Part 23

Hinokuma sat at the breakfast table. She was just about to finish when her phone buzzed. "Excuse me." She got up and put her voice changer on. "Syndicate. I'll need you to attend Endeavor's big speech with me. The league is finally taking over." "So it's time. Very well." What Hinokuma didn't realize, is that Overhaul overheard. "So. The mysterious Syndicate. League if Villains' best assassin to date. A fifteen year old girl." Hinokuma readied a hidden blade. "If you know so much about me, then you know I won't hesitate." "But I think you will. I am the father of your boyfriend after all." He stepped a bit closer to her. "Don't worry. I won't say anything. Just be careful about where you answer your phone from now on." He chuckled as he walked away. Hinokuma sighed in relief as she got ready for the speech.

"WE ARE ALL EQUAL! ENOUGH HATE!" Hijack yelled into the crowd as he walked away. Syndicate walked off with him. "Took me a while. But I figured it out." "Figured what out, sir?" Shinso stopped. "How long did you think you could hide, Hino? This is a life your dads never wanted you to have. I never wanted you to have this kind of life." "I couldn't just sit back while lives were in danger. Even if it's killing, I have to help somehow." Shinso simply nodded. "I have a feeling you'll be busier than ever."

Keigo sat as he watched the league take over. "Fucking finally." "Touya." Rei handed the beta a cup of coffee. "Thanks. I need to go home." Keigo got up and left. He and Dabi got home about the same time. "Baby bird." "You don't 'baby bird' me." "Dabi-" "Use my fucking name!" "Touya." Dabi scoffed as he entered the house. "Touya. I'm sorry." "No. You're sorry that I kicked you out." "Baby bird. You know I'm not like that." "But you are." Keigo felt his heart break at his husband's words. "Why do I always attract guys like you? You always start out sweet and not like the rest but then go and do this shit. And worse, I keep crawling back." Dabi felt his eyes water as his voice grew shaky. "Every time you do something, it's ends up being me who apologizes. It's me who begs you to come back. I'm tired of it, Kei." "Touya. A part of relationships is going through shit like this. We both need to work on-" "No. I have been working on me. I stopped seeing Hino as some type of punishment and started seeing her as the blessing she is. She's a beautiful and talented young alpha. She's kind, she's compassionate. She's nothing like me." Keigo stood shocked. "And you think I haven't worked on myself." "Honestly, no. You always had an excuse. You were hardly home, so I needed up raising OUR daughter. No. MY daughter." Hinokuma stood around the corner. "Daddy?" "In the house, Hino. Keigo, get off my lawn." Keigo froze in shock. "What the fuck?" "What's going on with you two? Why is it that you're always fighting?" Dabi urged his daughter into the house. "It's just something people forced to get married go through." "What do you mean?" Keigo was angry. He tried to hold back his words. He knew they would hurt. But he couldn't. "The only reason we even got together is because you ended up pregnant." "Oh. There you go again blaming someone else! I know I used to do that too, but at least I learned to take responsibility. Hino exists, because I was young and stupid.  But I am so glad she does. Because I have something to keep living for. Do you?" Dabi slammed the door behind him. "Daddy? Did. Did mama mean all that?" Dabi turned to his crying daughter. "I don't know. A part of me wants to say he didn't. That's he's just mad at me. But there's that other part that knows he speaks his mind." He hugged her. "But enough of that. How was it with Yasashi?" He tried to distract to her.

A few weeks passed and Keigo kept showing up. "Baby bird! Snowbird! I'm sorry!" "Ignore him on your way out, devil." Hinokuma looked outside at her father. "He seems really upset." "He probably is. I'll deal with it. Go to school. Have fun at Yasashi's. And remember that I love you, devil." "Love you too, dad." With that she left, easily sneaking by her father. Dabi stood in the door way. "You have two hours. Make it up to me." Dabi gave Keigo a lustful look. Keigo got the hint and rushed in.

Hinokuma got home a little earlier than usual and found her father at the fridge. "You and dad patch things up again?" He nodded. "Hey, I'm sorry about what I said. You know you're the light of life, right?" She didn't answer. "Put some pants on. Your daughter doesn't need to see any of that." Dabi groaned as he walked into the room. "You're home early. Everything ok?" "Fine. Everything's fine." She stormed off to her room. "What the hell was that about?" "I have a feeling. Best we leave her alone."

The years passed and Hinokuma was finally 18. She rushed downstairs for breakfast. "Happy birthday, devil." "Thanks dad." "Snowbird." "Father." Keigo and Hinokuma's relationship became strained. Keigo tried to reconnect with her, but she refused to have anything to do with him unless her dad was there too. "Oh so Sashi and I were going to take a walk on the beach today. And then maybe stop by a seafood place for dinner." "But we were going to have your birthday thing here." Keigo tried to protest. He was still against the marriage, and Hinokuma could tell. "I'd like to spend some time with my boyfriend. Not like you'd know anything about that. You only got roped into a marriage. Now why was that? Oh yeah. Me." "Hino." "That's Chisaki." Hinokuma decided she would take the Chisaki name rather than keep her father's. Her dad didn't want her taking the Todoroki name and she understood why. Endeavor as well. "You're still planning on marrying him? Hino. Think about everything Chisaki has done." "What has he done?" The fether and daughter continued to argue. "Oh. This is what it feels like. Ok. You two need to stop. Hino, have fun at the beach." Hinokuma stormed off. "What the hell?" "Kei. She likes him. And I think things will work out for them."
