His Poems: Dark Cupid

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"In most fairytales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell me why?" Miss Bustier asks although I don't pay attention as my gaze lands on Adrien who is scribbling something on a piece of paper.

"Because only love can conquer hate~," Rose who sits two rows behind me says making me smile. I notice that Adrien is still distracted.

"Adrien, I hope what you're writing has something to do with my lesson. Can you tell me what I just said?"

Adrien answers her question smoothly in a monotone way which makes me sigh in relief.


"Very good, Adrien." She says with a satisfied smile. The bell rings making me look at Alya and Marinette, "Now, don't forget to read 'Sleeping Beauty' by Charles Perrault and Happy Valentines Day, students" Miss Bustier wishes us as I turn to them, "U-Um, You guys go ahead, I'll meet you guys outside..." I say and then look at Adrien who looks put down by his writing, I raise an eyebrow as he does.

He sighs and throws that piece of paper into the waste bin before walking out. I sigh deeply and take the courage to pick up the paper from the bin. I know I was invading his privacy but that wasn't the case right now.

I rummage the crumpled piece of paper and open it up in slow movements, not sure whether I should do this.

(A/N: Before you read, please note that there are three versions of this poem because of the fact that every time I search for the original one, two of these poems appear...AND THE THIRD ONE IS MY OWN POEM FOR YOU BEAUTIFUL GALS so, just pretend that he wrote three poems! Read them and comment down which one you like! Because both of the first ones stole my heart and the third one...IDK, you choose...and yes..., I modified them a bit. BTW, (h/c) means hair colour and (e/c) means eye-colour. If you're blonde or brunette or possibly dyed your hair....didn't want to ruin the poem, forgive me..)

Your hair is dark as night,
Your pretty (e/c) eyes.
I wonder who you are,
Beneath that strong disguise.
The scent of purple roses,
Another one of my weakness.
Those beautiful, luscious lips
Why are you such a temptress?
Every day, we see each other,
And I hope that you'll be mine...
Together, our love can be so true,
Will you please be my Valentine?


Your hair is jet black,
Your eyes as (e/c) as the heavens,
I want to ask who you are,
Behind your mysterious mask.
Purple roses fill the air,
Like a dooming fragrance.
Those tempting lips,
Why do you tease me so?
I see you every day
And admit that I want to see you all the time/And I would like you to give me a sign,
I shall love you 'til the end of my days,
Will you be my Valentine?


Dangerously, I wish to stroke your soft (h/c) hair,
As you're in my arms and holding me so tight.
Yet all I wish is just a dream of you,
As I think of the addicting aroma of your roses so bright.
Your hidden demeanour drives insides crazy,
Wanting to search till the ends of the earth to know you finally.
Nothing else pleases me more than you,
Biting your tempting lips and leaving me wanting to kiss them so.
I hate the fact that we always have to bid adieu,
And love the fact that you may want me too,
That longing that makes me want to mark you as mine,
And so, you are stuck in my mind.
I wonder what you would say,
If I ask you to be my Valentine?

"W-What...?" I mutter as my heart beats fast, reading the poem. 'Who do you think he's talking about?" I ask Seven who pops out of my pocket.

"Hmmm, (h/c) hair; (e/c) eyes; scent, fragrance, the aroma of purple roses..." She says making me look at her, "I think it's about you!"




I laugh hysterically and look at her in disbelief, "Why would he write about me?! There are plenty of girls in this school that have (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes!" I say which makes her sigh.

"But 'the scent of purple roses'...? You do realise that you started smelling like roses after getting the Primrose Miraculous..." She says making me frown, "But what does he mean by 'strong disguise'? 'Mysterious mask'? 'Hidden demeanour'?" I ask to which Seven scoffs.

"This is poetry, (Y/N). He means who you are deep down inside! He wants to know you!" She says and points at me making me blush deeply. "B-But, the only person that I'm free to share my feelings with is only my best friends and you, Seven!" I say making her shake her head, "Don't worry! If he wants to know you then he'll open up too!"

"Pinch me and tell me this is a dream!" I squeal and jump around as she pinchs me hard, "OW!!! Not literally!" I say and smile softly.

I dreamily look at the paper and walk out of the room approaching Marinette and Alya, "What's that?" Alya asks making me smile goofily and look at them with a dreamy giggle.

"You're not going to believe this..."

We past Max and Kim who seems to have a piece of jewellery in hand. Alya and Marinette drag me along, "Oooh~ Sparkly~ Is that for moi~?" Marinette teases as we awe the jewellery, revealing a yellow brooch with large blue gems and 10 pearls of varying size in a heart-shaped box.

"Negative, Marinette. The recipient of this gift is already determined." Max says making us look at him, "Its-" Kim shushes Max and looks at us, "Keep it on the down-low..." He whispers making Alya squeal, "Ooooh~! Kim's got a major crush~! Who is it~!?" She asks making me stop her before looking at Kim.

"It's gorgeous, Km! She'll definitely love it!" Marinette says making me nod ecstatically. "Technically..." Kim smiles before frowning deeply, "B-But what if she says no?!" He asks in a panicked way which makes me smile, "It's gonna be fine, Kim! She'll surely say 'Yes' to you! Go for it!" I say which lifts up his spirits. "Operation: Valentine's Day is underway!" He says and gives a high five to Max making us giggle.

Then Max hands him a map.

"What's with the colours?" I ask as Max explains it to Kim.

"Your route is highlighted in red and hers in yellow. If you run 100 miles per hour, you're gonna get a 4-minute advance on her. Halt and wait for her here, facing northwest! GO! GO! GO!" He says making him look at us. Marinette, Alya and I give him a thumbs-up which makes him smile, "Thanks, you guys!" He says and runs as fast as he can towards the bridge. I smile at his rushing spirit.

Max walks away which makes me wave at him.

"Well, I know someone who's good at dishing at advice when she can take some herself~," Alya says and nudges me as she points to Adrien. I blush as he enters his limo and drives away.

Then she points to a group of girls aweing at Adrien's picture. "Looks like you have some rivals~," Marinette says in a sing-song voice which makes me frown. I gulp as I realise that other girls too are planning on sending gifts to him. This puts me down a bit.

"I-I think I should send him a card..." I say which makes Marinette and Alya look at me in a surprised-way.

"SAY WHAT?!" They shriek which makes me giggle, "Yeah...I...I'll tell him my feelings-Well, write them in a card...that is...!" I say which makes them glance at each other, "Yeah!" They say and hug me, "Yeah..." I mutter and hug them back.

I pull back and look at them, "Operation: Valentine's Day!" We all cheer and then giggle before going to my house with them.


"I didn't know Adrien was such a romantic..."Marinette says as her eyes scan the words on the paper.

"THINK, (Y/N), THINK!" I say and slam my head onto the desk, "Aw~ (Y/N)! You can do it!" Marinette says as Tikki giggles, "I'm no good at this love-letter writing! I don't even know how to describe love! Aaah! I know I'll sound like a dork." I say which makes Seven sit on my lap, "Don't lose heart, (Y/N)! You're no dork! You're Primvère Rosé~!" She says making me smile, "Thanks, Seven..." I mutter before looking around.

My eyes land on the poem that lays on the table. "Of course! I'll just respond to his poem!" I say which makes Marinette smile at me.

"(Y/N)~ Check. This. Out!" Alya says and shows me a heart-shaped card. "That's...." It takes a moment for me to process this, "PERFECT!!!" I say and hug her who smiles at me.

I take the card and sit down before thinking of what to write. "Hmm..." I mutter as I write.

As I finish it, I smile and look at it, "Sign it!" Marinette says making me shake my head. "What?! You don't want him to know who sent it to him!?" Alya asks making me nod.

"I guess he'll know who it's from if it's a response letter..." I mutter which makes them sigh.

"Suit yourself."

We take a quick route to the post box and I find myself fiddling the letter as I stand in front of it,

"C'mon, (Y/N)! Before you chicken out!" I heave, sliding my letter into the post box before sighing softly.

"Yes!" Marinette and Alya cheer for me making me smile. Marinette hands me my heart-shaped candy apple from her bakery.

"Sweet~" I hum as I lick the candy.

A buzz from all of our phones at the same time makes us take out our phones, "Chloe?" I mutter and look at them, "Since when did she start texting us...?" Marinette says which makes us open the message which makes us gasp.

It's a picture of Kim, his clothes soaked, and an empty packet on his face as he holds out the yellow brooch to who seemed to be Chloe.

"What a witch!" Alya says as I immediately feel guilty.

"CHLOE? She's his crush?"


"And I was the one who told him to do it! I didn't know he was talking about HER!" I say which makes Marinette pat me on the back. "Dang, I hope Adrien doesn't say the same thing to you..." Alya offhandedly mentions.

My face pales as I begin to imagine all of the scenarios in my head take a drastic turn.

"Y-You think!?" I begin to freak out and attempt to get the letter back, sticking my hand in the post box like a lunatic.

"She's joking, (Y/N)! Snap out of it!" Marinette calms me down. I slowly look down before a familiar pain strikes my chest. I choke before looking up.

"What in the hell is that?!" Alya says as she spots the akumatized villain, flying in the air with its wings.

"All hearts must be destroyed!" The villain says and shoots an arrow at Alya who holds our candy apples. She gets hit and backs away which makes me look at her with wide eyes.

"Alya!" Marinette and I rush to her.

Alya's lips turn black as she looks at me and sticks the candy apples to my chest which makes me gasp.

"Alya? Seriously?!" I say and try taking them out, "You're not my BFF! You're a joke! Adrien will laugh his head off when he reads you attempt at poetry!" She says and laughs hideously before running away making me frown, "A-Alya!" Marinette calls out to her and then looks up.

"What did he do to her?" She mutters making me look up as well. I spot a familiar brooch, "That brooch...it looks like..." I mutter before my eyes widen, "Kim's brooch!" Marinette complete's my sentence which makes me rip the candy apples out before running with Marinette to the park where nobody was around. We transform before running after Kim's alter ego.

He stops before the Grand Palais which makes us look down to see Chloe who has a picture of Adrien, framed.

"To Chloé, the most wonderful girl of the universe and the love of my life, signed by Adrien?!" I see the picture and cringe which makes Ladybug look at me, "Hmm, seems suspicious..." She mutters.

We see Dark Cupid try and shoot at Chloe which makes Ladybug use her yo-yo to stop him from doing so.

Instead, he shoots at the van next to them.

"Primvère! Ladybug!" He says making us stand on the building some metres away from him. "Stop it, Kim!" I say which makes him growl.

"I'm not Kim! I'm Dark Cupid! And I'll never stop! If I can't get in love, NO ONE can!" He says making me look at Ladybug and nod. "Okay, Dark Cupid, I get it. Chloe totally burned you but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on all of Paris!" I say in an annoyed-angry tone which makes him chuckle evilly.

"Apparently, it does! And I won't stop until everyone is Paris' hearts are crushed! Say goodbye to your loved ones! From now on, you're gonna hate them!" He says and shoots arrows at us making us dodge them and shield ourselves with our weapons.

As he chases us, I suddenly trip and fall on the edge of a building. I use my whip to hold myself us before I'm startled by someone's voice, "Already fallen for me, m'lady~" I gasp as I hear Cat's voice. I look down to see Cat Noit looking at me while he's standing on his staff.

"Oh...it's just you," I say as he holds out his hand to help me. "I need to talk to you~," He says as I take his hand making me sigh.

"That'll have to wait. We-" He shushes me as he presses my body on his. I blush and gasp at his touch. "C-Cat Noir..." I try to push him away but shivers travel down my spine with him placing his hand on my back.

"I swore to myself that I would tell you as soon as I saw you..." His voice chimes soft and I stare at him waiting for him to continue.

"Primvère Rosé..., I-I..." He says making me lean in to listen to him, "You...?" I bite my lip at his nervousness as a foreboding feeling sets on my chest and I feel an urge to push him away.

"I..." He says before he looks behind me and his eyes widen, "Look out!" He says and flips me over which results in him taking Dark Cupid's shot. I gasp, "Cat Noir!" I look at him and he hugs me, "Primvère...I-I..." He says, "I loathe you!" He says as his lips turn black making my heart clench at his words, "Cat Noir! Snap out of it!" I say and shake him which making him smirk, "You're nothing and nothing to me!" I gasp.

"That's...." A painful feeling surges in my chest at his words, slowly reminding me of similar words I've heard before.

"That's not fair..." I growl, kicking his foot. He groans and pushes me making me yelp and fall mid-air.

Luckily, Ladybug catches me with her yo-yo in time and I land next to her.

"Hey. A-Are you okay?!" She says and wipes an unintentional tear from my cheek which makes me gasp and push her hand away.

"Sorry. I'm fine..." I say and wipe my tears, "Just nostalgia..." I sniff and manage to smile at her which makes her frown.

We rush indoors to the Grand Paris, not expecting the unrequested camaraderie inside.

"Prim! Took you long enough!" Chloe comes out of her hiding spot, "Chloe! You gotta get outta here! Your friend Kim's turned into Dark Cupid and if he sees you, I don't know what he'll do to you!" I say and hold her shoulders which makes her roll her eyes.

"Moi? But how can he possibly have a vendetta against me~?" She says innocently making me frown, "Don't we all have...?" Ladybug mutters.

"Duh! It's because of that! Everyone wants to get their hands on it!" Chloe says and places her arms around both of our shoulders pointing to the 'Adrien frame' outside making my eyes widen.

"That's Adrien, a super hot guy in my class! And rich too~ I guess he has the hots for me too~" She says making me frown slightly.

"But that's not what the poem says~" I mutter under my breath low enough so that she can't hear.

Dark Cupid slams through the door which makes Ladybug and I get into our stance and fight him as Chloe and Sabrina run. I get a hold of Chloe's arm and run out of the Grand Paris. "Chloe, run!"

I pull back an arrow and aim at Dark Cupid who blocks it with another arrow. I run after Chloe with Ladybug but then we're stopped by Cat Noir. He plays with his tail as I feel a sense of dread.

"Well, well, look who's here~," He says as I notice his dark lips. "We don't want to fight you, Cat Noir!" Ladybug says as I'm in loss of words.

"Ugh, that friendliness...it's revolting! You are definitely not my friend!" He says and attacks us making us rush to another spot. We dodge and try to confuse him but he seems to attack me frequently.

"Come here, you-!" He says making me extend my whip to him and trap him in my grip.

"Why are you so full of hate, Cat Noir?!" I ask with a glower which makes him chuckle evilly.

"Because hate conquers all!" He says which makes me scoff, "I hate to burst your bubble, but hate doesn't conquer all. Love does!" I say as I use my whip to throw him off.

Then it clicks in me. I clear my throat making Ladybug look at me, "Hey! Remember today's lesson in class?!" I whisper to her which makes her nod.

"Yeah, why? Something about the prince breaking the spell by kissing the princess, right...?" She whispers back to me.

"Love is the most powerful force on earth, am I right?" I say gesturing to Cat Noir in front of me and she gasps, realizing my intention.

"Guess you'll have to be the prince..." She mutters making my eyes widen, "W-What?! What about you?!" I whine and look at her. She chuckles, "Well, Love conquers hate! And deep inside, he loves you, no?" She says making me groan inside and looks at Cat who seems to be confused about her words.

"Whatever! You're just trying to buy time!" He says and splits his baton making me pull back my whip. "Fight!" He says.

But I manage to chuckle slyly. "Rather, I'll just do the opposite~," I say and walk towards him. He raises an eyebrow making me smirk as he backs away but is stopped by Ladybug behind him.

"C'mon, kitty, kitty, just a little peck~," I say and lean in for a kiss. He yelps and gets out of Ladybug's grip, "Almost..." I say as I look at him, running away, "G-Get back, you savage!" He says making me smirk.

"Come here, kitty!" I say and chase him with Ladybug, "You seem to be enjoying this~" She says making me frown, "Shut up" I mutter as I use my whip to catch. I manage to trap him on a pole with my whip. "No! NO!" He yells making me frown, "Don't worry, I'm not looking forward to it either..." I say in contrast to what I'm feeling as my heart flips with me leaning into him.

He shakes his head in retaliation like a kid fussing over oatmeal.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." I mutter as I feel my heart beating faster by the second. I can't comprehend what to do as I leaned in for the kiss. But an arrow interrupts us which makes me gasp. Dark Cupid aims for another shot which forces me to leave my grip on Cat Noir and hide behind a tree with Ladybug.

"How are you going to fight both of us now!?" Cat says and the villain enters the scene.

Cat activates his Cataclysm, "I've always wondered what would happen if I use my Cataclysm on a person..." He states which makes me look at Ladybug with a nod.

She activates her Lucky Charm and a candy apple lands on her hand, "Hmm..." She mutters making us look at our surroundings in divine mode.

"Wait for my signal..." She says making me give her a nod and stay down, "I have a sweet Valentine's day gift for you!" She says and attacks them.

Ladybug has her yo-yo swinging. She defends herself from Dark Cupid's arrows with her yo-yo and ducks under Cat Noir's arm, his Cataclysm-activated hand far too close to her face for comfort.

"Watch out!" I say which makes Cat look at me and I gulp as he approaches me.

Ladybug prevents him from coming to me as she then pulls on his tail, making him stagger as she bounces on his head. In the air, she flings the candy apple at Dark Cupid's head, where it sticks. "Looks like you have a sticky situation~" She teases as Dark Cupid pries it off, but due to its stickiness, he is unable to notch an arrow properly. "Ladybug!" He growls as he looks at her, "Now time for the kitty cat~" Ladybug says and chases him, "Prim! Now!" She says which makes me smirk.

I use my whip to grab Cat's hand where the Cataclysm is still activated. He growls and pulls me to him. I dodge his attacks and then he suddenly tackles me down. "Cat Noir! The miraculous!" Dark Cupid says while he washes his hands on the fountain. Ladybug then attacks him which makes me look at Cat who is on top of me, pinning me down.

"Finally, I'll find out who you are, Primvère Rosé!" He says and traces his hand on my choker which makes me growl.

"Aw~ You don't know much I would love that, Cat..." I say with a smirk which makes him confused, "But before that...I'd love a little kiss~" I say and pull him down, pressing him hard so he doesn't escape. His lips crash onto mine and I can feel him slowly relax under my touch.

The 'little kiss' takes on to be a passionate one as he closes his eyes and gives in, pulling me by my waist as I'm careful not to let his Cataclysm touch me. I pull away and look at him with a smile as I see his lips turn back to normal.

"Huh...? What am I doing here?" He seems confused which was a good sign and I pick him up. "W-Woah!" He yelps making me throw him towards Dark Cupid. Ladybug dodges the cat and he lands on Dark Cupid's chest where his Cataclysm takes effect on his strap which makes the brooch free. He gets the idea and smirks before tossing the brooch to me, "Happy Valentine's Day~" He says making me smirk, "Aw~ You didn't have to~ Oops!" I say and drop the brooch before stepping on it. The Akuma flies out.

Ladybug de-evilises it and releases the butterfly.

"Miraculous Ladybug/Primrose!" We chant and then purple roses and ladybugs make way throughout the city and everything goes back to normal.

I look at Kim with a smile. "No more injustice in the world and here's a token from a rose~," I chant which makes me smile as purple roses form around me and reach for his brooch. It turns into a two beautiful glass rose brooches which looked expensive as heck. I look at Kim.

I smile I knew what it meant. I pick it up and place it on his hand, "Huh...?" Kim looks at me in confusion, "Give one to Chloe, she'll love it. You know she loves expensive things and if she still refuses, say it's from me~" I advise him which makes him frown.

"But..." He stammers making me laugh, "There are no buts in love, Kim...follow your heart..." I say and smile at him making him nod. "If you run 40 miles per hour you'll reach the Grand Paris in no time! So go for it!" I say trying sound exactly like Max which makes him smile even more. "Thank you, Prim!" He says making me smile and nod.

I turn to Ladybug and shrug which makes him smile.

I then look at Cat before realizing...He stole my first kiss.

"You thief!" I say and look away which makes him confused, "What did I do?!" He whines making me frown. Ladybug chuckles, "You 'stole' something of hers apparently~," She says with a wink to him making me elbow her.

Ladybug's miraculous beeps making me look at her, "Meet you back home." I say which makes her nod as she swings away.

"P-Prim!" I hear Cat say which makes me turn to him.

"I have to say something..." He says making me flinch.

"Yeah, I know..." I say which takes him aback, "Y-You do...?" He says making me nod, "I-I...The kiss, I'm sorry! The Akuma-I had to do it!" I blush and look down which makes look confused.

"What do you mean 'the kiss'?! Well, t-that doesn't matter!" He says making me gasp as his ring beeps.

"Your miraculous..." I mutter before looking at him, "It's beeping..." I say with a frown as mine does too.

"Yours too..." He says making me chuckle, "We better go now..." I say which makes him smile, "But I don't want to..." He says painfully making me blush, "We're gonna turn into pumpkins and I don't want that so..." I say with a teasing smile and look at him, "Goodbye, Cat..." I say and swing away.


"There's your chance!" Seven says as the postman arrives to get the letters. "H-Hey!" I stop him from taking mine.

I look at it softly then stick a purple rose at the back of the paper. Since Adrien likes the scent of a purple rose...Why not gift him one?

"Thank you, Mister..." I say and give it back to him. He taps his cap and drives away making me gulp as he does so.

"That was sweet, (Y/N)" Seven says making me smile.

Adrien's P.O.V.

I return home. Plagg laughs as he floats beside me, "You don't know how mean you were to Prim!" He says making me frown, "Do you have to rub it in...?" I mutter in a sad way.

I collapse on my bed as Plagg tries to discuss the day. Plagg remembers everything that happened, whereas I can't. All I know is that I was extremely mean, rude, and fought against my beautiful rose.

This is the worst day of my life...

"Hey, don't need to be sad, you have all these letters and gifts from the ladies~" Plagg tries cheering me up by handing me one of the dozens of letters and gifts on the desk. He ends up pulling out a pink, heart-shaped letter. "Hmm...this seems interesting..." He floats next to me and hands me the card so I decide to read it. My eyes scan across the letter and my eyes widen surprised that someone answered my letter.

To the blonde-haired boy who stole my heart:

(A/N: This time you choose the poem you like best and comment down which ones you like because you have only one poem to send to Adrien~)

Your hair shines like the sun
Your eyes are gorgeous green.
I look at you and wonder,
Your innermost dreams.
The scent of my purple roses,
You say it's one of your weakness.
Yet, it is your all that makes me weak in the knees,
So, I blame you for being the tempter.
Yes, I'll be your Valentine,
Our love will be so true.
Together for eternity,
My heart belongs to you...


Your hair is golden,
Your eyes, green iridescent.
When I look at you,
I would like to share your dreams and thoughts.
My fragrance doesn't match
The love I have for you.
It is your lips,
That tease me so.
Yes, I'll be your Valentine,
We'll be good together.
I will love you forever,
My heart is yours...


I love that you wish to stroke my soft (h/c) hair,
Wanting you to be your arms like you want to be in mine.
I want to know what we do in your dreams~,
If you say that my aroma makes you bright.
You say you want to know me,
I'll gladly open my door.
You say you want to kiss me,
This all seems to be like unspoken lore.
Yes, I'd love to be your Valentine.
It be a lie if I say that my heart is taken,
Because there's already a mark that you've left in my heart.
I too can't get you out of my mind.
There's no need for us to bid adieu,
Because my heart is always with you...

"Aahh, anyone who writes as sickeningly sweet as you must be your soulmate..." Plagg says with a disgusted grimace as I check for who signed it.

"It's not signed..." I say with a frown before I eye catches something attached behind it, a purple rose. A smile appears on my lips, "It must be from Prim..." I dreamily say and pick it out from the back. I take a whiff of the rose, "The same scent..." I mutter which makes Plagg smirk.

"You're lucky. I heard that the Primrose Miraculous' rose never withers..." He says and eats his camembert making me smile, "Really...?" I smile and look at him, "This must be a sign then..." I say which makes me place the rose among the vase of flowers on my desk.

I hold the card to my chest and sigh dreamily.


End Chapter.

Mmm, the love story goes on...

Guys, I'm so much into this fanfic that I didn't even watch Season 2...Don't get me wrong but I just love Miraculous Ladybug so much that I CAN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT WATCHING IT BECAUSE I DON'T WANT MY MOTIVATION TO DIMINISH.

Please tell me I'm stupid.....

