The three of them got down on the ground, watching as Seth and Sara continued to be tested on. Charlotte-Mae looked from the window, trying to see if anything was there that could be used, her eyes landing on the white suits the men were wearing.

Coincidentally, there were three.

Jack, Alex and Charlotte-Mae wore the suits, the doors opening to let them through, allowing then to walk down a hallway to the testing room and Jack walked right in and hit one guy in the helmet, using a test machine to knock him out. A second guy came to help his colleague, but was knocked to the ground by Alex running forward and kicking him, the teen removing her suit. Immediately, Charlotte-Mae went to Seth, Alex went to Sara as Jack got ready to fight,

"Seth?" Charlotte-Mae called out, light tapping his cheeks

One man ran over with a baton, hitting Charlotte-Mae in the back of her knees, causing them to buckle, a yell emitting from her. She quickly stood on her feet, thrusting her palm into his chest, causing him to fly back, shattering the glass wall as he went through. Alex pulled out a tube that let out white steam and sprayed it over a third guy as Charlotte-Mae continued to try to wake the siblings, but nothing worked, causing her to look over to the machines. She ran over to them as Jack grabbed a stool and slammed it into a man, causing him to fo flying through the glass as well. Jack and Alex removed their helmets and continued to get the siblings out of their restraints as Charlotte-Mae tried looking for something to deactivate the sedatives they had been given.

"What is it?" Jack asked, working on Sara's restraints

"Some sort of Anesthetic" Charlotte-Mae replied

"Can you fix it?" Alex asked

"Easy" she replied, beginning to play with the machine, moving some of the small tubing around "if green is oxygen, then . . ."

"We got to hurry, we got to hurry" Jack said and continued to struggle with the locks

A sound of achievement emitted from Charlotte-Mae, turning to look at the siblings, Seth's eyes snapping open as he took in a deep breath,

"Seth!" Charlotte-Mae said happily, running over to him

His eyes focused on her, a smile forming on his lips as his wrists phased through the metal cuffs, sitting up, catching Charlotte-Mae as she wrapped her arms around him,

"Mae" he said, holding her close

"We're going to get out of here" She assured

Jack and Alex ripped off their monkey-suits, the five of them running back the way they came, through hallway after hallway until they came to a small hatch, Jack looked through the square window on it and opened it. He gestured to Charlotte-Mae, causing her to go first, Seth following, then Sara, the two adults following quickly after. Seth looked at his device and pointed straight ahead,

"It's over there" He informed

Jack walked past him and waited for two scientists to walk past them on metal platform above them, then beckoned for them to follow. The five of them slowly made their way to the stairs, to the platform that the scientists were just walking on and once they got there, they hid behind some boxes and looked over at a spaceship, causing a smile to form on Charlotte-Mae's lips.

"We have to hurry" Seth said, looking at Jack

"Well, tell them that" He replied, gesturing to the other scientists

"Good idea" Alex said and began to walk down the steps again, grabbing a spare lab coat that was sitting there

Jack watched in bewilderment, running after her,

"Wait!" Jack whispered

He stopped when Alex threw her jacket at him,

"Excuse me!" She called out, causing everyone to turn to her, "do you not hear the alarms? Work in this sector is to cease immediately. We have off-the-chart readings of sodium hypochlorite, xenon, hydrazine, and you don't even want to know how bad the gamma radiation is. But you're gonna have to do some serious, and I mean serious, scrubbing down." 

"Who are you?" One man asked her

"Who am I?" She asked "who am I? I'll tell you who I am. I am your worst nightmare at a court-martial, soldier. Now, you can either do as your told, or I can go tell Henry Burke you disobeyed his direct orders. Your call. Choose wisely"

The scientists evacuate the sector minutes later,

"Nice going Doctor" Charlotte-Mae smirked as she passed her, earning a small chuckle

Seth, Sara and Charlotte-Mae walked up the the hem of the ship, Seth placing his device onto it, causing the bottom ring of the ship to light up, the engine started and the doors opened. The three of them walked over to the two adults, who looked at the ship in awe as a bright white light formed from the door to the ground, Seth taking Charlotte-Mae's hand and leading her on it with Sara, Jack and Alex following. They made it halfway up, freezing when they heard the sounds of guns cocking, causing them to turn around,

"Thank you!" Burke said "we were having a hard time figuring that part out!"

Seth immediately put his arm out in front of Charlotte-Mae, Sara was put behind Jack as he stepped forward,

"Jack" Alex said

"A brave but empty gesture, Mr. Bruno" Burke said

"They're just kids" Jack shot back

Seth suddenly stepped forward and stood beside Jack, taking his hand, Charlotte-Mae didn't hesitate to follow his lead and intertwined their hands together as Sara stepped forward and grasped Jack's other hand, Alex taking hers. The five of them stood together, glaring at the men in front of them, who were ready to open fire, and they did. Jack and Alex ducked from the bullets, Seth, Sara and Charlotte-Mae standing tall, the bullets making contact with their bodies, but not piercing them, a smirk forming on her lips as a white ring formed around then inner part of her iris,

"Hold your fire!" Burke shouted "hold your fire!"

Alex and Jack checked themselves for any injuries but found none, their eyes widening when they saw the slugs in front of them, looking around as a sudden gush of wind surrounded them,

"Sara, is this you?" Jack asked

"It is not my doing, Jack Bruno" Sara replied, a smile on her lips

His eyes trailed over to Charlotte-Mae, who was slowly raising her free hand, noticing the wind growing stronger. She threw her hand to her side, causing the bullets to shoot straight into the wall, Burke's eyes widening. Suddenly, a huge explosions went off behind them, causing everyone to duck again, Charlotte-Mae turning her head, her eyes widening,

The Siphon

"Go!" Jack yelled "run!" causing them to turn, running inside the ship

"Get inside!" Alex yelled

They heard the screams of the men, the blasts from the Siphon's guns, Seth and Sara sat in the pilots and copilots seat, Alex looking around in amazement,

"Cool"  She said

"We gotta get this thing up in the air" Jack said "let's go!" the siblings started it up

Holograms appeared, making absolutely no sense to Alex and Jack, but making perfect sense to Seth, Sara and Charlotte-Mae,

"Come on" Jack said, losing his patience

The ship tilted a bit which probably meant the stands were destroyed,

"Activate the shields" Sara commanded

"Power's at twenty-five percent and increasing" Charlotte-Mae replied, looking at the screens

The ship was lifted and bumped slightly into the roof, which slightly jolted those who were standing, causing them to quickly find seats and buckle in,

"You do know how to fly this thing right?" Jack asked them

"How do you think we got here?" Seth asked, paying attention to the holograms in front of him

"You crashed, remember?" Jack shot back
