For Ateez

Even if I'm not all caught up

And I don't know much about you

All eight of you have changed my life

And have sprung out many things

From the very bottom of my heart

Thanks to many of your wonderful songs

I feel more connected to the stars

The celestial bond is growing

Allowing my silhouettes to disappear

In pure stardust

As the wind takes them away

I am only left with stars

That help my words shine

And allow them to have a voice

I am no longer naive

But a wise person

With hope that the stars

Will glow an eternity

And all my worries will disappear

Thank you for being the eight planets

That helped my solar system shine

You will forever

Hold a special place in my heart

And I'll be grateful to you all eternity

Thank you my stars

For making my world full of light and color

Without a moonless thought to be seen

Only illuminating the sky with

Astonishing constellations

That orbit around the eight planets

I am thankful I can call myself an ATINY

And form many constellations

Thanks to the eight of you

I love you so much

Thank you for everything you have done

And for letting me see the world a new different way

Full of light and hope

Without a silhouette to be seen

Thank you for picking me up

And not letting me drown in my toxic thoughts

I'll love you all infinity

My beautiful planets
