Part 19

Three days passed and Bakugo drove back to Dabi's with Midoriya. "Are you sure it's ok for me to be here too?" "I think he could use a bit company right now." Midoriya nodded as he got out of the car and knocked on the door. "Kacchan, something's off." "Yeah. I smell it too." Dabi's usual scent of rustic campfire wasn't present. It was instead replaced with a toasted marshmallow scent. "Deku, behind me." Midoriya nodded as he stepped behind one of his husbands and the door was opened. "Reeks of blood. Kacchan. What happened?" "I don't- DABS!" Dabi was found laying in the floor, his right wrist cut open. "Izu, find Hino. I've got to stop this bleeding." "I thought he moved past this." "So did I." The cut wasn't very deep, so it was fairly easy to clean and patch up. "Kacchan, I can't find her." "Fuck. Dabi, where's Hino?" Dabi let his tears fall. "They took her." "Who?" Midoriya knelt beside his friend. "CPS. They found out somehow." "Fuck!"

Meanwhile Hinokuma sat at her foster family's table with a plate of food. "No." "You need to eat." Hinokuma shook her head. "How the hell does Dabi get her to eat anything?" Shigaraki turned to his wife. "Just be thankful CPS doesn't know you and Dabi are connected. But yeah. I also would like to know." She then looked to Hinokuma. "So this is Kei's kid. What the hell happened to him." "Rumi? Everything ok?" She nodded. "Yeah. Just thinking. Sorry to scare you, bunny." She kissed him as she urged Hinokuma to her temporary room. "Where's mama? Why can't I stay with daddy?" "Well. There are laws that keep an omega from keeping their kids without a mate." Rumi figured it'd be the easier question to answer, as she had no idea what happened to Keigo or where he was. Hinokuma sniffled a little, trying to hold back tears. "But why?" "Some mean men like having power over those weaker than them. And it forces omegas to stay mated." "What's 'mate'?" Rumi sighed in relief. "A mate is someone you love very much and want to spend forever with. Like mama and daddy. Or Shiggy and I. And as alphas, it's our job to keep our mates, and kids, safe and protected." "Then why does daddy not like alphas?" Rumi didn't know the actual answer, so she bluffed. "Your daddy met some very bad alphas that just wanted to use him." "Is mama an alpha?" "No, sweetie. Your mama's a beta." This seemed to appease the five year old. "Why Shiggy's tummy so big?" "He has my baby in him." "Baby? How did it get there?" Rumi didn't want to tell the little girl. But she had to answer somehow. "Cooties. Every boy has cooties. And that's how babies are made." Hinokuma nodded in wonder. "You know everything." Rumi chuckled. "Now get to sleep. I'll see if I can find out when you can go back to your daddy, ok?"

Shigaraki sat in the bed reading a book when Rumi walked in. "So?" "CPS normally gives three months for a mate to return, after that the child is put up for adoption. And very rarely do the foster parents keep them." Rumi sighed as she got in bed with her husband. "Three months. Let's assume the worst, that Kei doesn't come back. What are we going to do?" "I was hoping we'd keep Hino. Maybe see about hiring Dabi as a live in nanny." This would allow Dabi to continue to take care of his daughter. Rumi nodded. "But that's the worst case scenario. Best case, Kei comes back, gets things cleared with CPS, Hino goes home." Shigaraki nodded in agreement. Then gripped his stomach. "Everything ok?" "Fuck. Baby's coming."

Rumi got Shigaraki to the hospital and sat in the waiting room with Hinokuma. She could tell the girl was getting restless so they walked around the halls. They passed by a room and Hinokuma ran in. "Hino!" Rumi ran after her. "I am so sor-" She stopped as she looked at the hospital bed. "MAMA!!! Mama wake up!!" "Kei?" Rumi found a doctor and asked about what happened. "Ah. The John Doe. Massive plane crash coming from Brazil. He was the only survivor, but unfortunately is in a coma." "I know him. His name is Keigo Takami. That's his daughter there. And he has a mate waiting for him at home." The doctor nodded and reassured her the paperwork would be filled out and the mate contacted. Rumi then went back into the room. "Why mama not waking up?" "He's in what's called a coma. It means his body was hurt very bad and he needs sleep to fix it."

Dabi sat on the couch fiddling with the bandages on his arm. "Stop messing with them." Bakugo called from the kitchen. "Dabs, why? You know Kei's going to come back. You'll get her back." "I don't know that. For all I know, Keigo took this forced vacation thing as an opportunity to leave for good. Or he's dead." Dabi let a few tears fall. "I have three months. Three months, and my daughter gets put in the system. She could jump from family to family, until eventually she turns out just like how this society wants alphas to be." "You don't know that." Bakugo walked up to Midoriya and Dabi. "Phone for you." "Hello? Yes this is he." Midoriya watched as Dabi's eyes widened and he jumped from the couch. "Serious? I'm on my way. Kats, can you take me to the hospital? I think Kei's there."

About an hour later Dabi arrived with Bakugo. "Touya Takami. My mate, Keigo, is here." Dabi was taken to Keigo's room and nearly cried at the sight of his husband hooked up to monitors and machines. "DADDY!" "Devil!" Dabi grabbed his child and pulled her into a tight hug. He stood up and looked at the alpha. "You must be Dabi. Hi. My name's Rumi. I'm a friend of Kei's." He couldn't say much of anything. "Thank you."
