live with someone putting a cap on my destiny. I spent my whole life working to become something greater by becoming something smaller, then some guys comes along and tells me that being the Atom is as insignificant as an actual atom." Ray complains.

"That's not what he said." Sara tells Ray, and Erin finishes for Sara, "Rip says that in his future we're nobodies, but this mission is about changing the future."

"I mean, if we have the power to change the world, don't you think we have the power to change our own fate?" Sara asks.

"I think we shape our future how we want." Erin pitches in.

"For better or for worse." Snart looks in the direction of both girls.

Erin gets up and leaves the conversation, she explores the ship some more and eventually rounds back to the control room, where Rip was giving a speech to the team.

"Chronos, even Vandal won't be the only enemy we face. Very often it will be time itself." Rip explains.

"Whether it wants to happen or not, we're gonna change time, erase Savage, and earn our rightful place in history." Ray tells him.

"I'm down with that." Erin speaks to the group, alerting them of her presense.

"Dr. Palmer is correct." Stein speaks up, "We may not be legends in your time, Captain, but we are going to decide pur own fates."

"I don't give a damn about being a legend, as long as we end Savage once and for all." Kendra talks.

"I can get down with that." Jax says from his place beside Martin.

"And our malcontents?" Rip asks the criminals.

"I like killing people." Mick responds. "We're in, for now." Snart clears up.

"So how do we find this guy?" Ray eagarly asks Hunter.

"Proffessor Boardman had a theory about that." Is the reply. "I've already had Gideon plot a course."

"Anchors away Captain." Erin jokes as they all take a seat. She recieves an amused look from Sara and an annoyed look from Rip.

"What?" Erin defends herself, "You do call yourself a Captain, don't you?"

Jax tries not to laugh, "She's got a point, man."

Rip rolls his eyes and turns his chair around to navigate the ship toward their next mission.

A/N: I still haven't figured out a schedule for publishing so i'm probably just gunna post a chapter whenever i feel like it.

Anyway, how was that? Did you guys like it?

I can make the chapters shorter or longer if you guys want.

Sadly, the next chapter was definatly way too long so i split it into two chapters that will be posted within the same week if eachother. Most likely next week.

That's all i have to say, happy Supergirl night to those of you who watch it! Go check out my rant book too please, i'll be ranting about tonights episode!

Please leave comments and suggestions, i love it when you guys do!

Over and Out Superfriends!
