Ant-Man 2.0


//ANT-MAN 2.0\\

"Just one more driveway to shovel then we can go to the store, okay?" She told her younger sister.

The two little girls were walking down the street in their snow suits with two shovels in their hands.

They had already pocketed $20 from shovelling snow off the driveways of their neighbours.

Considering the size of the driveways and the age of the girls their neighbours had given them $10 for their work.

"$10 more then we can go to the comic book store?" The young one beamed with excitement.

The older girl smiled back, "Yep."

"Vandal Savage has a daughter?" Ray asks in disbelief.

Martin sighs, "Apperently it's true, there is a lid for every pot."

Jax, who is sitting in a chair, speaks up. "And this lid is gonna be very upset when he finds out we took his pot."

Every one stares at Jax and Erin puts her hand over her mouth and cover up a laugh.

Jax realizes what he said and looks at the team as if they were the most immature people in the world, "You know what I mean."

"So what's the problem?" Ray asks the group who were all sitting around Rip's office. "It's not like we're on Savage's Christmas card list."

Erin nods her head in agreement and then Kendra, who's standing to her left, speaks up "And we got the bracelet."

"You're welcome by the way." Snart smirks.

Rip then states the obvious. "We need to weaponize it before Savage realizes that it and his daughter are both missing."

"Actually, I think I may have figured that out." Kendra turns to Mick. "But I'm gonna need you to burn something for me."

"About damn time." Mick grumbles, sipping on his beer.

Erin spreads her legs out straight in front of her on the floor and leans her head against the door frame of Rip's office. "We still need to figure out what we're gonna do with our new guest."

"She's seen us and the ship." Sara points out, crossing her arms, "If she runs back to Savage we're giving him a huge advantage."

Mick's gruff voices joins in on the conversation. "So we make her our advantage. We send Papa Savage a finger and we keep sending 'em 'till he puts his own head on the chopping block."

The group just stares at him until Martin shakes his head. "That is a positively lurid idea."

Erin stares at the professor, "Did you just say positively?" She asks him.

He quickly acknowledges her question by nodding his head. He then puts his attention back on Rory, "I know we're in the midst of a war but can't we at least maintain our honour?"

Mick laughs and everybody knows his answer before he even says it.

"I'd rather maintain my life professor."

"Okay wait." Erin grabs the groups attention.

"If she is Savage's daughter then she would know the details of his defence." Sara clues in to what Erin is saying and adds on "We just have to figure out how to get the details out of her."

Snart turns on his heels and begins to walk away from the group with the simple statement of "I'm on it."

The team watches him retreat, not even daring to ask how he's going to handle it.

The group then begins to disperse. Stein walks out of the room as Kendra follows him, only to stop Sara for a few seconds to speak.

When Kendra leaves Sara turns to Erin and says "I'm going to go help Kendra with her idea, you okay to be by yourself?"

With a quick nod and a reassuring smile Sara is walking out of the room as well, leaving Jax, Ray, Rip, Erin and Mick, who seems to just want everyone to shit up and drink beers.

Mick wanders over to a chair where he sits down to continue drinking his beer.

While Jax and Ray move to the centre console, Rip and Erin opt to stay in the formers office.

A quiet alarm of some sorts starts slowly beeping and Rip's head shoots up from the book he was staring at.

He waves his hand, telling Gideon to cut the alarm as he swiftly moves over to Ray and Jax.

"What is it Gideon?" He asks the AI.

"I have finished hacking the spy satellite that Mr. Palmer requested."

All eyes, except for Mick's, fall to Ray.

He sheepishly smiles. "I had Gideon hack into a defunct spy satellite to give us a birds eye view of the attack on the rebel camp."

Erin suddenly becomes intrigued. "Rebel camp?" She asks as she nears the group.

Rip nods his head before telling her "They're the resistance, the people against Savage."

Erin nods her head but doesn't say another word as to let the team look at the photo in silence.

Ray seems to stare at the picture, squinting his eyes before they widen. "Oh my God." He gasps.

Erin is suddenly on her feet and moving towards the group. "What is it?" She asks before anyone else can.

"Come look at this."

Ray gathers the group around him, well, almost all of them. Mick stays where he is before he suddenly realizes something. His gruff voice speaks up "Well shit, I was suppose to go burn something for Bird Lady."

The group stares at him while he casually walks out and then turns their attention back to the picture Gideon has pulled up for them.

Ray rotates the picture onto a small angle to give his team a better view of what he can see. "Squint your eyes a little and tell me what that looks like to you."

When Erin squints her eyes all she can see is a blob of brown dirt and a few blurry spots, she can't make out anything other than a blurry blob.

"Doesn't it kind of look like" Jax cuts Ray off as he recognizes something.

"A footprint?"

"Exactly!" Ray exclaims.

The moment Jax points it out the shape becomes a little more clear to Erin. She can see the outline of a big bootprint surrounding the destroyed camp and crumbling everything within it. Erin didn't know what did this, but whatever it was she knows it's something big. Another realzation dawns on Erin.

"If this thing came for that Rebel Camp, does that mean..." She trails off in a slight state of horror while Rip finishes her thought, "It willl come for the other ones."

Jax is suddenly walking off and Erin doesn't have the mental strength to even think about what that boy is going off to do.

The rest sit in silence for a few moments before Erin sits herself in a chair and asks the Captain a question. "Do you think it'll come for us?"

Rip hesitates for a moment as he thinks.

He finally answers her question by saying "We have his daughter, I have a dreading feeling we will be one of the first people Savage sends this weapon after."

A feeling of dread settles into Erin's stomach and she is instantly standing and jogging through the halls to find her love.

She passes Mick who is walking the opposite way of her and guesses he just came from bring wherever Kendra is. Where Kendra is means that Sara must be close by.

Erin slows her jog as she reaches the cargo bay where she can hear two girls talking.

Their words are inaudible until Erin nears the door and hears Kendra say "raided the Markham Asylum."

A small girl with dark brown hair cries.

"It was terrible in there."

She's feeling a sense of loss. No, longing.

"It was filled with all children."

Her bangs stick to her forehead due to the sweat forming all over her body.

"What we saw in there,"

She's all alone. She just wants her Majka.

"It's what made us want to start saving people."

Her Majka?

Erin is suddenly stumbling and crashing into the wall, a boom echoing through the empty hallway.

She uses the bar to hold herself up, steadying onto her feet before both girls cautiously come out into the hallway. Erin is balanced on her two feet when they meet eyes.

"Sorry, I tripped." Erin lets out a laugh, "I was actually just coming to get you guys. We have a problem."


The ship shakes like an earthquake as the three girls enter the bridge.

"What the hell is happening?" Sara exclaims as she grips onto the wall for stability.

"Whatever it is it's getting closer." Erin fears as she looks at Gideon's radar displayed on the centre console.

A big green dot is approaching the centre of the radar where the Waverider sits like a duck. "We can't outrun it, we're going to have to fight it." Their Captain says before determinedly running out of the bridge leaving the three girls alone and confused.

The trio tosses confusing looks to one another as they aren't really sure what to do.

Ray is jogging in the room as he asks "What's happening?"

Rip seems to enter right after Ray as he takes his place in his Captain's chair and screams "It appears Savage has come for his baby girl."

"Oh boy." Erin mumbles.

"I suggest you all strap yourselves in." Rip offers before sliding his harness down over his shoulders and turning to face the controls.

Gideon's voices comes over the commands, "The last of the refugees are on board Captain."

Erin looks to the ceiling in confusion as if to question what Gideon just said. She quickly realizes that the pair of criminals and the nuclear superheroes aren't among them and she is about to question it but Rip speaks to the AI before she can.

"Gideon, external floodlights to maximum."

The nuclear pair is suddenly joining the team and taking their seats as Rip flies them up into the air. Before Stein sits down they are coming face to face with a robot and Stein's mouth hangs open, "That's,"

He seems as a loss for words before sitting down and saying "Incredible."

The robot is a giant green machine that glows radiantly. Erin notices the atomic symbol on both it's forehead and its chest as Rip is yelling at Gideon to fire blasts at the thing.

It's long, glowing green arm comes around to swipe at the Legends but instead grabs a hold of the ship. Everyone jolts to the left when its hand makes contact with the metal ship.

"What's Incredible is that we're gonna become a frisbee for a giant robot thing!" Erin yells over the sounds of blasts as the robot seems to wind up.

The blasts fired by Gideon seem to have no effect as the robot launches them spinning through the sky.

Erin resists the urge to scream as the team is thrown around in their seats, their bodys colliding back and forth in their restraints.

When the ship lands everything in Erin's vision goes black.


Shuffling causes Erin to open her eyes. She flinches and closes them quickly when a spark ignites infront of her.

"Gideon, what's our status?" A deep voices commands.

Erin opens her eyes once again to find Sara beside her. The blonde groans and lifts up her restraints as she says "I'm gonna go with 'lousy'."

Erin's lips release a grunt as she throws her restraints over top of her head and immediately regrets her actions as her ribs begin to ache.

Rip begins to speak and is cut off by Gideon but Erin is too busy to pay attention.

She silently checks Sara over, her eyes glazing over the blondes body checking for any visible injuries.

When Erin finds none she releases a sigh which she immediately regrets because her ribs begin to ache even more.

Slowly and carefully Erin lifts her shirt up to reveal a big, purple bruise forming on her side right over top of her ribs. When she looks up her eyes meet Sara's, who looks at her with concerning eyes. Erin shrugs it off and waves her hand as to say it's nothing while she lets her shirt fall back over the bruise.

Sara's eyes linger for a moment longer before they avert towards Snart who walks in and asks the question "What the hell happened?"

"It appears we've encountered Savages mega weapon." Stein alerts the criminal.

"Yeah and it kicked our ass."

Erin tries her best to hold in the small laugh at Jax's comment but her attempt fails as she ends up covering her hand with her mouth to stifle the laugh that makes her ribs ache.

"Gideon, how much time do we have?" Rip asks the AI as Snart leaves the room again.

Erin is confused until the AI answers, stating "I estimate the robot should be here within the hour."

She then adds on "Our propulsion engine was severely damaged in the crash and is no longer functioning."

"So where does that leave us?" Erin asks to nobody in particular. She stands from her seat and joins Sara's side with the rest of the group at the centre console.

Rip thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers with an idea. "All right, our only option is to take the jump ship and try and outrun it.

Jax is quick to shoot down his idea as he says "The jump ship seats seven. The cargo bay's filled with refugees."

Erin lets her brows furrow and expresses her confusion. Refugees? When Jax and Stein ran out is that what they did? Was collect all of the people from the Rebel camp and bring them on board? That leaves them with few options. They can't take the jump ship, which wouldn't fit the full team either way but they could have managed a few people. They can't run on foot, they can't outrun a giant 300 and some-odd metre tall robot. They would be dead in seconds.

So many options, so many possibilities. But as Erin plays them out in her head they all end with thousands of people dead, her teammates and her included.

They could stay and fight the robot, but how are nine tiny people suppose to fight one big robot. She supposes they could pull something from Star Wars or a superhero movie but she has to be real, this isn't some tv show or movie or book. If it was there would be aliens flying through the sky battling the robot like it was nothing and always having a happy ending at the end. But there's no happy endings where Erin comes from.

And so she's back to square one, no way out unless it's in a body bag.

Erin was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice Martin collapse due to a piece of glass stuck in his abdomen.

She also didn't notice Sara call her name until a hand was on her shoulder giving her a small shake.

Erin's eyes blink a few times to clear her head before she faces Sara with a small smile.

"Sorry." She apologizes. "I was thinking of ways we could get out of this."

Not having the heart to tell Erin she missed her new friend getting hurt, Sara just simply asks "Any ideas?"

Erin shakes her head "Depends how you feel about body bags."

"Eh," Sara shrugs. "They're getting old, they don't even give you pillows."

Erin lets a small laugh escape from her lips, letting herself forget the danger for a moment and just laugh with Sara.

Her laugh only goes on for one second and then the two are left in silence as Rip works on fixing the ship.

Sparks still fly and Rip pulls back every once in a while when he shocks himself with something.

"How are repairs coming?" Ray asks as he comes in next to Jax.

Erin tries not to look guilty or surprise at the fact that she hadn't noticed either of them had left. It is now that Erin also realizes Stein isn't with them, but she doesn't question it because the group is now in a discussion of what they need to do.

"The ship is crippled!" Rip suddenly snaps. "Everyone on board is as dead as my family."

He huffs in frustration as he receives another shock from the wires he's trying to price back together. Slumping his shoulders he drops his tools and gives up on trying to fix the ship.

Ray looks at him with something Erin can guess is pity. "Look, I know that you think the universe wants them dead but I don't, i don't believe in fate. I believe in choices. And we can choose. We can choose to fight, even if the fight may be futile. We can save your family Rip."

Something small sparks in Erin's chest and she lets the feeling of hope settle in.

"It's not impossible." Ray adds. "All we have to do is kill Vandal Savage,"

Rip cuts him off. "The chances which appear to be fading."

Snart walks through the door and towards the group.

He's the one to start talking now. "Not anymore."

"I figured out how to do it." Kendra adds in, referring to her idea of killing Savage.

Snart speaks up again, coming to stand between Kendra and Mick, who seems to have joined in as well. "My new bestie and I can get us in."

Ray suddenly smiles. "And I think I've got a way to stop the giant robot that's coming to kill us."

Erin smiles at the group, things are finally coming together and there may be a way out of this after all.

Erin's smile seems to spread to their captain as well.

"Now you, Mr. Palmer may not believe in fate."
Their captain says his little speech. "But I do. And perhaps it was fate that compelled me to bring you eight together so we can change this future once and for all."

The group nods their heads and, as if reading each other's minds, all decide to split off and go towards where they are needed.

As Erin walks with Sara to fight Savage, Ray steps infront of them and stares at Erin.

"I could really use your help with my idea." He almost pleas.

Erin quickly looks at Sara but already knows the blonde's reaction. "Of course, I'd be happy to help." Erin smiles at him.

Erin plants a soft, quick kiss onto Sara's cheek before the two go their separate ways.

Erin follows Ray over to Jax where he asks for the young man's help as well.

Jax nods his head and agrees to meet them outside before running off to some place unknown.

"So," Erin begins as the two walk down the hallway towards the doors. "what exactly are you planning on doing?"

"Something big." Ray replies simply, causing Erin to nod her head. "Or," he pauses. "Tearing myself in half if things go wrong."

Erin's eyes go wide before she sarcastically responds "Ou exciting."

Ray makes one stop in an area Erin's never seen before. It appears to be a lab of some sorts filled with futuristic equipment and even some modern day looking things.

Ray slips into his Atom suit and grabs a few things, giving some of them to Erin so she can help carry them.

Her and Ray are soon marching out with wires and boxes of things.

They meet Jax outside, a little ways away from the ship and the group gets to work.


The ground shakes a little as the robot gets closer.

"Sounds like it's getting closer." Ray voices Erin's own thoughts.

She connects a tube to a space in Ray's suit as he asks the pair "How's it goin back there?"

"You tell me." Jax breathes as he connects a few more things, "This is your nutso idea."

Ray shrugs, as if it's simply nothing. "It's not that nutso when you consider the theoretical possibility that siphoning power from the auxiliary time drive should provide enough power to rehearse the polarity of the dwarf star matrix."

"Sorry man, I'm falling asleep back here." Erin laughs at Jax's comment while placing the last wire in place above Ray's shoulder.

"Okay, i think we're done." Erin says while she runs over everything to make sure she's right.

When she's certain that everything is in place her and Jax step back to look at Ray.

"You know, if this doesn't work out," Ray cuts the other boy off, "I'll turn every cell in my body inside out?"

Jax cuts back in "I was gonna go with 'die' but yeah."

Erin looks at the man who's risking his life, "You know we could have just taken the jumpship and gone but we're doing this to save everybody on the ship."

Jax nods along before adding in "You're the real hero, Ray."

Ray nods his head and then ushers them away from him, telling them to move back.

When the pair takes only a few steps back he sighs, "No. like way back."

The duo turns and runs a few yards away before turning back in anticipation.

Erin tries to contain her excitement as she almost squeals, "This is just like Ant-Man!"

Jax tosses her a funny look and Erin only shrugs in response. "What? I read a lot of comics as a kid."

"All right." Ray's voice comes over the coms that the two are wearing. "Here we go."

Suddenly Ray is growing and growing and growing just as the green robot comes into view a few miles away.

All three of them cheers in astonishment at the fact that Ray is now thousands of times bigger than he was moments ago.

"It worked!" A now giant Ray exclaims. "I'm not dead! Yet."

Jax and Erin rush back to this ship as the robot gets closer and closer to them. The pair end up in the bridge where they can monitor Ray's vitals and the fight at the same time.

"Okay, let's do this. Okay." Ray continues to whisper encouragement to himself and Erin can swear she hears Ray tell himself that he's the boss.

"Ray, you can do this." Jax tells him.

Ray and the robot begin to run towards each other.

Although Ray is visibly taller than the robot it doesn't mean that the robot doesn't put up a hell of a fight.

The two collide in the middle and both thier hands go to the others shoulder in an attempt to wrestle the other one down.

The robot pulls back one fist and swings at Ray who ducks to dodge it.

Ray brings his knee up and collides it with the robot once, then twice, then three times before the robot pushes Ray back causing him to stumble.

"Stop wrestling with him dude!" Jax says. "You got laser blasters too!"

From the screen Erin can almost see the look of realization on Ray's face.

Being the smart guy he is, Ray corrects Jax by saying "Actually, they're compressed light beams."

Jax shakes his head "Whatever they are, just hit him with them!"

Ray sticks his hand out to the oncoming robot and shoots a laser beam at it, sending it onto it's back a few hundred feet away.

"Yeah!" "That's what I'm talking about!" Both Erin and Jax cheer.

The robot gets back up and dodges the next laser blast that comes its way.

It begins running towards Ray who hits it with a blast and sends it to its knees.

"I could get use to this!" Ray says proudly.

The robot gets back up and manages to dodge another laser before charging at Ray knocking him down with a hard punch across the jaw and a kick to his chest.

Ray spins and lands face down on the ground a few yards from the robot and he seems to be unmoving.

"Ray?" Erin says worryingly.


Both Jax and Erin share a worried look as they realize their friend might not be getting up.

The robot begins to make its way towards Ray and the two hurriedly try to wake the Boy Scout.

"Ray, you gotta get up."

"Come on Ray."

"Get up."

Jax is the one to speak as he says "Rememeber you told Rip you didn't believe in fate, only choices."

The robot continues to close in.

"Well, you got a choice to make right now."

The robot is so close that it will reach Ray within seconds.

"You got to choose to get up and fight. You got to choose to live."

Within moments the blue superhero is standing back on his feet while the two inside the Waverider let out sighs of relief.

The two outside run towards each other at a full sprint.

At the last minute before they collide, Ray ducks and goes low, striking his entire body against the robots stomach, sending them to the ground and sliding through the mud.

Ray lifts his giant fist up and punches the robot as they come to a sliding stop. The robot attempts to block the next punch but is defenceless as the next punch strikes it's head.

Ray grabs the torso of the robot and rolls onto his back to throw it away. The robot seems to go higher in the air then he does distance wise and Ray gets to his feet just as the robot crashes to the ground. Ray walks towards the robot and picks it up by the head as it struggles against Ray's grasp. Ray's other hand grabs onto the robots shoulder as he rips its head off with his bare hands. Ray lets go if it's shoulder and throws it's head off to the side as if what he had just did was nothing.

The robot struggles to find where it's head went before it collapses on the ground, the glowing fading into a normal dark green as the robot lays lifeless in the middle of the field.

"Wo!" Erin cheers.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Jax adds in.

Ray shrinks back to his normal size as he doubles over and pants.

"Damn that was amazing." He tells them before panting a little more. "But let's not do that anytime soon again."

Jax and Erin find themselves smiling at each other, happy that everyone, including themselves and Ray, are safe.

Ray seems to make it back on the ship just as the others do.

Erin awaits in the hallway near the bridge, waiting to hear the good news from Sara that Savage is dead.

Instead, she hears "Carter's alive and brainwashed and Kendra spared Savage in hopes of getting Carter back."

Erin's hopes fall, practically running away at the news that Savage is alive and on the ship, and the one person who can kill him refuses to do it.

Erin sighs and throws her hands up in frustration. "This is just great!" She exclaims sarcastically.

The two walk into the bridge and find most of the team in Rip's office. As they walk up the steps Mick hands them both a glass of some type of alcohol and says "Mission almost accomplished."

Mick takes a sip and Rip puts his hand out in protest, "That bottle of Scotch was given to me by Ron Roy MacGregor in 1689."

Mick looks at the bottle in his hands, "It's not half bad." He shrugs.

The look on Rip's face suddenly makes Erin feel guilty so she hands her drink to Mick who finishes the drink in one swift motion.

"We should be toasting to Savage's death." Snart huffs out angrily.

Kendra is quick to bring up Carter as she says "Apart from celebrating murder, Savage still has Carter brainwashed."

"Murdering Savage was always the plan." Erin points out, not keen on taking sides.

Mick then takes another swing of the scotch and grumbles "Besides, Carter reincarnates, which is more than I can say about any of us." Erin feels as if she needs to speak up so she says "Savage is a threat to everyone."

"So we just murder Savage and leave Carter a mindless drone?" Kendra asks in disbelief to which Mick answers "Yes."

Jax and Ray walk into the room side by side as Ray says "Sorry we're late, but we found something."

Thankful to avoid an argument Erin turns her attention to the two men, one of them holding a tablet.

"We've been running diagnostics on Ray's suit after his battle with Savage's Rock 'em Sock 'em robot." Jax explains.

Ray then goes on to explain "The telemetry data included a comparative scan of the robots tech." He turns the tablet around to show the group and Stein stares at it in fascination. "Amazing." He comments. "This neuromorphic profile is astonishingly futuristic."

"Well, ya, it's from 2166." Erin comments obviously.

"Well that's the thing." Jax cuts into Ray's comment, "It's not."

When Jax doesn't continue Ray speaks up again. "This technology's light years more advanced than anything from 2166."

"Who cares." Snart states.

But Stein seems to get at what the two men are saying. "The Time Master's." He clues in. "They refused to take action against Savage because he didn't pose a threat to the timeline. But if he comes into possession of future technology," he trails off only for Rip to continue, "It means he's been engaging in exactly the same manipulation of time that the Time Council were designed to prevent."

"So they'll finally sign off on the undoing of all the damage Savage has done to the world." Erin quips in, getting the memo.

Mick decides to bring the group down, but actually brings up a good point. "Last time I checked, the Time Master's were at the edge of time, and this bucket of bolts can barley hold it together as it is."

The group moved to the bridge, following their captain as he asks "Gideon, what's the status of the Time Drive?"

"Stable, Captain."

Their Captain looks at the team as if to say 'I told you so.' before turning around and instructing Gideon. "Plot a course for the Vanishing Point."

He turns back to face the team once more.

"Tonight, Vandal Savage faces justice for his crimes."

A/N Ta da! A super long chapter!

Did you know that Ray's fight with the robot was actually inspired by the Ant-Man comics? I thought I would throw something in there about it. Also did anyone catch my Civil War reference to Ant-Man in there??

Sorry if you guys don't like the really long chapters I write to distract myself so this one turned out pretty long.

Anyways, any questions about the future of this book or Erin's future or anything at all?

Less than ten more chapters till this book is over:(

I'll leave you on that sad note.

Over and Out Superfriends!
