
An eternity with you is all I ask for

Is that so hard to ask for?

You were one of the few that helped me achieve many things

You supported me all the way

And no matter how many times I stop myself

I can't seem to stop crying when I write about you

There is not a single day I don't miss you

I miss how close we were back then

When we laughed about our stupid jokes

And how we made each other look like clowns

Not a single day goes by that I don't check up on your account

Wondering if one day you are going to come back

Or when a message from you will pop up

Every single day I wonder when will you come back

If we're ever going to make more memories

And help others shine bright

I count the days when we finally get to talk again

And make each other smile

Instagram isn't the same without you my moon

Without you, everything is moonless

Nothing seems to be bright anymore

Everything seems like it's fading

But no matter what happens

I will still be here waiting for you

Waiting for the day you officially come back

And the day we get to call again

I'll still celebrate our friendship anniversary

Because you were one of the few that made me feel special to this world

Thank you for being the moon in my solar system

I'll love you all eternity

I miss you so much Mari

Please come back soon my moon
