Part 22

Every day after school, Hinokuma visited the Chisaki mansion. She enjoyed spending time with her fiancé, even if her father didn't. The two were playing Minecraft when Yasashi suddenly stopped. "Sashi? Everything ok?" "Yeah. It's just. I like you. Like a lot." Hinokuma smiled. "I like you too." "No. Like. I like like you." Hinokuma's face flushed red. She dropped her controller. "I. I like like you too." "Um. So. What's next?" Hinokuma shrugged. "I don't know. I've never done anything like this before." "Well neither have I." The pair sat in silence. "W-what if we put our Minecraft beds next to each other?" Hinokuma nodded as she checked the time. "I should probably get back home. But I'll be over tomorrow." "Can we go to dinner instead?" Hinokuma nodded and smiled. "My treat."

Hinokuma got home a bit later than she planned. "I'm home! Sorry I'm late. Dad?" "Dabi sat in on the couch,l with a cup of tea. "Hey, devil. How was it?" He turned and smiled at her. "I had a good time. Where's mama?" "He and I got into another argument. He and I are needing some time apart. But tell me about it." Hinokuma didn't like this. "Nothing special. We just played Minecraft. And set up a dinner date for tomorrow. Dad, what did you and mama fight about this time?" Dabi sat back down. "He wants to force you to call off the marriage. I told him not to." Hinokuma noticed a bruise on her father's arm. "Dad?" "He left and came back drunk. Tried something. I fought back then he hit me. So I called your uncle." Hinokuma hugged him. "Daddy." "So tomorrow, until your father gets back, you'll need to stay at the Chisaki's." Hinokuma had no problem with this, but she hated how often her parents got into these fights. "This is all because I'm supposed to marry Yasashi." "Do not blame yourself. You did nothing. You like him don't you?" She nodded. "I'm happy for you, if you're happy. We had a rocky start, but you're happiness and well being is much more important to me than my own. I don't care if Yasashi is a Chisaki."

Meanwhile at Endeavor's, Endeavor ended up locking Keigo in a room. "Fucking bastard." "Enji?" "Kei's drunk. Did you know Hino is engaged? To the heir of the Shie Hissaki of all people." Rei shook her head. "But is she happy?" "Seems to be." "That's what's important." He nodded in agreement. "So why lock him up?" "I know those eyes. The eyes of someone who hit their loved one. I don't want to risk him going after you in anger or retaliation. I don't want you to live like that again. You had enough of it from me. And Rei, I'm so sorry." The omega hugged her husband. "You know I've forgiven you." He nodded. "Now what about Dabi?" "I was going to go by in the morning and make sure he was alright. Maybe take Hino somewhere that's not here." Rei nodded. "Not without me. You know how Dabi feels about alphas."

The next morning, Hinokuma got packed and ready to go to school. "Dad! Door!" "Coming!" Dabi opened the front door. "I'm sorry. The man of the house isn't here r-" he stumbles over his words as he looked at the alpha. "Dabi. Is everything ok?" "Grampa!" Hinokuma smiled and hugged him. "Is Gramma here too?" Endeavor nodded and let his mate in. "Hino. Head on to school." She nodded and said goodbye to her grandparents. "Let me see." Rei inspected the bruise. "Does he normally do this?" Dabi shook his head. "Last night was the first." "What brought it on?" Endeavor asked as he urged Rei to begin making food. "I don't know. For the past few weeks we'd been arguing about Hino's engagement. I'm all for it if she's happy. He's not." Dabi almost let a few tears escape. "He got home drunk last night." He took a shaker breath. "And told me he'd make me see his side. He got one hit before I kicked him out." Dabi couldn't fight back the tears. "Enji. Let me take over. You have work after all." "I'll come back to get you after." He kissed his wife and headed out. "Touya." "Mom. What if he does this to Hino?" The omega hugged her son trying to calm him down. "From whet it sounds like, he won't. And you know Hino won't take it. She's strong. Stronger than you think."

Hinokuma didn't make it to school. She went straight to her secret job. She suited up and got to the lair. "Ah. Syndicate. Good to see you, but what are you doing here?" Shinso asked as he filled out paperwork. "Need a hit." "On who?" "Must teach Takami a lesson." Shinso knew the voice wasn't real. He knew there was someone trying hide under the suit. He just couldn't figure out who it was, and that bothered him. "Takami? No can do. You know I don't order hits on family." "He hit his mate." "And I'm taking care of it personally. When I need you, I'll call you. That's how this works." Shinso excused Syndicate, who did leave but it was obvious they were angry.

That night, Hinokuma sat at the table with Yasashi. "You seem tense. Everything ok?" "Yeah. It's nothing I want to bother you with. This is about us, right?" She faked a smile and continued eating. "You know, I'm part of a yakuza. I know when someone is hiding something. If we're to be married, then there needs to be no secrets between us." Hinokuma agreed, but still didn't want to worry him or bring him into it. "It's just personal family issues. That's all."

Keigo was let out of the room. "Thank you. Now I need to get home. "Not so fast. Dabi doesn't want you anywhere near him, and for good reason." "Endeavor, CPS will take Hino. And I doubt we'll get lucky enough for her to go to Rumi again." Endeavor explained that Hinokuma was already set to stay with someone. "Fuck. Who?" "You don't need to know. Now I need to go get my wife. Stay here and don't cause trouble." Keigo was left alone in the house. "Fuck. She's with Chisaki."

Rei said goodbye to her son. "Do we need to stop by again tomorrow?" "No. I'll be fine. Thank you though." Once the other couple left, Dabi felt his phone buzz. "So the speech, an explosion is my cue. Got it."

Hinokuma was set up in a guest room. "I will respectfully ask that you stay away from my son's room." "That's understandable. Thank you."
