"All lives matter"

You might want to call me out

On all the things I have ever said

About equality

Second chances

And how everyone deserves the same respect

How can you be so selfish?

You might be thinking

All lives matter

But, what you are failing to see is very clear

Of course, we all support all lives

But NOT ALL lives are in danger

For having a different color skin

NOT ALL are in danger for their religion

And NOT ALL are in danger for speaking a different language

We all go through something

Yes, of course, we're all humans

But if you believe we all have tough lives

Then why don't you agree that we all deserve the same rights?

Why don't you believe everyone has a voice?

Instead, all you have to say is

"All lives matter"

And that white privilege doesn't exist

It has been proven many times

That white people won't experience racism

As much as other minorities

Many won't know the true suffering of others

The true people that believe in what's right

Are using their privilege and risking their life

For others that can't voice their opinion

Like they wish to do

Many are helping protest

And all states are coming together for the same cause

To bring light on racism

And for everyone to be equal

If you still believe what I am saying is incorrect

I ask you to please unfollow and block me right now

I'd rather have a small account with kind people

Than a huge account full of hypocrisy and racism

Thank you to all of you that have helped bring awareness

I thank you from the bottom of my heart

Please keep doing what you are doing

And let your voice heard

I will always have your back no matter what
