Chapter 30: Buying An Outfit

Amity's POV:

It was a Saturday, I woke up to see me and Luz still in the same position since last night. She was still sleeping so I got up and kissed her forehead before I went out. I sat on the couch and looked through my phone. I got a text from my siblings:

Parasite👺: Hey Mittens u going shopping for the dance??

Sister💩: We can help if u want. Besides mom and dad are coming to visit ur school today and on prom so i hope ur ready to be picked as the queen 😽
Sister 💩: Mittens wake up its 8:06

Parasite👺: Dang still hasnt read and its 8:57

Sister💩: Mittens wake up its 9:17

Me: Sorry I was tired after last night. And why would our parents come to school and dance??

Sister💩: Well its because they got invited as a special guest and want to see you. What did u do last night? hang out with luz? party? homework?

Me: Yeah?

Sister💩: Wait srsly? You went to a party? With Luz? And did hw?

Me: Yes yes and yes.

Parasite👺: Wow u went to a party with Luz? Thats new 😦

Me: Whev so u picking me up to find a dress or what?

Parasite👺: Yeah will be there at 2:30 so be ready

Sister💩: mom told u to bring ur friends along

Me: What why??

Sister 💩: 🤷‍♀️

Me: 🙄

I went in the room to see Luz is still sleeping so I decided to make breakfast. Skara woke up a few minutes later. "Morning Amity, where's Luz?" she asked stretching. "She's still sleeping so I'm making breakfast for her. She must be tired after last night," I replied. "Oh, alright. So whatchu making?" She said as she sat on the stool. "I'm making a frittata. I saw the chefs make these when I was younger. So I guess this is the only thing I know to make." I shrugged.

50 minutes later

I finished making the frittata and waited for Luz to wake up. So I took a bath while waiting. I got out of the bathroom and went into the room. I saw Luz was just sitting on the bed. "Morning Luz," I said. "Morning Ams. Wait here I'll get you some clothes." She went to my dorm and brought me so home clothes that I put on. When I was done, I went out to have breakfast. "Let's eat." All of us went to the kitchen, sat down and we all ate. "These are good. Where'd you learn to make it?"

"I saw the chefs making it when I was younger."

We finished eating and we got ready to leave. I texted everyone that my siblings are gonna bring us to shop for some clothes and to get ready by 2:15 and meet at the cafe. It was noon so I just sat spent my time reading Azura. When they were done, the 3 of us went to the cafe early for a nice drink and to talk with Vee. We arrived at the cafe around 12: 35. The place was packed with students of all classes. We manage to sit at a table big enough for the 3 of us. "We'll go get some drinks. You want one?" Luz asked. I nodded my head and she and Skara went to get drinks.

I saw they were talking about something and Luz seemed a little nervous talking to her. Even when I couldn't hear what they were talking about, I saw Luz kept doing a no gesture or denying something. Then, I saw Luz whisper something to Skara and she smiled. Then she took Skara's hand and held it. I felt my heart dropped, tears forming in my eyes. I sat there with a blank expression with thoughts running through my mind. Does she like Skara? Does Skara like her? Why is she holding her hand? This feeling, it hurts. Then Luz left go of her hand and they started talking again. Luz was smiling and laughing with her. This this the feeling of jealousy? Heartbroken?

I saw they were coming back with the drinks and I quickly dried my tears. "Here you go Ams, your favorite latte." She handed me the drink. I smiled weakly at her. "Hey, is everything ok?" Skara asked. "Yeah, yeah...why wouldn't it be?" I mumbled. I took took a sip from my drink but I could tell they were looking at me. "Hey you wanna talk about it?" Luz asked. Why would she be so nice to me when she clearly like Skara? Then I heard the others coming to our table. "Hey guys, so we waiting here?" Boscha asked.

I heard mumbling whispers but I couldn't make out anything. The thoughts were flooding my brain. I focus back to reality when my phoe started ringing. It was Emira so got up from my seat and answered outside the cafe.

Amity: Hello?
Emira: Hey mittens where are you?"
Amity: What? It's only 1:24?
Emira: I know but mom wants us to early. We're in the limo in the pickup zone.
Amity: Alright I'm on my way.

I went in to see all of them talking and they stopped when they saw me. "Let's go they're waiting for us in the pickup zone," I said in a stern tone. They picked up their bags and drinks and walked out the cafe. The walk was just mumbling whispers behind me but I payed no attention what so ever. She knew I liked her and yet she held her hand and now they're a couple. I walked a little faster than them so I was in the front of them.

I saw my driver open the door and I entered it. The others were standing outside looking at us. "Oh c'mon dearies don't be scared. I'll be taking you to the best boutique for your dresses and suits now come in, just watch your head," my mom said. They entered the limo one by one and the driver closed the door and drove off. I sat between my mom and sister while the others were the opposite of me with Edric. My mom was looking at her phone then she put it down.

Odalia: So all of you are my daughter's friends? Of course I know Luz, Skara and Boscha. How bout the 3 of you?
Willow: I'm Willow, this is Hunter and Gus.
Hunter: Pleasure to meet you ma'am.
Odalia: So, I heard there was an incident regarding my daughter yesterday?
Boscha: I'm so sorry ma'am I didn't know they would do that to her. Please don't fire my parents.
Odalia: Fire? No no no, I wouldn't. I fired their parents for that. I knew Mittens would go there out of curiosity so it's alright. She's still safe aren't you Mittens?
Amity: Yes mother, I'm fine. But how did you know?
Odalia: Well I heard it from someone.
Amity: Who?
Odalia: If you paid attention yesterday you would have seen someone familiar there. But I'm glad Luz and Boscha here manage to get you out of there. Now, how's everyone's studies been?
Luz: It's good Mrs. Blight.
Hunter: It's going great.
Gus: A little lost but Willow helped me.
Willow: It good.
Boscha: Great.
Skara: Calculus is a little confusing but Amity helped me understand it better.
Odalia: That's good to hear. How about you mittens? I hear your teachers and principal mention you alot in things.
Amity: I've going very well mother. Principal Bump chose me as the planner for the dance.
Odalia: Very well. Now, some of you might be asking why I'm bringing you along well it's because I need to talk with a few of you.
Driver: Ma'am we have arrived.
Odalia: Thank you Derick. Come back at 6:30 and pick up up here.
Driver: Very well ma'am.

We all got off the limo and entered the boutique. It was bright and fancy filled with millionaires. "Now, come along." We followed my mom to the back where there was chairs and a small stage. "Afternoon Mrs. Blight. How can I help you today?" The lady said. "I'm here to find a masquerade theme dress and suit for them. " The lady nodded then looked at us then she brought us to the back. "When you are done wearing your outfit come out so I can see if it suits you," Mom stated. "Now let me see your sizes and I'll be back with you." She measured us and went out. She came back with 6 other workers each holding an outfit for us. They handed us each the clothing and we went to change.

I went out first and the assistants started gushing which always annoyed me. I went out to the smalls stage where my mother was sitting on the chair. "It looks beautiful on you but where's your mask." I looked around for it then the lady gave me it. "Ah! Wonderful. You look like a princess my dear. But I think you'll look stunning with red or do you want to wear white?" I thought about it for a bit before I answered. "I think I'll go for red." My mother nodded at my answer. "Now I want my daughter to wear this dress." My mom showed the lady a picture on her phone and she went to find it.

"Now go back in mittens, I don't want anyone else to see your dress. It's best to not see each others dress until the day of the event." I nodded my head and waited in the dressing room. I heard my mother praising the others and asking same questions for each. Telling them then same thing. Then I heard the lady knick the door and handed me the dress. I changed into that dress and went out. "Fabulous, I couldn't even recognize you darling. You look beautiful. Now do you want this one?" I turned and walked around in it for a while to make sure I'm comfortable. "Yes, mother." I replied. "Wonderful, now shoes." The lady handed me a box and I put it on. "Fits like a glove."

I wasn't aloud to see anyone else in their outfit so I waited in a different room. I was using my phone when Luz took a seat in front me. "Hey Ams." I ignored her after what she did and continued scrolling through my phone. "Hey, are you ok? You've been ignoring me since we were at the cafe." I just stood up and sat somewhere else. I didn't want to ignore her but it hurts to know what she likes someone else. She didn't bother me but just sat at the same place she was and kept quiet.

Within half an hour everyone came in one by one. They greeted me but I ignored them to because they knew I liked her but they didn't tell me anything about Skara and Luz. When I didn't they just walked over to Luz and started talking. I heard them mentioning my name a few hundred times but I pretend I didn't hear it. "Luz darling can you come over here?" My mom spoke from the other room. She got up from her seat and went to my mother. After 10 minutes she came back and sat where she was and they started talking again.

"Hey Mittens whatchu doing?" I heard Edric say with his annoying voice. "Go away Edric," I said in an annoyed tone. "Hey are you alright? You've been quiet today. Is something wrong?" Emira asked. I kept quiet and they left me alone. A few minutes later I Luz came over and sat next to me. "Hey are mad at us or something? You can tell us what it was so we won't do it again." I kept quiet and she placed her hand on my shoulder. I pushed her hand off my shoulder and yelled, "can you please leave me alone? I don't want to be bothered by any of you." I saw the hurt look in her face and she got up and went back to the others. I saw everyone else looking at me in shock. My eyes started tearing up and I ran to the bathroom.

I didn't want anyone to see me cry. I heard someone enter the bathroom and called out my name. "Mittens?" I looked up and saw my mother and sister. "Are you alright dear?" My mother asked. I wiped my tears and stood up. "I'm sorry mother. I'm not supposed to cry," I sniffed. "It's alright now tell me what's wrong?" I looked at her and broke down into her arms and she hugged me trying to calm down. "I just- I really liked her. But she likes someone else. They knew I liked her and they didn't care about how I felt. She knew I liked her but she held her hand and, and I really liked her..." I cried. "Now who is this girl that you like? And who was the one that held her hand?" She asked. I didn't answer and got off my mother. "It's fine...I'll get over it."

I washed my face and went out the bathroom I entered the room to pick up my phone but I was quickly tackled by Luz. "Amity! Please don' be mad at me. I didn't mean to make you upset. Please forgive me. I will never replace you as my bestfriend for Skara. Please don't be mad," She consoled. "It's ok. I shouldn't have been jealous about you with someone else." I said, "Now can you let go?" I continued. "Never, I don't want to hurt you." I smiled at her and hugged her back. I looked behind her to see they wrote SORRY :( paper. I gave them a smile that made them relieved.

"Uhh Luz can you let go of her? We wanna hug her to," Gus said. "No, she's mine and mine only. I'm not gonna leave her for anyone else." I blushed at what she said and the rest of them started smiling but Gus was mad because he doesn't get a hug. "Alright now, let's go Derick is waiting for us outside and what are you 2 doing?" my mother said behind me. I turned around and gave her an awkward smile. "Nothing!" She just raised her eyebrows then smiled. "You can continue your cuddling at your dorm now let's go." I saw the twins smirking behind mom and I felt embarrassed.

"Luz c'mon let's go." She let go and held my hand and we went out. "You forgot this." Skara handed me my phone and I smiled at her.

In the limo

Odalia: So has these 2 always been like this?
Willow: Yeah every day.
Gus: And sometimes well not sometimes but most of the time they sleep with each other.
Odalia: Excuse me? What?
Gus: Wait then what were you doing in the room with her every night?
Odalia: Every night?
Gus: Yeah, both of them always share the same room each night.
Willow: (Laughing nervously) I think he means that they sleep normally like at sleepovers not like doing the thing. (stares at Gus).
Gus: What?
Hunter: Yeah we all like hanging out with each other and Luz and Amity always share a room.
Odalia: So do they sleep in the separately?
Hunter: No they share a bed because we don't have a spare bed. Boscha is sleeping in the other room. Unless we're in Luz's dorm Skara sleeps in the room.
Odalia: Oh is this true Boscha and Skara?
Boscha: Yeah, but they do it because they care about each other as friends.
Amity: Yes mother we don't like cuddle each other in our sleep.
Luz: (Stares at Amity in confusion) We don't?
Amity: (Nudges her stomach)
Luz: Yeah yeah we don't.
Odalia: I know your lying about that Mittens. I'm your mother.
Amity: Well it's not my fault I sleep like that.
Odalia: It's alright. I'm letting you enjoy the life as how you want to. I will not treat you like before, like my how my mother did...
Luz: So can we still sleep with each other?
Amity: LUZ!
Luz: What? I needed your mom's blessing for that.
Amity: It's not like we're getting married?
Odalia: You have my blessing to sleep with her. Not sexually but you know what I mean.

The entire ride was just my friends exposing me and Luz and Luz was fine with it. "You know sometimes Amity says things in her sleep." Luz said. "Really? Like what?" Luz's face got serious and she went to my mom and whispered. My mom's eyes widen and she started smiling at Luz and she whispered something back. I was worried that I said something embarrassing. I looked at her and she kept smiling. I really wanted us to be there already.

We arrived 10 minutes later and Luz pulled me out of the limo and carried me like a child. "Hey! Put me down!" I whined. My mom just laughed at me. "Mittens you know you look like a kitten when your angry," My mom joked. I rolled my eyes at her. "Now I'll get them to send your clothes the day before the event but don't show it to anyone. I want it to be a surprise to each other. Understood?" She said. "Yes ma'am," we said in together. "And Luz, don't forget,"she said looking at her. "Yes ma'am. I won't let you down." She nodded her head and left.

"What is she talking about?" I asked. "Oh nothing important. Now let's go shall we, mí princesa?" I just blushed and she brought me back to the dorm. We all stayed at my dorm and chatted. "Anyways I'm gonna use the bathroom for a bit." I got up and went to the bathroom. When I got out I heard them mentioning my name so I stopped to listen to it. "So what did Mrs. Blight say?" Willow asked. "Well I'm not supposed to tell anyone but you guys but Amity is still here." Luz replied. "It's fine she's in the bathroom but make it quick," Willow added. "Well, she told me that she wants the dance to be perfect and finished with a cheese." The fuck? Cheese? So I came out and they quickly changed the subject.

"Why would my mom want cheese?" I asked. "What cheese, I didn't hear anything about cheese. Did you?" Luz asked. "Liar, now tell me why my mom wants cheese filled in the party?" She just laughed at me. "Oh Ams, I'll tell you if you give me a kiss." She brought her face closer to mine and my heart started racing and the butterflies in my stomach were going wild. "No," I pushed her face away from mine. "Why?" she asked. "I'm saving my kiss for my crush and I want it at the perfect place." She just shrugged at me and went to the bathroom.

"Why didn't you kiss her?" Skara asked in frustration. "I don't know, I panicked and said whatever came out of my mouth. Her face was so close to mine, what'd you expect?" I panicked. "Well, you'll get your chance soon, now you should go to bed." Hunter said. I rolled my eyes and went in the room. Changed me clothes then I laid on my bed thinking about things. I fell asleep but was woken up to the sound of crashing pans and pots. I quickly got up and looked out to see everyone holding Luz and the pans and pots in the floor.

"What's going on?"

"Uhh- She accidentally drank juice that someone gave Boscha yesterday and I'm guessing it's alcohol, now she's drunk," Willow answered. "WHAT!" I yelled. "Sweet potato," she said as she fell on me making me fall on the floor. "Luz! Get off me," I scream. "I wanna sleep," she mumbled. "Can you at least get off me?" I asked. She got up, "no," and lied back on me. "Help?" I looked at them who was just holding in laughter. "What's so funny?" I asked. I saw Luz who was also laughing. I pushed her off and she as laughing. "What's going on, why are you laughing?" I asked in both anger and confusion.

"We were, we were joke, we were joking about Luz being drunk, we just wanted to play a joke with you," Hunter said in between laughs. I just stopped my foot and marched back to the room. These guys were annoying the shit out of me. I stared at the celing then Luz lied next to me. I turned to her and she was looking at me, "Hiya hermosa," I rolled my eys and faced the other side of her. She covered us with the blanket and started hugging me tightly. "Ah, Luz stop!" I screamed. "Stop, your choking me. Move your hand and you leg. STOP!" I yelled. "Uhh...what the fuck are you 2 doing?" Luz opened the blanket and we saw Hunter at the door. "Get out," Luz said. He walked out and closed the door.

She looked back at me and I pushed her off. She sat down looking at me. She gave me a smile and I just hugged her. "Now stop attacking me or giving me heart attacks or I will kick you." She nodded her head and we fell asleep.
