Chapter Nine: Interviews, Thinking and Finding

{Liam's POV}

We finish performing Story of My Life mixed with Move on the Australian breakfast show thingy before we go and sit down with the presenters.

"Woah!" The guy says. "That was amazing!"

"Thanks," we all reply smiling. 

We chat for a while until relationships come up, they always do. 

"Jesy, congratulations on your engagement," the female smiles at her. 

"Thanks," she smiles happily back. We smile too. It's amazing, it really is.

"And Niall, Harry and Liam, it says here that none of you have girlfriends," the guy says. "Correct?" He asks.

"Yeah," Niall and I nod.

"Um, I have a female friend," Harry replies. We all smirk at him. "Her name is Molly," he adds.

"Awww," the girls all giggle.

"Is dating her fun?" The guy asks Harry. That sends us all into laughter and Harry places his face in his hands. 

"Do you mind?" He tilts his head to us. We stop laughing and try and compose ourselves.

"Sorry lad," Niall pats his back. 

"Um, okay," the female kind of laughs. "And Louis, you and Eleanor Calder is it?" She asks Louis.

"Yeah!" Louis replies cheerfully. He really loves her. "We're good! Really great!" He says before going quiet.

"Zayn, Perrie?" The guy looks at them both. They smile at him. 

"Reply," I sigh.

"Oh! Yeah! We're great!" Perrie holds her arm across Jade and me and Zayn high- fives her. We laugh and they both smile.

The presenters laugh and then the guy says, "And Jade and Leigh- Anne, you're also both single?"

"Yes! Yes we are," Jade nods looking at Leigh. Leigh nods too. 

The interview ends and we all decide to go to Nandos.

"I swear, the only place we ever eat at is Nandos!" Louis says as we eat our chicken and other stuff. 

"Because it's so good!" Perrie and Niall say at the exact same time in the exact same way: mouths stuffed with food. 

We laugh at their ridiculouness and then finish our food. As everyone else gets onto the bus I stop.

"Um guys, I think I'll walk," I say.

"Liam! This is Sydney! Since when do you know your way around Sydney?" Zayn asks me. 

"I'll be fine. Google maps," I smile. They all shrug and the ridiculous looking bus drives off. 

I head down the road until I find a park near the water. I sit down and think. 

Dani's pregnant. Danielle, my ex girlfriend Danielle is pregnant. It's insane! 


I look at Dani's baby bump and so does Perrie, Jade, Leigh and Eleanor. 

"Um, we're going to get a drink, wanna come Indie?" Leigh suggests. They all leave and I look at Dani's face now.

"Do you want me to explain?" She asks me.

"Why do you need to explain. We broke up five years ago," I reply. That probably sounded rude. "Sorry. Sure," I nod and we head outside.

"Liam, as you can see, I'm five months pregnant," Dani says looking at her bump. 

"Um yeah, who, who's the father?" I ask her. 

"He doesn't know," Dani replies. I nod.

"You know Dani, we're always here for you. Anything you need. Little Mix, Eleanor, the guys and I will always be here, well, when we're in England," I say. She giggles. "We can babysit, maybe not Louis and Perrie though, we can help out and we can be here if you need a friend," I smile.

"Thanks Liam," Dani hugs me. "Now, you better get back to Indie," she smiles.

"Thanks Dani," I smile before walking off.

<End Flashback>

Poor Dani! I really want to know which twit head did this to her so I can smash his face in. 

"Hey Liam!" I hear a familiar voice. I look to my left and Indie is sitting there.

"Indie?" I ask a little startstruck.

"Yeah! You remember me!" She smiles. I nod smiling. Of course I remember her! Apart from the whole Dani's pregnant thing, she's been on my mind constantly. 

"Why are you in Australia?" I ask.

"Well, I came home to see my Mum and Dad," she replies. 

Indie lives with her sister in London. She's a photographer and her Mum and Dad live in Sydney still. 

I look into her blue eyes. Wait! They're actually brown. 

"Are your eyes blue or brown?" I ask confused.

"Brown," she laughs. "They look blue in the dark though," she adds. I nod. Makes sense now!

"Wanna go and get some dinner somewhere?" She asks. 

"Sounds great!" I reply. Yes. I did just have Nandos but who cares? I'm going out with Indie!

{Perrie's POV}

"I'm just going for a walk," I smile at Jade. 

"Okay, stay safe please," she nods. I nod and head out the door. As I walk down the hall Zayn is coming the other way. 

"Where you going?" Zayn asks and I stop to talk to him.

"For a walk, be back soon," I place a kiss on his lips and then keep heading away. Once I'm in the elevator I go down and out onto the street. 

I walk down the road, remembering everything around me so I can find my way back. I look around at all the business people, teenagers and families. Nice mix of cultures too!

I head into a cafe and sit down. Touring with the boys. It's a great idea! It really is but I have a feeling lots of things will happen this year that will effect the tour next year. It's not a nice feeling!

"Hey!" I hear a Australian accent. I look up and see the one and only Rebel Wilson standing there. She sits down opposite me and I smile. "I'm Rebel Wilson and you're Perrie Edwards. I am a huge fan of your band and your very hot fiance's band," she explains.

I laugh. "Nice to meet you Rebel. Yeah, I'm Perrie and I am an absolute HUGE fan of you," I nod.

"Awww! Thanks cutie," she smiles. "Wanna drink?"

"Uh, sure," I reply. "Tea?" I ask. She laughs.

"English Breakfast?" She asks me. I laugh.

"That'd be nice."

The waiter brings over the tea and we share it.

"So Perrie, what brings you to Australia?" She asks me before sipping her tea again.

"Um, well the girls and I are here for two weeks with One Direction," I reply. She nods.

"Hey!" We hear and look up. Ashton Irwin is standing there. "Can I join?" 

We nod and I scoot over. He sits down next to me.

"How are you guys?" Ashton asks.

"Good thanks Ashy," Rebel smiles.

"Good thanks Ash," I reply to him. "How are you?"

"Great thanks Pezz," he laughs. 

We chat for ages until Rebel has to go.

"Well, I better go home too," Ashton stands up. I stand up and hug him. "See you Pezz," he smiles before walking off. That was a strange but nice experience. 

I head out and there's a whole heap of girls. Great. They keep yelling insulting things at me. 

"Leave Zayn you cow!" One yells. I start walking down the road trying to ignore them. 

"He's too good for you!"

"Go back to England, bitch!"

"F**king cow!" 

I keep walking but they keep following. 

I finally make it to a public area and they go away. Where am I?

I rush back out of the plaza and look around. I've never seen this place before. Okay. What do I do?

I walk around and then realise I've probably made myself even more lost. Shit.  

{Zayn's POV}

I walk into the living area of our penthouse suite. Perrie and I share a room. Louis and Eleanor share a room and then Liam, Niall and Harry are in one with three single beds and Jesy, Jade and Leigh are in a another with three beds. 

Everyone is sitting around on the couches chatting. I look out the window. It's getting dark and Perrie isn't back. 

"Where's Perrie?" I ask them. No reply.

"Guys! Have you seen Perrie?" I ask them. No reply again. Jade walks in on her phone. 

"Um, how long ago did Perrie leave?" I ask Jade.

"Four." Jade replies without looking up. It's seven. This isn't good. I call her and look at the phone vibrating on the coffee table. Everyone stops, looks at it, realises it says Hubby <3 and then looks at me. 

I pull the phone away from my ear. 

"Where's Perrie?" Louis asks.They don't know. Shit!

"I have to go find her," I grab my coat and head towards the door. 

"No! Zayn! You don't know your way around! You cannot go!" Harry stops me by grabbing my arm. 

"Harry," I try and yank my arm away.

"I'm sure she's just on her way back now," Jesy tries to stop me. 

"No! I know she's lost. I can sense it!" I reply. They all kind of giggle but I glare at them.

"Zayn, just give it half an hour," Louis says. I agree and sit down. I have a feeling this is the wrong thing to do. 


I watch my phone hit 7:30. I jump up and walk towards the door.

"Zayn! Stop!" Harry yells.

"Harry! That was half an hour! It's now pitch black! Half an hour more for Perrie to get cold, lost and even..." I pause. I'm not going to say it. She won't get taken. 

"Zayn, calm down," Leigh tries to calm me. 

"No," I open the door. I head down the hall but Liam is walking up with a girl. 

"Zayn!" I hear Harry yell. Liam grabs me as I try to go past.

"Where you going?" Liam asks.

I turn around and everyone is in the hall. 

"It's too dark!" Liam says. 

"Look around Liam! Perrie's missing! She's been missing for three and a half hours!" I yell. Everyone looks a little shocked. "And it seems that none of you f**king care!" I add.

"Zayn, we didn't say that!" Harry snaps back. 

"No Harry! My fiance, your friend, some of your band mate has gone missing and you're all standing here doing nothing but trying to stop me!" I yell. 

Liam places his hand on my shoulder to calm me. Not going to work Liam!

"Zayn we care," Jesy says.

"Then why aren't you doing anything?" I yell, my eyes filling with tears. 

"Zayn, if you go out you'll only get lost," Liam tries to reason.

"Liam, when you love someone, you do what it takes," I pull away and walk down the hall, ignoring their calls. I'm going to find Perrie... by myself. 

{Harry's POV} 

We all head back into the penthouse. 

"He's right." Jade mumbles sitting down. "He's always right."

"What if Perrie's not okay?" Niall asks looking out the window. I join him and watch Zayn jogging down the street. 

I turn back and head to the couch. I then remember Liam's friend. 

"Um, sorry you had to witness that," I say to her. 

"It's fine," she replies. "I hope she's okay," she adds. The girl is Australian. If Zayn had've stopped maybe she could help us find her. 

"Oh! Niall, Harry, Louis, Jesy, this is Indie," Liam introduces her. 

"Hi," she waves. 

"Hey!" We reply cheerfully. Jade, Leigh and Eleanor apparently met her at the Sony party. 

{Zayn's POV}

I jog down the street, trying to find Perrie. Where could she be? I pray she hasn't moved because then it will be extra hard to find her. 

I run around the streets trying to find her. I see a park up ahead and go into it. There's couples and families sitting around having fun under the lights in the trees. 

I sit down on the edge of the footpath and take a break. 

"Perrie, where are you?" I mumble. Where could she go? Why didn't she take her phone? Why did no one else care?

I look up and then back down. Wait! I look up again and see a girl with blonde hair walking down the footpath, my way. I stand up and realise it's Perrie. Oh thank you Lord Jesus! I wait on my little bit of concrete. She gets closer and closer and then as she's about to pass me I decide to speak. 

"Going somewhere?" I ask. 

Her head quickly turns to me and her face lights up.

"Zayn?" She asks. 

"Pep," I reply standing up. She lunges into my arms and I hold her tight. She starts crying and I realise I'm crying too. 

"You found me," she steps back, still holding my hands. 

"Yeah, thankfully!" I chuckle. "You scared the life out of me baba!" I kiss her and then hug her tight. 

"C- ca- can we go?" She asks. I nod and we head towards the exit of the park. I get my phone out and go to Google Maps. It finds where we are and I get directions back to our hotel. 

We walk for ten minutes and we're not even half way there. Perrie starts to slow down and looks tired.

"Come on Pepe," I bend down and offer my back for her to ride on.

"Thanks," she mumbles getting onto my back. I keep following the directions on the phone, hoping to get back soon.

{Harry's POV}

I pace back and forth across the room. 

"Zayn's been gone for two hours now," Niall alerts. I keep pacing. Where are you Zayn? I go to the window and look out. 

I hear the door open and I spin around suddenly. I sigh in relief when I see Zayn standing there with a sleeping Perrie on his back. 

"Is she okay?" Jesy jumps up. Leigh and Jade spring up and everyone looks at Zayn. 

"Yeah, she's fine, just asleep," Zayn replies. The girls relax and sit back down. 

I make eye contact with Zayn. 

"Sorry," I say. He just keeps looking at me. "I should've let you go and I shouldn't have tried to stop you and I think everyone will agree we should've helped but we're happy she's safe," I blurt out.

Zayn smiles. "Thanks Hazz and I'm lucky I found her," he replies. Perrie wakes up and looks around. 

"Hi," she mumbles.

"Hello," I reply. Everyone looks at her. 

She whispers something in Zayn's ear. 

"Good night," he says before walking into their room. I sit down on the couch in between Indie and Niall. 

"Thank goodness she's okay," I sigh. Niall nods. What a night.
