19: out of nowhere

Lexie stood in Spencer's doorway for 20 minutes straight, just staring.  A bandage wrapped around his head, many IVs on his arm, his skin pale and sickly. She wanted to go in and hold his hand. She wanted to comfort him, but she couldn't. She couldn't get her feet to move. He looked so peaceful, she didn't want to disturb him. So she just stood there, staring at him.


The voice made Lexie jump, she turned around to me met with JJ's soft eyes. Seeing JJ made something come over Lexie, she broke down. She fell into the blonde woman's arms in hysterics. JJ had a maternal sense to her, anytime you felt lost or sad, Jennifer could always help.

Lexie just can't take it anymore. She was asleep when Spencer was in surgery and she's so grateful for that. She couldn't bear the thought of Spencer dying anymore. Seeing him alive in a hospital bed even made her scared. The realization that life is way too short, that life is never, ever, planned. That none knows whats going to happen. Planes and cars crash, people die. That realization washed over Lexie all too quickly as she sobs in Jennifer's shoulder. Lexie takes a step back from her shoulder, embarrassed by the puddle of tears she has left on JJ's shoulder.

"It's not fair, life," JJ spoke.

"Trust me, I know." Lexie chuckled.

"But he is here, he's alive." JJ smiled.

"This is what happened with Mark, my first love, we were in a plane crash and he died. - "He was in a hospital bed like this for a week, then he died," Lexie said.

"Lexie, I-" JJ said, placing a comforting hand on Lexie's shoulder.

"It happened two years ago, I'm fine, but I can't have it happen again. JJ I can't have him die."

"He won't, you and he are going to be just fine."

"It is not just us now," Lexie laughed

"Your pregnant?" JJ asked, mouth hanging open.

"Yeah, yeah I told him three days ago."
"Congratulations." JJ smiled "You guys are going to be amazing parents."

Lexie flashed her a sleepy smile and turned back to look at Spencer. Her jaw-dropping when she saw him awake. He was smiling at the two women softly. Lexie felt her heart do a backflip, even after 6 months of dating he still gave her butterflies.

JJ placed her hand on Lexie's shoulder, signaling her to go in and see him. Lexie whispered a small 'thank you' to the blond, JJ nodding in response. Lexie slowly walked over to Spencer's bedside. Tears brimmed her eyes as she grabbed his hand, once warm now cold.

"Oh Spence," she whispered brushing his hair out of his face. Tears slowly running down her cheeks.

"Hey, I'm okay. I promise." he brought her hand up to his lips, kissing them softly.

"I know I just-I know." Lexie couldn't place her words together, she was so overwhelmed.

Everything has been thrown at her at once. Her pregnancy, the stalker, and now this. She never had time to process anything, she couldn't think about how to attack it all. Her brain was racing a mile a minute. She hasn't even told her family back home that she's pregnant, she usually tells Meredith everything.

"Lexie, get out of that beautiful brain of yours," Spencer spoke, pulling her from all her thoughts.

"Sorry, this is all so much." Lexie sighed.

"I know, it's not fair that you have to go through this," Spencer spoke, dropping his head in response.

Spencer was scared, he was so scared she would run. Run back to Seattle where she has family, she has a security net. But here, she only has him and Caroline. Last time she was hurt she ran, but now she's tied to Spencer forever. They have a child, or they will in a few months, she will always be connected to him. He wants nothing more to be a dad to this baby, to have this life with Lexie.

"Please never leave me, I need you in my life, Lex." Spencer's voice cracked as he looked into her eyes.

"Spence, I'm never going to leave you, why would you think that?"

"You ran from Seattle-" Spencer mumbled

"Mark died, you're still here," Lexie said.

"Plus Spencer, we're in this forever now." Lexie chuckled, placing her hands on her stomach.

"We should-"

Spencer was cut off my Hotch running into the room. Scaring them both.

"Reid, we have a break in the case, Brocklyn sent that car into you guys." He boomed.

"What?" Lexie exclaimed

"Lexie, do you recognize the name, Sam Roffen?"

"Yeah, he works with me at the hospital," Lexie replied confused

"He's Brocklyn's brother, Roffen is his mother's name," Rossi answered, appearing from behind the door frame.

"What does this have to do with anything?" Spencer asked.

"Roffen's the one who ran into you guys, he died."

"That wasn't part of his plan, Brooklyn's going to explode" Spencer put together.

"He'll make a mistake, we'll get him." Rossi nodded.

Spencer nodded slowly. Thinking deeply about this situation, since Dale's helper was killed and he and Lexie survived, he is going to try and kill them with his bare hands. He was going to have to stay in the hospital for at least another couple days, hopefully, they could all be safe here.
"He'll be here, his brother was brought here, he died here." Lexie suddenly spoke up. Stress rising in her voice.

"She's right, they are his endgame, his brother is already here, its perfect," Rossi added.

"We have to get police stationed her their door," Hotch said, already dialing the phone number.

Lexie looked at Spencer with wide eyes, fear chilling down her spine. She couldn't believe this nightmare wasn't over, she couldn't help but wonder that it will never end. She felt suck in a cycle of unluck. Things would go right, then all go bad within a matter of days.

When she met Spencer she was in a bad place. Sure she was happier then she's been in a long time, but she was still not quite, happy. If she didn't have work she would lay in bed all day unless Caroline dragged her out to a club. She was stuck in a rut of sadness, and she's gotten pretty good at covering it up, so when she met Spencer, she could smile a real smile again. She had a reason to get out of bed.

Now all this, she couldn't help but think, why us? Why did Dale Brocklyn's wife have to get into a car accident, causing her brain to bleed out on Lexie's table all those months ago? She didn't think twice about the woman, she was brain dead before Lexie could do anything. It wasn't fair, Dale lost the love of his life when Lexie found hers. Maybe this was the universe's way of payback.

Hotch and Rossi were soon joined by the rest of the team, everyone filling into Spencer's room. Everyone conversing about what they should do with the situation. When, out of nowhere, 4 loud pops were heard from outside the room.

Spencer jumped, grabbing Lexie's hand quickly. He couldn't help but feel useless at the moment, his brain was cut into two days ago and he couldn't leave his bed, he couldn't protect her.

Every agent in the room brought out their gun, ready to face whoever was shooting down the hall. Morgan slowly exited the room, gun at the ready, he looked left down the hallway, when he turned right he was met with the butt of a gun.

He grunted and fell to the ground. Hotch and Rossi practically tackling the other man. JJ helped Morgan off the ground making sure his wound wasn't anything serious. While Hotch handcuffed the man outside, Dale Brocklyn.

"You son of a bitch!" The man yelled. "You killed my wife and brother, you deserve death, not them!" His screams sent chills down Lexie's spine.

"Just wait! When I get out, I'm coming for that happy little family of yours!" Dale continued to struggle under Hotch and Rossi's restrain.

"Shut up!" Hotch yelled at the man, his voice strong.

The man eventually did stop screaming. Giving in to the force Rossi used to bring him outside.

Lexie fell into Spencer's arms in hysterics. She couldn't believe how much she cried in the past few days. She felt like her cheeks always had tear streaks. However, right now she didn't care how much she was crying, the nightmare was over. Her family was safe.

Spencer held Lexie closer then he ever has. He vowed to keep her safe when she was in the explosion, his promise still stands, but now he's protecting two people. Two of the most important people in his life, he was the protector of his family. He wasn't going to let anyone touch them ever again.

"It's over." He said softly in Lexie's ear. "We are all safe."

Lexie pulled away from the hug, pulling his lips to hers. Her kiss was full of love and hope. Hope that nothing like his will happen in the future, hope that their child will live a perfect and wonderful life.

When she pulled away she blushed when she noticed Emily, JJ and Morgan were watching the couple.

"So, a family huh?" Morgan asked

Spencer looked at Lexie and smiled, he wanted to tell the whole team together, but this situation was good enough for him.

"Yep, we are going to have a baby. I'm going to be a dad." Spencer's smile was wide and bright. His heart was overwhelmed with all the love he felt for his unborn child.

"Pretty boy's having a baby. Congrats man." Morgan chuckled, giving Spencer a handshake.

"Oh my god!" Emily screaked, "You guys are going to be wonderful parents!" she pulled Lexie into a bone-crushing hug, causing Lexie to laugh, something she hasn't done enough lately.

"Man Emily, you hug tighter then Spence." She chuckled.

"Oh, just wait till you tell Garica," Emily scoffed.

a/n: hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, in the next couple chapters time will move very fast, but it has to for the storyline. another huge THANK YOU for 6k reads and 200 votes! my heart is so full. i love y'all, hope everyone is healthy and happy🤍
