Bonafide: Reverser

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(adj.) genuine; real.


Petals fall from the sky and I realise I'm under a cherry blossom tree. I look around feeling dazed, not recognising my surroundings but only the peace inside me.

Where am I?

There's an enclosure before me and inside, a beautiful garden filled with the most beautiful flowers one would ever see. My hands brush the locks enclosing the garden. The gate's rusted as if no one has opened it in a while.

"Lovely, isn't it?"

I turn around to see an unfamiliar woman behind me, sitting under the cherry blossom tree with a book in her hand.

"It's been a while since you came back..."

My throat closes up and my nerves refuse to let me speak.

Why am I here?

Instinctively, I turn to the gate where beyond lies the garden and something pushes me towards it. The locks break and the gate pushes open but my feet are planted on the ground. Something's pulling me back. I can't go in yet.

I close my eyes trying to break free from the invisible chains binding my feet.

Then suddenly, the smell of smoke...and a sense of dread. I look up to see a silhouette before me and light flashes before my eyes blinding me.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

My eyes flicker open at the sound of knocking on my bedroom door.

"(Y/N), honey, are you awake yet?" I hear my Mom call out from the other side of the door. The walls muffle some indistinctive words she says from the other side, focusing my vision on the ceiling.

I sink softly back into my bed as the touch of my warm comfortable duvet brings me back from my post-lucid dream trance.

What time is it?


The bell rings loudly from outside making me flinch as I snap out from my daydream.

"Be sure to hand in your homework next class, students!" Miss Bustier chimes cheerily before walking out of the door. I take a moment to blink in what she just said.

Oh heck.

I curse myself as I didn't hear what she assigned us this week.

"What did she say about the homework again?" I ask Max who's sitting beside me. "It's about a report on the French Resistance, 1944. Also, you missed the questionnaire she told us to submit next Wednesday." He says as he hands me his book where he had written the said questionnaire.

"Oh, thanks." I smile lazily and take the notebook.

With an uncertain look, he asks, "Are you feeling okay? You've been sulking since classes started."

"I'm fine, just a little dozy..." I assure him as I open my notepad to jot down the notes from his. My eyes widen immediately when I find the book filled with numerous small doodles of cherry blossoms.

Max peeks in noticing my bewildered expression.

"Just a little dozy, huh?" He raises an eyebrow sceptically as I chuckle nervously looking back at the mess. I must've dream-dazed again.

As soon as I finish jotting down the form, I hand the book back to Max and he's on his way to the library as usual.

A long sigh leaves my lips as I flip through my series of doodles, feeling tranced again. It's been like this ever since I got out of bed, being unable to point out what's bothering me.

At the kitchen table this morning, I spilt my coffee onto Mom's favourite carpet. I nearly crashed into a wall while biking to school. I also forgot my Science textbook at home because of which I received a fairly fickled lecture from Mrs Mendeleiev and almost crashed a shelf in the library.

The worst part is that I can't even recall most of this dream.

"I'm sure it's nothing special." That's what Seven said. But why did it feel so real?

"You alright?" Marinette tilts her head at me as I look up at her, getting out of my thoughts. I pull forth a persuasive grin as I gather my things.


We walk out of the class and that's when I realise we have a free hour before the next class.

Again, I feel my head drift into auto-pilot mode. At this point, I feel like I won't be able to focus on anything going on in school.

Get your head together, (Y/N).

I shake my head out of my careless thoughts and turn my head to Marinette, who babbles about her new favourite colour, teal.

"I've been working on many designs with the colourYou know who else likes the colour teal?"

"Let me guess. Luka?" I stifle back my laughter in amusement as her face turns red.

"W-Well, you see. It is. But that's not the point! Wait, do you think he knows that I know his favourite colour is teal? That wouldn't be weird, right?"

"Sure...if you think stalking his every move and keeping his photos under your bed isn't weird, then no." I respond dryly making her hiss at me.

"WHAT? Like you don't keep a collection of Adrien's magazines in your closet!"

"Well, true. But I also don't snoop around Luka's room while we're having girl's night at Juleka's." I retort to which her jaw drops.

"You're so mean!" She whines and hits my back flusteredly as she keeps on gushing about dear sweet Luka.

Sheesh. And I thought I was intense about Adrien...

I tease her in amusement just to see her turn bright red.

A few moments pass by and we continue on our route to the courtyard. The conversation about Luka finally dies down and I can finally breathe without hearing his name again.

"Speaking of things we love, you should join a club, (Y/N)," Marinette brings up unexpectedly as we walk down the staircase to the courtyard.

"Hmm? A club?" I mumble unconsciously.

"Yeah, extra credit points for the year, remember?" She twirls her finger in the air to grab my attention. I look at her shortly.

I do recollect being told by Mr Damocles that extra-curriculum is exceedingly important for our year but it passes my mind that I'd probably not join one, having to save Paris and all.

"I don't know...I tried for the fencing class but you know how that turned out..."

The blunette glances at me amused, "Well, then. You're in luck! I've been recruiting students for our Art room if you're interested!" She wiggles her eyebrows which leads me to roll my eyes.

"I'm not sure I should," I mutter as I slide down the staircase to the courtyard, "I'm not artsy like you. You know that, Mari..."

"Doesn't mean you can't be!" She says with her hand latched to my arm giving me a pouty look, "Won't you?" She asks with a baby voice which makes me chortle.

"That's a hard pass..."

She frowns before turning to someone under the staircase and her eyes brighten.

"Speaking of recruitment, look! There's Marc!" She pulls me over to this dark-haired, green-eyed boy in a red jacket. He sits with his legs crossed under the courtyard stairs, fully engrossed in writing in his black leathered diary.

Marinette approaches him and casually waves, "Hey, Marc!"

He looks up in a panic before sighing when he realises it's only Marinette and me.

"Hey...Marinette," He smiles timidly at us before he turns to me.

"Marc, this is (Y/N) (L/N), my best friend. (Y/N), meet Marc Anciel! He's the writer I was talking about!" She introduces us.

I smile and extend a hand at him to which he takes it.

"Nice to finally meet you, Marc."

"You too, (Y/N)..." He responds with a shy nod.

"Where's the rest of your class?" Marinette asks as he returns to his position under the staircase.

"We're done with classes for today, the others probably went home." He goes back to writing something on that book of his which piques my interest.

There's a hint of interest in Marinette's eyes, which tells me this isn't going to end well.

"Perfect timing!" She chimes, "Our class has a spare hour, so some of us are heading over to the Art room. You should come to check it out!"

Marc stops writing and looks up at Marinette with a glint of sparkling eyes then there's hesitation. "Sure...I guess..." He nods unsurely and waves us off as Marinette pulls me away.

"Maybe you'll finally let me read your writing!" She winks and his face goes red at the thought of it.

"Yeah, I don't know? Maybe." He says and his cute stutter makes me chuckle. Marinette giggles excitedly, "Awesome! See you later then."

"Bye, Marc." I wave at him as he waves back at me with a bashful grin. We make our way to the Art room for me to drop her off. I greet Rose, Juleka and the others in the room before walking away.

"See you later." I wave.

"OH! Be sure to check out some clubs!" Marinette yells after me and I'm left to consider. It's not a bad idea. Maybe it'll take my mind off of the dream.

"Okay then...where to start...?" I ponder as I walk to the nearest notice panel, eyes scanning it for the club notice put on a while ago.

Here we go.

My eyes spot familiar club activities displayed on the paper through the various clubs in the vicinity.

"What do you think, Seven?" I whisper to the Kwami peeking from my shirt pocket.

"Follow your heart. That's one thing you're good at." She says leading me to scoff as I begin my search.


I slump down on one of the courtyard seats with a huff. "This is pointless."

"Well, it is if you've been running around in circles, (Y/N)." Seven remarks from inside my shirt pocket. It's already nearing the end of the free period and I'm still stuck on choosing a club.

"Maybe I should just join the Art Room as Marinette said," I suggest to Seven, who chuckles grimly.

"You know very darn well you won't."

I facepalm in defeat, "Exactly."

Before I can say anything more, my phone buzzes loudly in my pocket. As I pull it out, Marinette's name pops up on the screen.

"Speaking of the devil," I say and then pick up.

"What's up?"

" are you right now?" She squeaks. The tone of her voice tells me something's off.

"I'm still at school. Why?" I say and that's when I notice the slightly mischievous glint in her pause.

"Meet me in the girls' bathroom. Now."


"I said now." I pull back hearing the sudden end-call beep.

"Jeez," I grumble and trudge my way up the stairs. As told, I enter the bathroom but in a cautious manner. She's nowhere to be seen.

"Marinette...?" I call out unbeknownst to the danger coming from behind me.

Not long after, I feel myself being pulled into one of the stalls of the bathroom, giving me no time to react. Before I can yelp, a dainty hand covers my lips. I look to the culprit and grimace when I see Marinette. She shushes me, removing her hand from my lips.

"Quiet! Or else, he'll know we're here!"

"But this is the girl's bathroom-"

"Doesn't matter!" She pouts but her expression quickly turns into a nervous one.

"I know this is going to look bad. But hear me out, okay...?" She says before reaching out behind her and showing me a book.

I find myself gazing at it as if it looked familiar. Then, it hits me.

"Isn't that Marc's book...?"

She nods frantically. I gape at the bluenette before me who looks as if she hasn't done anything wrong. "Marinette...did you steal it?"

"No! Of course not!" She chuckles, "He dropped it on the way out of the Art room! And I was going to return it to him but then I read the title and I just had to flip through!"

"Sure, you did." I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head in disbelief.

"That's not the point. I brought you here so you could check it out with me..." She admits to which I pause. "I beg your pardon?"

"Look!" She flips to the first page. Lo and behold, the words depicting the title, 'Enchantรฉ: The Diary of a Primrose'.

A sudden interest piques from within me as Marinette traces over the words.

"See! It's just waiting for you to read it!" She tries convincing me.

"What do you mean? That could literally mean anything!" I say as I try pushing the book away from me. Marinette groans as if she's unimpressed by my hesitation.

"I promise you won't regret it." She coaxes as she slowly flips to the first page which weakens my resolve.

If she says it like that...

"Fine." I give in to the pressure and look down at the book.

But isn't this considered a crime? Wouldn't Marc feel violated if we just-

"Open it." Seven says as she rests her tiny chin on my shoulder, teasing me with a smirk.

I glare at her. "I am opening it. Jeez." I say with a knot in my throat as I reluctantly flip to the next page.

Journal Entry #1: The Man of my Dreams
Dear, Diary.
Ever since I encountered the Evillustrator, something's changed. Now that he's no longer controlled by Hawk Moth, he's become a true superhero, like Ladybug, Cat Noir and me. I can't stop thinking about him. I'm sure he'd make an awesome partner, but I feel like I'll fess up and he'd get the wrong idea. I already told Ladybug about these feelings but I don't want to tell Cat Noir about it, because I'm worried he'll be jealous.

I've never felt anything like this before. All these thoughts and desires... scare me. What should I say to him when we meet next? Is it okay to think of a fellow hero this way? I don't know.
But I hope that, soon, I'll tell him how I truly feel. No matter what he says back, I'll wait for him.
Yours truly,

I raise an eyebrow at the peculiar text, "Not exactly the truth, but it's really good..."

"I know! The best part is Marc writes exactly the kind of stories that Nate draws! It's incredible! They're totally meant to work together." She swoons as I end up closing the book to fill up my guilty conscience.

"So I was thinking...that I should set them up!"

I raise an eyebrow at the peculiar thought, "Nathaniel does like this type of story-telling as far as I can say...You think they're compatible?" I ask to which she nods.

"Yeah! It'll be great to see them work together! It'll be a push of fate, don't you think?" She says with a cheeky grin. I furrow my eyebrow at her choice of words, "Sure...Just don't do anything out of line." I say as I walk out of the stall.

"Since when do I go out of line?" She gives me a roguish smile making me chuckle.



Just as I suspected, the next morning as I enter the school's courtyard, I notice Marinette and Marc behind the staircase, looking suspicious. I make a bee-line towards them out of curiosity.

"Whatcha doing?"

Marinette screeches at my sudden entry but realising it's me, she turns to shush me and pulls me in to look at who they're spying. I see Nathaniel sitting on one of the courtyard stairs, dreamily flipping through the pages of what I can see is Marc's diary.

"Oh." I deadpan, looking towards Marinette who's focused on Nathaniel.

Marc looks at me, then at Marinette and tugs her shirt. "Does she know?" He asks eyeing me cautiously.

"Of course, she does...I told you (Y/N) is reliable so don't worry about anyone else knowing." Marinette brushes his nervousness off as he looks at me.

"Your secret's safe with me," I say to him with an assuring pat on his shoulder.

"Do you think it's going to work?" Marc whispers to us wearily, looking back at Nathaniel as he fumbles with his sleeve.

"It's going to be fine~ All we need to do now is to tell him you wrote it!" Marinette nonchalantly declares. I blink at her in utter confusion.

"You didn't tell him Marc's the author?"

"Well, yeah. If he reads it and doesn't like it, it's a win-win because he won't know who wrote it. But if he does, we can tell him it's Marc's book!" Marinette says to which I nod, impressed.


Not bad...although it would be easier if they were upfront to Nathaniel about it from the start.

I shrug off any residual uncertainty since it is Marinette we're talking about. What could go wrong?

I turn to Marc who seems all too nervous about this situation. He returns my gaze and whispers, "Do you think he likes it?"

I turn to the red-haired boy in question who looks like he's over the moon reading the diary. "Look at his face. I think he loves it." I say and Marc's worried expression softens a little bit.

"I guess so..." He smiles quietly and watches Nathaniel.

"Don't you know it's rude to spy on someone?"

The three of us freeze. Our heads snap back towards Adrien's voice and we see him crossing his arms with a playful smile. My heart raced at the sight of him as he waits for an answer from us.

Marc and Marinette stay speechless, leaving me in the dust to fend for myself.

"This is not...what you think it is..." I say, waving my hands in retaliation as if to show it's not as questionable as it seems.

He smirks at me and inches closer, "What is it then? Sure looks to me like you three are spying on someone."

I flinch and cross my arms on my chest as I fail to meet his gaze.

"W-Well you see-"

"NATHANIEL'S BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP!" Marinette blurts out. I turn to her with slight confusion.

"It is?" I question turning to her who nods frantically.

"Yeah! A-And Marc and I wanted to give him a surprise! We were just asking for (Y/N)'s help!"

"We were?" Marc asks furrowing his eyebrows making Marinette give him a side glare.

"That's great." Adrien pulls away from our nearness. "Very typical of you, Marinette."

"You bet..." I laugh awkwardly, turning to Marinette with a grateful nod.

"If you need any help, you can call me." Adrien winks leaving me with a red face as Marinette and Marc sigh in relief.

"I'm glad we dodged that bullet." She chuckles as I glance back towards Adrien.

"Now all we have to do is wait for the perfect time to tell him," Marinette tells Marc who nods quietly.

"Don't worry too much, Marc. Nathaniel knows talent when he sees it and he'd love to work with you if you're willing. Just don't get your hopes too high, okay?"

"You're right..." He says as I take my leave. "I'm rooting for you. Tell me how it goes later, alright?" I say as I walk away towards Alya and the others.

What could go wrong?


"Welcome! Is there anything you'd like to order?" I stand in front of the reception counter as I greet some customers. Yet again, I was helping Mother with simple tasks in her store.

"Hello, dear. Would you please pick some Azaleas for my garden?" An elderly woman asks to which I flash my customer service smile.

"Right this way, Ma'am," I escort her to an assortment of Azaleas on the stand. She takes her time picking out the best of the batch.

I lean on one of the stands, watching the sweet old lady choose her pick.

My thoughts shifting to worry for the whole Nathaniel situation.

I wonder how things went for Marc.

I trust Marinette without a speck of doubt, but sometimes she can get a little too ahead of herself.

They're probably working out her 'plan' right now.

I sigh, feeling a little guilty for not totally trusting the process. Marinette's pretty unpredictable even to a faulty level but I know she can figure things out.

I hope it works out.

Turning to the old lady again, I lead her to another aisle. "You can pick some lovely flower arrangements for your dinner table while you're at it," I say, pointing to the variety of flower displays on the other aisle.

"Certainly." She politely trudges along her way.

As I finish with the purchase of the old woman, I hear my mom yell for me from the other room.

"I'll be right with you!" I call out back to her.

"Thank you for your purchase." I politely hand the old lady her bag and watch as she leaves. Then, I wash my hand on the closest sink and make my way to my mother's office.

"You called?" I peek my head inside the door to which she smiles, rolling her chair back from the computer desk.

"I just finished another order for next week." She stretches with an accomplished smile before relaxing her tense shoulders, "I'm all done with the boring business spiel. You can take a break since you've been at it after you came home from school."

"I was hoping you'd say that." I joke as I take a seat across her.

"Thank you for helping me out, sweetie. I really appreciate your help." She says, rising from her seat and putting on her apron.

"That's okay. I love it here at the store. Takes my mind off of things." I say absentmindedly, resting my head on the table.

"Once I'm done with the store, we can go out for dinner tonight if you'd like." She says as she makes her way to water the flowers over at the display rack.

"That sounds good," I hum, as my hand automatically reaches over my pocket to check my phone. Marinette hasn't called me in a while.

"That's odd," I mumble. As I am about to dial her number, my whole body aches. A strike of pain pierces through my chest, leaving me to gasp. I watch my mother greet the next customer as I sit there thinking of an excuse.

"Hey, Mom! Can I go home now? I just remembered I have a report to submit tomorrow!"

"That's fine. Don't forget to leave your apron in the changing room." She chimes from the other end of the store.

"Love you!" I say as I rush to the changing room and take off my apron.

"I guess we'll have to hold out on Marc for now," I say as Seven pops out of it.

"Seven, it's springtime to bloom!" I chant and transform into Primvรจre Rosรฉ. I sneak out of the store through the roof and take off towards the Akuma.

"What the heck...?"

Chaos ensues on the streets of Paris as Policeman Roger wreaks havoc causing traffic and confused bystanders. I can only assume it's the villain's doing.

From the other end of the block, I hear an awfully familiar high-pitched scream and watch as Ladybug flies past me latching herself onto the villain's paper plane with her yo-yo. Before she crashes onto the bridge, I use my whip to pull her back and catch her, landing on the bridge.

"He can reverse you, watch out!" She warns me as we take our stance.

The villain hovers above us and shoots paper planes but unsuccessfully as we manage to dodge them.

"Stay still!" He grumbles and there's a certain familiarity in his voice.

I squint my eyes at the villain flying overhead. "Isn't that Marc?!" I ask as I turn fumingly towards Ladybug. She cowers at my expression.

"Yeah...It might have gone a little overboard..." Ladybug squeaks with an embarrassed glance as I facepalm.

"We can definitely find our way out of this. Mistake or not." I say assuringly, "Let's do this!"

I use my whip to grab onto one end of the villain's paper plane. He tries to wiggle me off, giving me a hard time to get a distinct shot at him.

"You used to be quick on your feet! Now you've got two left feet! Reversion!" Reverser yells as he throws a paper plane towards me which I evade by a millisecond. It, however, hits an ongoing cyclist who loses control of himself and crashes off the bridge, falling headfirst into the water.

Ladybug saves the citizen from falling into the water and gets him to safety. Reverser takes this as an opening and shoots an arrow at her.

"Ladybug! Look out!" I warn but in vain as an arrow hits Ladybug and she falls to the ground.

I let go of my grip on the paper plane and rush over to her in a panic, "Are you okay?" I ask as she picks herself up. She throws her yo-yo towards the villain but it hits the bridge railing and bounces back in her face, hitting her and sending her stumbling over a bench.

"Ladybug..." I gasp, watching her stumble over her feet.

"How do you like your new role, Lady Klutz?" Reverser remarks with a victorious smirk.

"I'm fine. Don't let him get away." Ladybug says as steps up with a defensive stance.

"Stop, Reverser, listen! We don't need to fight so please, make the right choice and give up!" She pleads to which he grimaces.

"Why? Do you think that you can't stop me now that you're helpless, Ladybug?" He laughs and inches closer, ready to grab her miraculous on air.

I stop him from doing so as I shoot an arrow towards him.

"That's not the smartest way out of here, buddy," I say as I place a hand over Ladybug as she trips and falls yet again.

"I think you might want to sit this fight out," I say,ย extending my whip as a warning.

"Hah! You think you're so smart, Primvรจre Rosรฉ." He grimaces as a paper plane forms on his hand.

"Why? I do, thank you." I say with a smirk on my face.

"Let's see if you can work without your wits! Reversion!" He shoots numerous planes at me.

"Watch out!" Ladybug tries deflecting some with her useless yo-yo, hitting me in the process.

Just then, Cat Noir jumps in and saves me from the shot, "Awesome costume! Too bad we'll have to tear it up!" He remarks as he stands beside me.

"Have you awaited long, m'lady~?" He flashes a cooing grin at me which makes me chuckle.

"You're just in time!" I say as we get in our formation, ready to take the villain down. Ladybug drags herself to us and nods in affirmation.

Reverser glares at us and takes his stance. Cat Noir lunges towards him, using his baton to dodge the paper planes.

"So you think you're so brave, Cat Noir?" Reverser taunts. "From puss to wuss! Reversion!" He shoots an arrow at him.

"Boohoo. I'm so scared." Cat Noir jokes sarcastically as he evades the paper plane with ease.

"Be careful, Cat Noir! He'll reverse you!"

"Don't worry, m'lady! I can take him down before he can even spell the word 'reverse'!" He says and battles Reverser head-on.

The villain observes his moves and smirks before shooting an arrow towards another bystander. Cat Noir jumps onto the railing and heads to block the shot from hitting the civilian.

"It's a trap! Watch out!" I warn him as I pull the bystander out of the way.

Cat Noir stumbles as he doesn't know where to focus. Reverser takes this chance to shoot him, reversing him inevitably.

Cat Noir blinks and shakes his head from the repercussion of the shot. Once he realises he's on the railing of the bridge overlooking the river underneath, his eyes widen in sheer panic. He shrieks as he bounces off the railing of the bridge, bumping into Ladybug who misses her steps and they both fall into the water.

"Oh, dear..." I sigh as it's clear that I'm the only person standing without getting reversed.

"What're you going to do now, Primvรจre? There's no one left to stand by your side!" He guffaws to which I can't help but feel intimidated.

Not only is he out of reach, but he's also smart and can trap me easily. There's no time for me to hesitate.

I take in a shallow breath.

"Decoy!" I chant and numerous figures of me appear before him.

I have to find an opening to escape somehow.

As he's distracted with the other decoys, I sneakily jump off the bridge into the water with Cat Noir and Ladybug.

Through the water, I see Ladybug and Cat Noir trying to get to the surface. I swim over to them, using my retracted whip as a breather and drag them farther from the villain.

Once we're at a safe distance from him, I pull both of them to the surface and drag them out of it, finally able to take a big breath.

"Even swimming is impossible with this curse..." Ladybug grumbles as she struggles to keep herself up. Cat Noir sneezes and crosses his arms over himself as he shivers.

"I'm definitely getting a cold now." He trembles to which I exhale, worn out from the swim.

"We're safe here, for now..." I say, helping Ladybug up from the ground.

She groans as she hoists herself on the flight of stairs. "How are we going to defeat him?" She grumbles.

I place a hand on my temples in frustration. "It's no point facing him head-on right now. He's sharp and calculating; it's like he knows our every move..." I say taking a few pointers from our last fight.

Cat Noir looks horrified at what I just said.

"What? You want to face him again?" Cat Noir whines, shivering uncontrollably.

"I really don't want to go against a bad guy like him. He's so...menacing." He pouts tearfully and looks like he's about to burst any minute.

I chuckle in amusement at the sight of a helpless Cat Noir, trembling in fear. With that scared look on his face, you would never believe he was once the brave cat everyone knew.

"Aww, there there, poor kitty~" I pat his head teasingly which he responds with a frown. I expect him to retort back with a sharp look. My eyes widen in surprise when he cries from my touch.

"D-Don't make fun of me..." He whines as he looks away with his eyes tearing up.

I scream internally at the sight of Cat Noir shaking under my palm. The string of rationale that keeps me from scooping him up into my arms thins out every second I watch his lips quiver.

"Stop..." He slurs as he pushes my hand away. Cat Noir's face crimsons into a deep red as I continue taunting him.

"Enough." Ladybug sighs breaking me from my stature, "We don't have time for anything. We going to go against him anyhow. It's not like we have a choice."

I frown in disappointment as my plans to pick on Cat Noir mercilessly must be withheld for the sake of Paris.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Ladybug pulls up her phone and shows us a picture of Nathaniel.

"We do know that he's looking for a guy named Nathaniel." She says.

"I wonder why..." I remark sarcastically at her to which she glares at me.

"We should get to him first before he does!" She says, ignoring my remark. She tries taking a step but then again, she faceplants to the floor.

She groans helplessly leading me to pick her up from her fall. I can't help but feel concerned about the rest of the mission looking at the pace that we're at. But one can't be too pessimistic when it comes to saving Paris.

I grab Ladybug by the shoulders and hoist her up as I start walking.

"Let's take this slow, shall we?" I say to her before looking up to see a long flight of stairs in front of us. "Looks like we have a long way to go..."

"C'mon, scardey cat. Let's get a move on." I call out to the trembling cat behind us who shakes his head.

"I can't do it! The stairs look so steep. I'm getting dizzy." He whines turning away with his eyes closed.

"It's okay, Cat Noir," I say, "Just follow my lead. Everything's going to be just fine." I hold out my hand to him and he slowly cowers towards it.

When I finally grab ahold of him, he latches onto me as if his life depends on it, sending me a cautious look.

"You won't let me go, will you?" He looks at me helplessly and grips onto my shoulder tightly. My heart clenches with ecstasy at the expression on his face as I turn away so that he doesn't see my reddened face.

Was he always this cute?

I giggle nervously, placing him upright as I'm sandwiched between him and Ladybug.

"Don't worry. I'm here to protect you, alright?" I assure him with a smile as I try to contain myself from doing anything irrational.

"Promise?" His eyes sparkle with tears. I take a moment to hold myself back from squealing.

"I promise," I say as I then begin to trudge up the stairs.

With Ladybug on my other hand, I drag the two of them up with all my might. "C'mon. One step at a time, you guys..." I say as we finally get to the street.

We hop onto a cab and travel to the school, where Nathaniel possibly might be.

We get there but only to find chaos ensued everywhere we look.

"Looks like Reverser got here first," I say as I watch the people wreak havoc, destroying school property left and right.

"Maybe he didn't get Nathaniel yet." Ladybug purses her lips as she carefully walks up the stairs to the Art room. A bunch of Nathaniel's art is spread across the floor.

I drag Cat Noir up the stairs as he is still latched onto my arm, following Ladybug.

"I hope he didn't. But where else could he be?" I ask, grabbing one of the drawings which depict a fighting scene with a villain.

"If you look at all his drawings, Nathaniel always draws the Lourve in it. Maybe he's there?" Ladybug predicts before tripping over.

"You're right! Let's go check it out!" I say pulling her up as we walk down towards the street.

"Does that mean we have to get a cab again?" He winces as the last cab ride almost made him barf all over us.

"Everything's going to be just fine, kitty..." I say as I wrap a blanket over him to soothe his trembling body. He snuggles into it and braces himself for the next ride.


"There he is!" Ladybug spots him in a room with Alix who skates over to us.

"Nathaniel, we need your help!" I call out and the boy-in-question looks very concerned.

"What happened?" Alix asks us as I struggle to pull the both of them into the room.

"Funny you asked," I quip, "It's a long story..."

Ladybug pulls out her yo-yo and flips it open.

"You might want to take a look at this," She says, showing me her yo-yo screen which shows the live feed of the disarray outside.

"It's been confirmed, ten thousand tons of garbage have just been released from space and are about to rain down on Paris unless Mayor Bourgeois cancels the process, the city will soon be under a mountain of trash."

I grimace at the thought of that. Reverser must've reversed Mayor Bourgeois while he was giving his speech during the 'Space is No Dump' protest.

"The man behind the chaos: Supervillain Reverser has given an ultimatum."

We watch as the Reverser steps into the screen. hovering in the air before the Eiffel Tower.

"Primvรจre Rosรฉ, Ladybug, Cat Noir. I command you to deliver Nathaniel and Marinette to me, right now! I also demand that you hand over your miraculous!"

The screen statics leading all of us in the room to look at each other.

"This is all my fault." Nathaniel says with clenched teeth, "If I had just listened to him, this wouldn't have happened."

Ladybug and I look at each other with guilt before I pull him up from his narrowed gaze.

"There must be a good reason for whatever happened between you two. Don't beat yourself up about it. We will fix this! Right now, our top priority is saving the city from becoming a giant heap of trash."

"But how?" He asks.

"We have to try to talk to him and we're going to need you, Nathaniel," I say.

"What about Marinette?" Cat Noir asks in a shivering tone.

Ladybug shakes her head frantically, "We don't have much time! Reverser will have to settle for Nathaniel alone!" She says apprehensively.

"I'm coming with you!" Alix says looking at the three of us. "Nathaniel's my friend. I'm not dropping him,"

"It's too dangerous. We can't risk any other liabilities, too." I say but then look at the sight of Ladybug and Cat Noir stumbling over the little things making me glower.

Alix nudges me with her elbow, whispering to me, "It looks to me like you're going to need a helping hand."

I nod, considering the idea of not dragging the two around. "On second thought, Ladybug and Cat Noir will be needing a crutch while we're in action. Up for it?" I smirk at Alix who pumps her fist in the air.

"You bet!"

Cat Noir quirks up at the thought of it. "We can never get too much help."

We establish a plan among ourselves and take off in a cab towards the Eiffel Tower where the villain is posted.

"You're a public health hazard!" Cat Noir yells at the cab driver to whom I send an apologetic look.

"Sorry, he isn't himself right now," I say sheepishly as we get off.

The sky darkens as the sun begins to set but then it looks as though the

"That's strange. The stars are out early tonight..." Alix points out but Ladybug retorts.

"Those are not stars. The trash is entering the atmosphere. In a few minutes, there's bound to be a meteor shower, but with dumpsters instead."

Cat Noir trembles under his blanket, grasping it tightly as he closes his eyes like a scared little kitten. Acting on instinct, I grab him by his shoulders and pull his chin to look at me.

"Don't be scared, Cat Noir. We can do this." I encourage him to which he pulls down his blanket from his head.

"You're right, m'lady." He smiles weakly, "Ladybug and I might have our powers all screwed up but the three of us still make a great team."

I smile at his optimism and look towards the villain flying in the air.

"Let's get that Akuma!" I say just as Ladybug gets into her stance.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug chants and a roll of bamboo appears, clumsily landing on her head. She uses her Lucky Vision to see what needs to be done.

"Okay, here's the plan..." Ladybug huddles us up and tells us what we need to do.

"You need me to-what?!" I whisper-yell at the atrocious idea Ladybug just disclosed.

"You need to trust me, Prim. You just need to tie a few knots for me..." She pleads to which I facepalm.

"Okay, okay! I'll do it!"

"'Operation: Space Dump' is on the go!" Alix cheers as we take formation.

Using a traffic cone from the road as a makeshift megaphone, Ladybug calls out to Reverser.

"Reverser! We're over here!"

He hovers towards us cautiously, observing our every move.ย 

"I've got a deal for you. I'm gonna hand Cat Noir and Primvรจre Rosรฉ over to you now!" She says as I hand over my weapons; my whip and bow and arrows, to Alix as a show of attestation.

"In exchange, you'll reverse Mayor Bourgeois to order the dumpsters back out into space! Only then will I give my miraculous and Nathaniel."

Reverser deliberates for a moment and then says, "I'll only reverse the mayor back if I have Cat Noir, Primvรจre and Nathaniel. Then I'll reverse Nathaniel, and he'll have no choice but to make a comic book with me!"

Ladybug looks at me with a hesitant expression but I turn to her with a nod. She sighs and then pulls the megaphone back towards her lips., "Okay!"

All of us enter the Eiffel Tower towards the elevator into which Cat Noir, Nathaniel and I walk.

"I'm scared, m'lady..." Cat Noir whines.

"And I don't want to be reversed," Nathaniel says, scared for what's to come.

"Don't worry. I'll just have to protect Nathaniel while Cat Noir goes into action." I say with affirmation.

Using Alix as a crutch, Ladybug hands me the bamboo roll and her yo-yo. "You have to trust me on this. This is going to work." She says with determination to which feel more confident.

"Good luck."

The elevator door closes and slowly takes us up.

During this time, Nathaniel and I use Cat Noir's safety blanket and the bamboo to create a kite large enough to hold Cat Noir. Then, I strap Ladybug's yo-yo onto the kite to be used as the kite's thread.

"I don't want to do this..." Cat Noir says as I place the kite on his back and bound him to the kite.

"It's all going to be over soon, Cat Noir. If the plan goes south, I won't let anything bad happen to you, okay?" I say reassuringly.

"As they say, it's better to walk out blind than stay inside frightened."

With a shaky breath, I take his tail and use it to blindfold him. Then, I place Ladybug's yo-yo into his mouth.


He shakes his head as he cannot say a word. I give him a small pat on the back.

"Go be a brave cat for me, will ya?"

The elevator doors open, revealing to Reverser the Cat-Kite.

"Go, Cat Noir!"

Blindly, he runs towards Reverser and steps off the edge, falling as he screams. The yo-yo falls out of his mouth and lands on Ladybug's head, unable to catch it. But, just in time, Alix grabs onto it and steers the Cat-Kite around with the help of Ladybug.

Reverser throws paper planes at Cat Noir, trying to get him down.

"Stay still, you fleabag!" The villain yells, frustrated just as Cat Noir flies under him.

"Now!" I signal him to activate his power.

"Cataclysm!" Cat Noir screams with his activated hand out. It touches Reverser's paper plane and destroys it, leading them to fall.

I jump off the edge of the tower and grab Cat Noir and Reverser.

"Primvรจre!" Alix drops the yo-yo and shoots my whip towards me as I'm falling in mid-air. I successfully grab it and use it to safely land with Cat Noir and the villain.

"Miraculous Ladybug/Primrose!" Ladybug and I chant as she throws the kite towards the sky and I shoot an arrow in the air. Ladybug de-evilises the Akuma flying out of Marc's book.

Everything that was out of order, once again, goes back to its original state.

Marc, on the other hand, holds his head in pain as he's on the ground.

"No more injustice in the world and here's a token from a rose~" I chant and roses form around me and then hover towards Marc. A rose-engraved pen falls on his hands and he looks at it with sparkling eyes.

Just then, the Mayor who was up in the Eiffel Tower and Nathaniel walk out of the elevator.

"Maybe the space dump idea wasn't a good idea after all..." Mayor Bourgeois says as he approaches us.

Upon noticing their presence, both Nathaniel and Marc turn away from each other with sour looks on their faces.

"I'm going to leave that up to you, Ladybug..." I whisper to which the said superhero nods.

"Time to set this right." She walks over to the two of them, probably to give them a pep-talk.

Cat Noir sneaks beside me as I take a stretch from all the action.

"I'm glad that's over and done with~!" I cheer exasperatedly, thinking back to all the tiring times I had dragging Ladybug and Cat Noir around.

"Yeah. It's good to be back to ourselves." He says with a huge sigh of relief which leads me to smirk at him.

"Aww~ But I did like the scared you. You were terrified of everything~" I tease to which he flushes with embarrassment. He stutters a short denial to which I can't help but tease him more.

"Alright, fine." He pouts like an angry baby.

"You were clutching onto me like a total wuss~" I laugh as he glares at me. He stays silent for a while and then rubs his hand on his neck.

"That wasn't so bad..." He says with a soft tone which in turn makes my heart skip a beat. He looks at me with narrowed eyes and smirks softly watching my expression change into a flustered one.

I feel my face heat up as I turn away from his entrancing gaze.

"You stupid cat..." I cover myself from him.

"Either way, I like the real you better." I admit, "So, keep being that brave cat I like, okay?" I whisper loud enough for him to hear.

I turn back to him and watch as his cheeks go red. His lips part with shock and falter as if he wants to say something.

I snicker cheekily at the black-leathered cat before me as I extend my whip towards the top of a building.

"Until next time, Cat Noir."

End Chapter.

You want it, you got it.

For those of you wondering, I'll be finishing S2 of this series!! I did say that I'm not keen on discontinuing this series because I don't want to leave it off with a garbage ending. So it'll be continued by my friend, Lipsita21 if you're still interested!

Q&A:ย Umm...I forgot how the MC hero costume and how Seven look like... Is there a photo for me to see?

Well, for an image reference, you can check out my friend Sammy's depiction of it. And since we're pretty deep into the chapters already, I thought it'd be nice to give a recap on the Miraculous' costume.

Appearance: Purple roses scattered on her hair, masquerade mask, purple leather suit
Weapons: Bow and Arrow attached to her back, whip to her waist(that retracts when not in use or not, your preference)
Powers: Roses Divine, Charge Attack, Decoy

Thanks for asking, bebe~

I would like to say that it is absolutely fine even if your interpretation of Primvรจre Rosรฉ is drastically different from mine. It's a free space for creativity! Tell me how she would look like in your mind in the comments!
