ashtray had successfully left valerie's house a couple hours letter, being picked up by fezco.

it was now a couple days later, and valerie sat up after hearing her phone go off multiple times. she silence it, at first, before re-opening her eyes to check it just in case it was important. her eyebrows furrowed at the bright screen, and she squinted her eyes to read the many messages she got from all unknown numbers. she scrolled through all the messages, before quickly realizing it was about a party and probably someone from her school that had made the group chat. not exactly sure how they had gotten her number, but she shrugged it off.

she wants too fond with partys, they smelt like sweat, alcohol and weed, which gave her the biggest headache. and the pervy guys that stood around. but a part of her wanted to go to the party she was invited to, so she thought about it.

deciding she would just choose her answer later on, around the time one of the people had said the part was, she sat up, stretching and sighing before getting up and going to make herself something to eat.

she opened her room door, looking down the hallway to see maddys door closed. she walked to her kitchen, greeting her dad and mom with a 'hi' and 'good morning' before making herself cereal.

with the bowl of cereal in her hands, she went and sat next to her dad on the couch, her eyes moving up to the tv and quickly getting interested in whatever show he was watching. she hasn't sat and ate with her dad in longer than she could remember, so she decided to today.

once she was finished she washed her bowl, walking back into her room to grab clothes she'd wear that day, and going into the bathroom to turn on her shower. she pressed on her apple music playlist, turning her phone volume all the way up and setting her it far enough away from the shower so it didn't get water damaged. she undressed, stepping into the shower and pulling the curtain back.

she grabbed onto her dove shampoo, that in her opinion, smelt great. she put a small amount in her hands and then ran her hands through her hair, massaging her scalp. once she washed it out, she grabbed her dove conditioner, putting it all through her hair and then washing her body.

she had the Caress, shea butter and brown sugar body wash. it had to be one of her favorite smells, being a bit dramatic, she wished it was a candle smell. she washed her body and hair, before shaving her armpits and then turning the water off, stepping out of the shower.

she let her music continue to play as she hummed along, drying her hair and putting lotion on her body before changing and then brushing her teeth.

she grabbed onto her phone and her dirty clothes, bringing them back to her room. she put her clothes in her dirty clothes basket and sat her phone on her vanity, before sitting down herself and taking a deep breath.

she took a second to check her notifications, replying to ashtrays messages, and then starting to do her makeup.

she did it like she always does, simple. and by the time she was done, her hair was almost dry.

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hours passed, valerie laid in her bed, finishing on my block and then sighing. she was bored, and had nothing in mind that she could do.

suddenly, the party came to her mind. she picked up her phone, checking the time to see that the party had started twenty minutes ago.

she bit her lip, before deciding she would go. she stood, walking to maddys room. she lightly knocked, hearing a soft "come in." and then opened the door, taking a couple steps in her room to see her sat, doing her makeup with a dress on.

"where are you going?" valerie asked her.

"some party, i don't know, kat invited me." maddy shrugged, finishing her lip liner.

valerie's eyebrows raised, a little smile coming to her face. "can i come?"

maddy turned to her, before shrugging. "sure."

valerie nodding, telling maddy that she was going to go change quickly, and then jogging to her room. she looked through her closet, not having many dresses, she chose a white sparkly one that caught her eye.

she looked at herself in her mirror, her now changed into the dress. the dress went to her mid thigh, but she still wondered if she should wear a different one.

"val, come on!" she heard maddy shout, making her huff. she quickly put on her favorite perfume and deodorant, grabbing her phone and then closing her room door, meeting maddy who was standing by the front door.

maddy smiled at the sight of her little sister, "sexyyyy." she dragged, teasing val.

valerie laughed, shaking her head as she followed behind maddy out their front door with their mom yelling for them to be safe.

they settled in maddys car, maddy connecting to the aux cord and loudly playing her music before driving off.

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the smell and the sound immediately gave valerie a headache like she had thought it would before. she made her way through the crowd of people, alone, since maddy had joined kat less than ten minutes after the two sisters had gotten there.

making it to the kitchen, she saw the many alcohol bottles sitting on the counter, along with red solo cups and other substances she couldn't name.

she was responsible enough to know drinking at her age was stupid, so she heading for the fridge, looking for a water bottle.

her fingers gripped the water, pulling it from out of the fridge, and then un-twisting the cap to take a sip. she heard loud cheers next to her, and turned to see a group of people her age doing a line of shots.

valerie had always wished she didn't have as bad anxiety so she could do things like that. she continued watching the group, chuckling a little when someone would step back after chocking.

she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see a girl, she had black, long, straight hair, she was only a little bit taller than valerie, and overall valerie thought she was beautiful. "shots?"

valerie gave her a light smile, turning to see a couple people watching the girl who had just came up to her. she didn't mean to think bad of the girl, but she only did because the last two times she trusted someone, they did her dirty. trust issues? maybe. "uh..." valerie hesitated.

"you don't have to, if you don't want. we just have one more cup and you seem lonely, so." the girl smiled, awkwardly. "i'm kiana, by the way."

valerie nodded, "valerie." the girl nodded, the small smile on her face never leaving. valerie sighed, "yeah, i will."

kianas smile widened, she wrapped her arm around valerie, bringing her to her three friends. the girls all gave valerie a welcoming smile, before introducing themselves and handing valerie the other cup.

as they all cheered, hitting their cups together, they all quickly put their heads back and chugged their shots. kiana laughed, her face scrunching in disgust.

valerie smiled, her having a similar face. she watched as kianas three friends started a conversation, though she couldn't hear what they were saying over the loud music. one of them only gave short reply's, rolling up a blunt. kiana turned to her, "so, how old are you?"

valerie raised her eyebrows, "fourteen. you?"

kiana nodded, "me too."

valerie was now the one to nod, and turned to look at all the people around her, before feeling a light tap on her leg. she turned her head back around to the four girls she was sat with, and saw kianas friend, ariana, holding a full shot glass in her hand, with her eyebrows raised as a way of asking if she wanted it.

she glanced at the other three, seeing they all had one in their hands too, and took it, nodding.

again, they put their heads back, downing the shot before letting out small groans and laughing. another one of kianas friends passed around the blunt she had previously rolled seconds later, and valerie joined in the rotation, even though she didn't smoke often, she had before and decided to because... why not?

as soon as the blunt was finished, valerie stood, leaving her bottle where she was sat. "i'm gonna use the bathroom." the announced to the three, as they all gave her smiles or nods. she began to walk off, before feeling her wrist being grabbed and she's quickly turned back around.

"what's your number? incase we don't see each other again tonight." kiana asked, holding her phone in the hand she wasn't holding valerie in.

valerie told her, her number and watched as she typed it in, before she felt a vibration coming from her bra, since she had put her phone in her bra when she arrived to the party to make sure she didn't loose it. they both nodded at each other, as kiana gave val a small wave and valerie finally walked off the find the bathroom.

she pushed her way through the crowded room, letting out a frustrated groan when she bumped into someone, but still apologized. "sorryβ€”"

being met face to face with victoria, she stopped mid sentence and took a step back. a week or two before, valerie had decided to cut all ends with her vic, and daniel, deciding it was the best thing to do for herself, so she just nodded at her, continuing to walk.

but, for the second time that might, someone grabbed her wrist to stop her. she sighed, turning around and seeing victoria still there, a grip now on her wrist. "wait, uh, can i talk to you? please.."

valerie let out a huff, her head was pounding, she had to pee, and she was intoxicated. any other time she would've said no, but she quickly answered, "sure, but i have to pee."

vic nodded, following behind valerie who continued to look for the bathroom. when the two finally found it, valerie let out a breath of relief, pushing past people and opening the door.

victoria stood outside the door, leaning on the wall. she was nervous, she had never been nervous to talk to valerie, but right now, she was.


gf kiana 😝🀞

thoughts and opinions?!,$

and, good news (i guess.... πŸ™„) i don't think this is going to be my last book. i really don't know what i'm gonna do with myself if i don't write because it's really the only thing i do😭 and i was thinking last night and ideas came to my head for two books that i could do, i just don't know if i want to do them about ashtray bc like i said, i want to try writing about someone new. butttttt i don't know, one last time?? 🀫
