21: good 'ol friends

"Spencer, it's only a 3-hour drive, I'll be just fine."

"What if you go into early labor? What if you fall asleep at the wheel? What if-"

"Spence, stop. I'm only thirty weeks, I won't go into labor." Lexie chuckled.

She was leaving for a three-day medical conference in Maryland. Lexie had been looking forward to this ever since Meredith sent her an invite, of course, Spencer was wary about her leaving. He doesn't like to let her leave his side.

"And if I did, which I won't, I'll be in a hospital full of doctors." She stuffed one more maternity dress into her suitcase.

"I know, I'm just worried, so much has already happened to us," Spencer said softly.

Lexie dropped her clothes onto the bed, walking up to Spencer and cupping her hands on his face.

"You're right, a lot has happened, but that's all behind us now." Her bright eyes filling Spencer's heart to the brim.

"But what if something happens, I won't be there," Spencer said, placing his hands on his.

"We are going to be fine, I promise." She brought her hands down to her stomach, bring Spencer's hands with hers.

"Plus, Alex Karev is quite the protector." Lexie laughed.

"Should I be worried?" Spencer said, sticking his bottom lip out.

"Nope, been there, done that," Lexie said nonchalantly.


Lexie waved to Spencer one last time as she pulled out of their apartment complex. She fully moved in about a week ago. Spencer's apartment was just a temporary staying point until the baby was born. The two have already started house hunting, but Lexie doesn't want to have another pregnant move.

She pulled into the familiar parking lot of Caroline's complex, honking the horn to let her know she was there. Once Caroline came out with her suitcase, Lexie got out and sat in the passenger seat, letting Caroline take to wheel this time.

"You ready for a weekend full of boring presentations and hot doctors?" Caroline asked excitedly.

"Definitely ready for the part of the boring presentations, but my little girl and I already have a hot doctor at home." she chuckled

"Boo, you suck." Caroline pouted

The two drove and talked forever. Lexie did miss living with Caroline, coming home and eating Chinese while watching gossip girl was always something Lexie looked forward too.

Being a doctor takes a lot of things away. While other early 20s kids were out partying and living their lives, doctors stayed home to study for medical school. So when Lexie lived with Caroline, she got a sense of what it was like to be a 20 something year old. Now she's almost 31 and pregnant. She wouldn't trade her life for the world, but she couldn't help but feel that she is 'growing up' a little to fast.

She loves her daughter and Spencer more than anything, but she wasn't planning on having kids this early. When Mark told her he was having a kid with Callie, Lexie freaked out. She couldn't raise a child, she was busy with her residency. Now shes a board-certified surgeon, she has an amazing boyfriend, but raising a child still scares the hell out of her.

When the girls finally arrived at the hotel, Caroline went to register their hotel room while Lexie went to meet her friends. Meredith and some attendings in her year were meeting Lexie.

"Grey!" Lexie turned quickly when she heard Alex call her name, she smiled wide making her way over to them.

As soon as she turned around towards her friends their eyes went wide, her baby bump profoundly showing off, she realized she had only told Meredith, who was also pregnant, Lexie assumed Mer would have told them all. She should have known Meredith wouldn't.

"Hey, guys..." Lexie said awkwardly.

"You're pregnant?" Jackson Avery asks.

"Uh, yep I am." She laughed nervously, shooting Meredith a death glare.

"Wow, Lexie that's amazing!" April Kepner exclaimed, bring her into a hug.

"Uh, thanks April," Lexie responded, slowly patting her on the back.

"How about lunch, Lexie obviously has a lot to tell us," Cristina said, looking around for a hotel restaurant.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Lexie didn't like the feeling of everyone look at her weird, it reminds her of when Spencer would profile her at home. She internally cursed Meredith not telling anyone. Jackson and Alex, both of whom were ex-boyfriends of her, were giving her the most stares.

Not only was Jackson her ex-boyfriend, but he was Mark's, right-hand man. Jackson was Lexie's rebound after she and Mark broke up. She and Mark broke up when Mark found out he was going to be a grandfather and asked Lexie to raise the baby with him, Lexie didn't feel ready at all, so they broke it off and she when to Jackson.

The two ended up breaking it off a few months later because Lexie still loved Mark. No matter how hard she tried to hide it, Jackson always knew Lexie loved him. When Mark died, Jackson when into the same cycle as Lexie, he was just good at hiding it.

The group all sat around a large round table in the hotel's restaurant, Lexie sitting right next to Jackson, unfortunately.

"Alright Grey, spill," Alex said

"Well it all started when I met Spencer," Lexie started.


Lexie collapsed onto her hotel bed, exhausted after the last day of the conference. She loved listening to famous neurosurgeons explaining how they performed so amazing-jaw dropping surgery. But walking around for 3 days while 30 weeks pregnant is no easy task. She had taken a shower after dinner with her friends, looking forward to her nightly phone call with Spencer. But then there was a knock at her door, she assumed it was Caroline saying she forgot her key, so she was surprised to see Jackson on the other side.


"Why now?" He asked bluntly

"What?" she responded confused.

Lexie and Jackson were somewhat friendly after their breakup, Jackson still worked with Mark on plastics, so they made nice for the most part. However, these past few days, Lexie's noticed some anger inside Jackson. He shot her multiple glares every chance he got, Lexie was worried about him.

"What about Mark?" Jackson spat.

Lexie was taken back by this, he knew how much she struggled after his death. It took her months just to step foot into the hospital, she worked to get over him and be with Spencer. Some nights she lays in Spencer's arms with tears in her eyes thinking that she moved on to fast.

"What about him?"

"You know he wanted nothing more than to be a father, he wanted to raise Sofia and Sloan's kid with you, why now when he isn't here you have a baby?" Jackson raised his voice now.

Lexie felt her heart break in half.

"Jackson, I had to move on, I couldn't breathe after Mark died - If Mark was alive we both know damn well this would be his kid, but he is dead and Spencer is the most amazing man, Jackson you have to let me be happy." tears fell down Lexie's cheeks, she knew everything she said as the absolute truth, but saying the words out loud was painful.

"He would want me to be happy Jackson, he would want to me to move on," Lexie said

Jackson just stood there staring at her.

"When we first got together, you were the on to tell me everyone has more than one soulmate, Mark was my soulmate, but he died so, now Spencer is my soulmate."

"I'm sorry," He spoke softly, "I don't know what came over me."

"You need to move on too, he's not coming back Jackson," Lexie said softly, placing her hand on his bicep.

"I know, I just-" He looked down in Lexie's eyes, putting his hand behind her ear bringing her lips to his.

Lexie's eyes flew open when she felt his lips on his, immediately pulling away from him.

"What the hell Jackson?" She yelled.

"I-I just, I'm sorry Lex." He sighed, rubbing his face in his hands.

"Get some help Jackson, and get out." She said sternly

"I'm sorry," He said one more time before closing the door behind him.

Lexie sat down on the bed holding her head in her hands, she was past all this, why did Jackson have to open the wounds again? She felt like her world was crashing down once again. She had finally convinced herself that this life with Spencer was perfect, she was excited to have this baby girl.

In the back of her mind, she knew she was happy right now, she had no complaints when it came to her life right now, but Jackson's actions caused a fork in the road. Made her rethink everything a few times, but when she saw Spencer's name show up on her phone screen, she knew everything she has done was right.

a/n: hey guys, sorry for not updating, I've had a lot come up lately, but everything fine. anyways this is a chapter for the more grey's fans out there lol. hope y'all are happy and healthy, thank you so much for reading. i love y'all. 
