Death is Music to my Ears

Y/n: "A town?"

Momonga: "It seems to be invaded."

Y/n: "Soldiers... It's probably a war that's happening. Most medieval wars burn, pillage, or kill everyone on the opposing side."

Momonga: "But this doesn't seem like it. The people of that village aren't taking arms or attacking the soldiers. They're either running away or dying. This seems more like a purge than an enemy attacking the other."

Y/n: "So. Should we save it?"

Momonga: "I'm inclined to but doing so won't give us any benefits."

Y/n: "Why don't we make it a benefit." 

Y/n made a mischievous smile sending chills to Momonga's skeleton if that were even possible.

Momonga: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "Simple. We help: rebuild their village: improve their situation: and BOOM! We now have a fully functional beneficial village in our hands. And not only that, we would have a permanent stand in that place to which we eventually spread. It's the perfect plan!" 

Y/n laughs almost insanely believing his plan to be an absolute masterpiece. It is but an insane one at that. One to which Momonga sees merit to it but isn't convinced by the planning.

Momonga: "And on the chance that that causes war with the kingdom it's from?"

Y/n: "Simple. We destroy the entire place or . . . or uhhh... tbh I haven't gone that far in my plan."

Momonga at this point only had one thought in his mind; "You're insane."

Y/n: "Doesn't that keep me sane? Without insanity how does one know they are sane and not just delusional?"

Momonga: "I hate philosophical questions."

As Momonga sighed his complaint he turned his head around.

Momonga: "W-what the fuck?" 

Y/n: "What's wrong?"

Momonga pulled Y/n to view the town or more specifically, the person who is seemingly looking at them through the Mirror of Holding spouting words.

Y/n: "Eh must be a coincidence." 

Momonga: "But he definitely said something." 

Y/n: "Whatever it was it couldn't have been directed at us."

But then as the Mirror of Holding showed the man's last words the view changed, not by Momonga's instructions but by something. Something that could override the owner of the item from using it. Almost like a hacker changing the values of an in-game currency they have.

Y/n: "Well shit. It wasn't a coincidence. Whatever it was, someone or something wants us to do this. Sebas!"

Just as soon as Sebas was called by Y/n a pop sound was heard. 

Sebas: "At your service Supreme Ones." He bowed.

Y/n: "Place Nazarick in maximum alert. I and Momonga are heading somewhere. And make sure to bring Albedo with us, fully armed along with a small force of Wingmen with us. In case things go to hell"

Sebas: "Understood. May you come back victorious."

Y/n nods and creates a portal via his angelic skill. 

[On the other side]

2 soldiers on opposite sides of a girl holding tightly to another girl can be seen. When one of the soldiers went to slash his sword at the girl a portal. A portal that looked holy yet evil came in front of the girl. The soldier who went for the kill stopped his motion and looked upon the portal in confusion and fear. 

Soldier1: "W-what the--"

Momonga: "[Grasp Heart]."


Y/n: "Really? We could've had a civil conversation about this. Not that I care."

Upon the portal, 2 voices emerged. The girl and the remaining soldier looked at the portal to what seemed an eternality. Then 2 figures came out of the portal. An angel and a skeleton. 

The girl's face paled at the sight. In legends, seeing an angel represented your end in this world or the protection the Gods sent to you, while a skeleton represented your evil deeds coming to get you. Seeing 2 at the same place only meant one thing. 


Y/n: "Let's get this over with anyway. [Lady Judgement]" 

Y/n held out his hand and a woman with a blindfold came into view. She held a scale and a sword. The scale tilted left. The sword raised up. 

Lady Justice: "Guilty." Her sword in an instant came down and disappeared. The remaining soldier had his life flash before his eyes as his body combusted into tiny flesh pieces. 

Y/n: "SUBARASHII! S U B A R A S H I I ! ! !"

As Y/n is indulged in his sadistic killing. Momonga smacked him in the head. 

Momonga: "One of these days chaos is going to rain 'cause of you."

Y/n: "I would like that. More to obey me and more influence for us."

Momonga: "Yea, yea." Momonga looked at the combusted soldier and sighed. "The fact that he died to a 4th tier magic is... disappointing."

 ???: "U-u-u-u-u-u-u--"

Y/n: "Hmm? Oh right."  Y/n looked at the girl and squatted down to them. "Hello there. Don't worry, everything is going to be safe. [Creation Magic: Guardians of God]".

3 angelic figures came into existence and kneeled down at Y/n.

All 3: "We bow to the creator and father of all. O' how we waited for thy's divine order. Grant thee the promise of loyalty."

Y/n: "It's to see you too. *stands up* I want the 3 of you to protect these 2 while I go and do some 'Holy things'. And while at that subject, heal her wounds, Dante, get her better. After that, we'll settle the matter."

Momonga facepalms at Y/n's reference. After all, that game is decades old and he is a gamer that loves retro games and even the classicals. 

Y/n: "Let's go Momonga." 

Y/n stands up and walks away from the 2 girls. 4 sets of wings are seen, Y/n leaping in the air and flying toward the village.


1 of the 3 angels: "Hush child. It is not within your right to ask the Almighty that question."

[Scene Change]

Upon flying to the village, sounds of desperation and death came into play. 2 pieces of a sound making music to Y/n's ears. Yet he did not show enjoyment for it would change any relation with the village under attack. And the influence Y/n might have.

Y/n and Momonga descended down to the ground, startling the soldiers and the villagers alike. Their appearance made both groups have a mix of reactions. To why an angel and a skeleton are here? Only the next course of action would determine that answer.

Y/n: "Hello everyone. If death is what you seeking you've come to the right place. Now... shall we dance?"


