
[Long chapter :) ]

Watching through a magic mirror, Cocytus observed the various tribes of the Lizard rallying against him in the inevitable battle to come to prove their worth or his. Seeing their bravery and unification for one battle, Cocytus grabbed a magic scroll and spoke through it.

"All units. Advance!" 

Next to him, a young humanoid girl adored in a maid outfit observed the mirror for the ensuing battle to come and rally any information of the battle to the Supreme Ones through Albedo. Coincidently, this was unknown to Cocytus as he himself did not relay any information about the battle until the end. 

Cocytus wanted to go out on the battlefield t prove his skills and worth for the Supreme Ones but his masters ordered him to observe and give orders to the army of undead in his command. 

Such a request seemed unjust to him but if the Supreme Ones deemed this as a test to prove his commanding skills then Cocytus would gladly take such a test to please himself and his masters in the near future.

"Entoma when will you be leaving? A pleiades maid such as yourself has no reason to be here." Cocytus turned to Entoma, one of the maids the Tomb relied on heavily for 'level 5' threats.

Entoma's mouth did not move but words came out of her responding to Cocytus' question. "I am merely an observer for the Supreme Ones that Albedo requested. Do not take my presence as a challenge Cock-face." 

A mist of frost spaced out of Cocytus' nose. "Hmph. Insect whore."

[On the other side]

On the eve of the battle, the various tribes of the Lizard banded together to fight this one common foe that would destroy their livelihoods if they did not rally under a single banner, a single cause. 

One of the tribes' chiefs from the Green Claw, Shasuryu Shasha stepped onto a platform to encourage his fellow lizardmen for the coming battle.

"Listen up, gathered Lizardmen from the 5 great tribes!" 

All lizardmen stopped their conversations and paid attention to one of the chiefs. 

"We know that our enemy is numerous and strong! However! There is nothing to be afraid of! Our lands now united under one cause have joined to repel back this great foe! Our ancestral spirits will protect, fight, and bless us to win against the foe we face!" 

The various lizardmen stood silent for a moment but that moment ended within seconds as their morale and pride raised through the roof. A loud yell of war cries echoed through the stronghold that sat on the other side of the wetlands. 

Shasuryu raised his sword as he yelled a war cry and moved and sword to the wetlands spouting the order: "Charge!" 

The timing of Shasuryu's encouraged words and war cry seemed perfect as on the other side of the wetlands, as a plethora of skeletons and undead emerged on the other side. The two opposing forces rushed at each other through the slippery and muddy land that separated them for many days. 

In their clash, their first fight with the undead army, many lizardmen had a terrain advantage as their bodies accumulate for the muddy ground of the wetlands. Many simply bashed their weapons against the skeletons and slashed the zombies but that proved to be very tiring as the undead outnumbered them 30:1. 

Through the many battles that both sides engaged in, the lizardmen clearly hold an advantage. The undead was not adept to the terrain of the wetlands as the zombies and skeletons moved slower from all the mud. 

[Cocytus' location]

Coctyus' seeing the exchange of the battle made him surprised, to say the least.

The lizardmen proved to be capable warriors that handled the undead with slight ease. Disregarding the terrain advantage the lizardmen have on the army, Cocytus seemed... relieved that the lizardmen showed prowess. 

Then again Cocytus took into account the weakness that the undead had in this battle. But that weakness should've been compensated by the overwhelming numbers he has on the lizardmen. But that isn't happening... Why?

Entoma sees the exchanges between the lizardmen and the undead. It was a blessing of sorts that her humanoid face does not show the emotions she expressed. A huge disappointment waved her mind as she expected the battle to be easy. But in reality, it was the exact opposite.

Entoma mentally contacted Albedo and described the situation to her to report to the Supreme Ones. 

Coctyus tried to read Entoma's expression but on second thought that action is a stupid choice. Entoma is known as an expressionless maid that only shows her emotion to none other than the Supreme Ones. 

Cocytus held a message scroll to relay a command to his army...

[To the chiefs of the Lizardmen]

"Are they mocking us?"

Zenberu, chief of the Dragon Tusk tribe spoke to his fellow chief as he observed the battle from afar.

"Their movements as mindless and bash it is; is suspicious."

"Could it be possible that the undead have no commander?" 

Zaryusu shared his thoughts with the other chiefs. The zombies did not divert from the rest of the army only when the hunters laid taunts of pebbles did the zombies go for attacking the hunters.

"Still, we have to reduce their numbers as much as we can" 

"We only engage when the leader comes out. Only then will we be victorious in our struggle."


[Cocytus' Location]

Once again Coctyus looks at the battle. This time with a sense of uncertainty as the lizardmen crushed the undead with sheer determination and morale.

Afraid of defeat. Coctyus sought a way to salvage the situation to not disgrace the Supreme Ones or seem like an incompetent commander to Entoma being as she is merely an 'observer'.


Looking over to Entoma...

No. Coctyus shredded at the thought.

But would his defeat be due to his pride? To disgrace the Supreme Ones for pride?

No! Cocytus has a mission. A mission to bring glory, not disgrace! But how would he salvage the situation?

Picking a message scroll Cocytus strikes a conversation with Demiurge. His rival.

"... Demiurge?" 

Entoma glances at Cocytus. She knew sooner or later Cocytus would resort to help in a situation such as this.

"Thought would be me. What has caused you to contact me?" 

Cocytus took a second to reply.

"You see..."

After explaining the situation to Demiurge, the smartass of the group, listening intently, and soon answered Cocytus' plea for help with a simple yet complex question.

"Do you think that the Supreme Ones wish you victory?"

"What? Explain?" 

"It's simple. Why would Momonga-sama give you petty, low-level undead to you for this battle? What they desire is for critical thinking to be used. Orders are but mandatory suggests."

"But Y/n-sama ordered me to attack them head-on."

"Did he say that in the name of Nazarick? Or himself? Furthermore, Y/n-sama forbid you to participate in the battle."


"Well if that is all then I will end the conversation here."


For the first time, Cocytus contemplated the orders given to him. He had always blindly followed the orders given to him but if what Demiurge said is true then what the Supreme Ones wish for is something... odd.

Picking up another message scroll, Cocytus orders the Elder Lich to show himself on the battlefield and destroy the lizardmen.

"Heed my order, Elder Lich! Show yourself on the battlefield and show your power to the Lizardmen!"

[The Battlefield]

"In the name of the Supreme Ones. I, Igva, will procure victory for this battle."

A faint smile appeared on the Elder Lich's twisted face. 

Fireballs came out of his hand. Launching them at the oncoming Lizardmen and on the lizardman who are running away with the injured. None would be able to defend against the flame balls that Igva throw at them. 

Far away, the chiefs observed the one-sided massacre the Elder Lich conjured on the lizardmen. 

"Could that be their commander?" 

"Or their ace on their sleeves."

"Regardless we have to advance against this enemy. By removing him from life we can assure victory and destroy the remaining undead forces."

"But how? With what shield or protection against the magic he casts?"

*animal noises*

Zaryusu looked at his... pet? No that will be a wrong term to use. Rororo is what Zaryusu would call family. But would using his family as a shield is...

"I... understand."

Leaping off the pseudo trench the other chiefs are in, Zaryusu and Rororo ran to the Elder Lich. 2 others came with Zaryusu: Zenberu and Crusch.

"Tch. Insufferable creatures." Igva summoned a fireball and damaged the hydra. 

But it still ran to him ignoring the pain.

"Fall down!" Once again the Elder Lich threw a fireball.

And again. The same thing happens.

"N-nani?" The Lich momentarily surprised conjures a bigger fireball to the hydra. "DIE!"

(Who invited Bakuhoe 💀)

"[Icy Burst]" 

Zaryusu appeared in front of the bigger fireball forming a wall of ice. 

Once the two opposites hit each other steam dissipated and allowed for Zaryuru and his comrades to rush in closer to the Lich. Catching the Lich by surprise.

"Come you butchered freak! Shoot as many of those damned fireballs and I'll dissipate them!"

"Tch! Very well!" The Lich changed his attack. From a fireball to a lightning attack. "Then dissipate this!" 

Zenberu took action before Zaryuru could use his Icy burst, running to the attack Zenberu groaned in pain but activates his skill: Massive Resistance.

"Damn it!" The Lich stopmed the ground. "[Summon Undead 4th Tier]!"

"I'll handle them! You go to the bitchless guy!" 

"All right!"

Zenberu knocked out 2 undead soldiers the Lich summoned. Allowing Zaryusu to rush forward to Igva.

"You fool!" Igva yelled. 

"No u!" Showing a uno reverse card, Zaryusu used his Icy Burst and froze the wetlands to a thick layer of ice and frost. Leaving the lich to back away and look around him to find the lizardman.

"Where did you go?!" 


Appearing from above, Zanyusu stabbed the Lich right in the middle of its face leaving it to stubble from its injury and fall to the ground.

[Cocytus' Location]


That was the only thing 'heard' by everyone.

They are stunned. 

They have lost.

"Cocker Face. Y/n-sama is calling for you."

Entoma spoke as she reported the final moments of the battle to Albedo. Albedo immediately called for Cocytus' return to Nazarick.

Cocytus turned to Entoma. His head lowered in shame. 

"I understand." Turning back to the mirror seeing the Lizardmen celebrate and dance made him swell with relief internally. 

'Nicely done. Truly... This battle give me insight. I thank you Lizardmen.'


