Hold only me

Zhang Hao third person POV

Zhang hao smelt bacon and egg drift into his senses as he tossed around in his bed before groaning softly, unable to resist as he eventually opened his eyes looking around the bedroom. Gunwook and Gyuvin were nowhere to be seen. The Chinese member position himself up and got off of his bed, quickly making it before walking out of the room and over to the kitchen where he assumed the others were.

As Zhang hao walked inside the room, he saw his missing roommates seated at the living room table, playing a card game Zhang hao wasn't familiar with. He smiled, glad they seemed to be happy before walking into the actual kitchen, spotting Taerae and Jiwoong, two now roommates cooking together. Well, it was more that Jiwoong cooked while Taerae cleaned up and did silly little tasks for him.

Zhang hao walked closer to them, peaking over Jiwoong's shoulder to see he was cooking a classic American breakfast, something he was unaware the other even knew how to make.

"Where is Ricky, Matthew and Hanbin?"

Zhang hao asked as he moved to lean against the kitchen bench table, Jiwoong turning around to face him with a smile.

"Ricky is in the shower and the other two I don't know. I guess they're still asleep. "

Zhang hao nodded as Jiwoong turned back away using some tongs to take the bacon off of the pan and onto a small tray.

"Talking about them, do you mind getting them to come out? The food will be ready in 5"

Jiwoong said nonchalantly as Zhang hao agreed, jokingly waving a quick goodbye to Taerae who was cleaning a pan Jiwoong had given him, before heading over to the bedrooms. Noticing it was the only room with the lights still off and door closed, he assumed the one at the front left must be the room of Matthew and Hanbin. Zhang hao knocked before he decided to just walk inside.

"Guys Jiwoong made breakfast for us. It's time to get up!"

He exclaimed as he walked inside, his eyes tracing the still bare looking room. Zhang hao furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed that Hanbin's bed was empty before looking over to Matthew's. There laid the two, Hanbin basically spooning the younger, his legs wrapped around Matthew's thighs and hands around his waist, almost like a koala.

Zhang hao felt his cheeks heat up as he realised their close position, both opening their eyes to see Zhang hao at the door frame. Hanbin quickly pulled himself off of Matthew, awkwardly laying on his back beside the younger as Zhang hao watched, biting at the inside of his mouth. His mind immediately blanked as he felt a pit fill in his stomach. Zhang hao didn't know why he felt this way, but he knew he had to leave before his mind could conceptualise what he saw. Hanbin was only ever that close to him, not Matthew nor anyone else.

He pivoted his foot and walked outside the bedroom, he knew it was childish, but he couldn't help storming over to the maknae line, who had now forced Taerae to join their game, slouching on a seat next to the wet haired, tired Ricky. The others too focused on their game didn't notice their hyung, leaving Zhang hao to pout to himself, staring at a small bowl of scrambled eggs that rested in the center of the table.

After some time passed Jiwoong had placed the rest of the food onto the table, giving them each a plate as he ordered the younger members to put away their card game. As Zhang hao went to reach out to grab some bacon for himself, he saw Hanbin slump into the chair in front of him, Matthew sitting to the right of the Korean. Zhang hao felt his body stiffen once more before he shook it off continuing to grab his own food.

Zhang hao sat listening to his friends talk as he found himself staring at Matthew and Hanbin, the two laughing and chatting, similar to how they had done when they got a room together. Without being able to help himself, Zhang hao was soon subconsciously glaring at Matthew with every little touch the Canadian did towards Hanbin driving Zhang hao insane. He was mad for a reason he couldn't explain.

Zhang hao moved his foot under the table, resting his own on top of Hanbin's. When he noticed the younger glance over at him, he looked down at his plate, pretending to be preoccupied while he moved their legs closer, so that their calves were pushed together. He could feel a small smile appear on his face as Hanbin leaned back against him.

They stayed in that position for a couple minutes until Zhang hao watched Matthew feed Hanbin a scoop of his scrambled eggs. He rolled his eyes and moved his leg up onto Hanbin's lap, looking down even further to try and hide his pink cheeks as he watched under his lashes as the younger get noticeably flustered, his eyes staring at Zhang hao's leg under the table as he nibbled on his bottom lip.

Zhang hao wasn't the type to act so jealous or possessive over someone before but he couldn't deny that he didn't mind seeing Hanbin flustered especially with how the Korean had left him the night prior. Zhang hao tried to push it further, as he wrapped his spare leg around the others pulling them closed as his heel rested in the side of the others leg, almost trapping the other.

He quietly gasped when felt the other suddenly pull out of his grip, the sound of Hanbin's chair squeaking against the wooden floorboards breaking his trance before the younger excused himself and left for the bathroom. Zhang hao's eyes trailing the other until he was out of sight.


Comment there what side ships I should include (nothing with yujin please)
