It's Free Real Estate part 1

One of the soldiers: "A-an angel!"

Y/n: "No shit. Dumbass. Now you guys have one of 2 choices. A, you leave this place alone and return home in one piece. Or b, I kill you all and everything you hold dear to you."

One by one, every soldier within the area dropped their weapons. For the obvious reason 1, they're gay, and 2, who the fuck sees an angel and not freak out? Y/n is basically the 'Be not afraid' type of angel to the soldiers. As for Bone-fucker? Meh, I'm not reading the script.

Y/n: "*laughs manically* Yes, run little lambs! Spread my presence and know you live to see another day!" Y/n laughed more before he started to choke on his own laugh. "*cough* Aerm... Anyway, now that thats done." 

Y/n looks at the people of the village and extends his hand. 

Y/n: "[Tears of God]" Y/n's hand glow green, spreading among (us) the villagers, healing them from any injuries, minor or major. "I believe we have business to talk about. So who's the leader of this village?"

One hand sticks out, a villager, middle-aged and somewhat strong poses himself to Y/n's view.

Village Chief: "That would be me, O' servant of the 9 Gods."

Y/n's eye twitched a little when hearing himself referred to as a servant. 'I'll pretend I didn't hear that.' Ignoring the man's assumption. "What I did is not for free. Compensation is required."

The village chief quickly stood up and bowed, "Why of course! W-what is it that you desire!"

Y/n: "Let's talk about that in your home. If it's no bother."

Village Chief: "N-no. Please this way." The village chief guided Y/n and Momonga to his home. Where many juicy details are to be revealed about the world both emos are in.

[Scene Change]

Y/n: "Lovely home you have here. But I don't want to beat around the bush so I'll be frank, I'm here about information of this world." 

Village Chief: "But doesn't the servant of the 9 Gods not already know of our world?"

'God fucking damnit! What can I say to swerve around this? . . . I could read their memories or just kill them...'

As Y/n is thinking of a way to go around this problem with his brain going to dramatic measures to ensure some info, Momonga talked into a lie that worked in avoiding whatever Y/n was going to come up with.

Momonga: "There are ranks in the society the 9 Gods have in place and Y/n here is from one of the lowest ranks of that society. Knowledge is limited but power is not. Will that please your curiosity?"

The village chief nodded in agreement, forcibly, but at least that cleared the way for information needed about this virgin new world compared to the chad Yggdrasil world.

Village Chief: "Y-yes, I did not mean to pry on that matter." 

Momonga: "No matter. Even I do not know much about that society. I am a servant of death after all." 

'You lying genius moron!' Y/n praised yet insulted Momonga at the same time for coming up with a good and 'factual' truth.

The village chief paled a little hearing that phrase but did not lose his composure. "I understand. But my knowledge of this world is limited, I have maps to guide along with me to show you the several nations and towns."

Y/n: "If you can give that information that is all that matters, whether it is limited or not."

Village chief: "Then I'll start with where we are. This place is called the Carne Village. We stand within the Re-Estize Kingdom. South of here you can find the Slane Theoarchy and to the east, the Baharuth Empire. The closest town here is E-Rantel, though goblins, ogres, and orcs roam the way there."

Y/n: "I see. Thank you for the information chief. Momonga, we're leaving." 

Y/n shook hands with the chief and left the home of the chief. Momonga followed behind, looking around the bloodied village. 

Momonga: "It seems they are preparing a burial for those who died. I could resurrect them but..."

Y/n: "Know where the 2 girls I left behind are?" 

Momonga: "How should I know? You ordered your angels to protect them in the spot we left."


Y/n: "Right, I just forgot... Let me just call them real quick." 

Y/n mentally calls for the angels he left with the 2 girls to come to his location. In an instant, the angels are in front of Y/n kneeling.

Y/n: 'Damn, that was quick.' With a cough, Y/n looked at the 2 girls. "Well, welcome to your home. There's a burial coming to be prepared. I know nothing of your families whether they are alive or dead. But what I do know is, be happy you are alive. Life cannot exist without death."

With a hard realization of the advice Y/n gave made the taller and older girl cry, the younger one followed suit she doesn't understand now but later or whenever the loss of family hits her hard. Y/n walked past them, letting them grieve on their own accord. 

Momonga grabs Y/n's shoulder. "Let's stay here a little longer."

Y/n has a confused look on his face. "Why?"

Momonga looked Y/n with a uhhh... can Momonga have expressions on his skull? Either way, Momonga sighed and removed his hand from Y/n's shoulder.

Momonga: "My brother in christ, it was you who wanted to gain influence in this village with the goal of influencing the world."

Y/n: "Gay you are, assume to forget I." 


Y/n: "W-wait. It was a joke! And where in the flying fuck did you get a gun?!"

Before Momonga could pull the trigger, a villager came up to the 2 of them and informed them of a group of knights coming toward the village.

Villager #42069: "Please, if you would help us once again!"

Y/n looked at Momonga, who nodded to Y/n. With a sigh, Y/n approaches the villager. "We'll help. Go to the chief, he's in his home. Tell him what I said and this; have the surviving villagers be gathered in his home. And him with us to greet the knights."

The villager thanked Y/n and headed to the Chief's home. After a few moments, the chief came out of his home and did what was messaged to him. The villagers rushed to his home, leaving only Y/n, Momonga, and the Chief outside.

Momonga: "Let's walk toward the plaza. I'm sure we'll meet the knights there."

Village Chief: "I'm sorry this his happened. But I thank you for helping us again."

Y/n: "Think nothing of it."


