*Your POV*

"No I don't think so, if you'd like- theres some Crackheads down the other alley waiting for another person to harass." I cross my arms.

"I'll take note on that." He smiles, placing his hands on his hips.

"I'm hawks, pro hero number two." He winks and his smile turns into a proud grin.

"Uh huh cool, mind getting out of the way? I have things to do." I hiss, and try walking around him and his huge feathers.

"Mind if can be one of a those things?" He extends his left wing, blocking my way.

"I'll pass." I crossed my arms and walked around his wing.

"Awe come on~" He pouted, following me as I walked.

I tried so hard to ignore him and kept walking, but this damn bird brain was too persistent.

"Fuck off already." I blurted out, stopping my tracks.

"I will. When you give me your number first." He smirks, holding out his phone.

I swear to god, no pro hero is ever sane or at least normal

I snatched his phone out if his hand and typed a phone number into the already opened number thing.

" Here. Now don't follow me home." I gave it back to him and stomped off.

I sighed in frustration and took out my keys right as I entered the building to my apartment, headed upstairs and unlocked my door.

"Im back Angel." I walked in, closing the door behind me and taking my shoes off.

"Meow." Angel runs against my leg and I couldn't help but smile.

I lifted her up and walked to the kitchen to place down my bags of cat food.

"You hungry?" The cat meows and I set her down.

I open a can of her food and take out two of her clean bowls, pouring fresh water in one and her food in the other. I set them down in front of her and pets her head before leaving to go upstairs.

I sigh, walking into my closet and undressing into something simple.
{White oversized dress shirt and black shorts}

I threw myself onto the couch and turned the TV on, switching to one of my favorite channels. (Idk-)

"Angel? Are you done?? Dad wants to cuddle." I look over at Angel and pout, seeing as she is still eating.

I whine, slowly getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

   I filled a kettle with water and set it on the stove, pulling out a ramen cup and chopsticks.

. . . .

   It's been longer than just two hours it's been a whole five. By the time the moon and stars where out, I was also ready to sleep.

  I locked the front door and turned off al the lights. "Come Angel, I have work tomorrow." I picked her up and carried her upstairs to my room, setting her on her own proper bed.

  "Goodnight Angel~" I kissed her head and switched the lights off again, making my way in bed.


I didn't know where to go with this- uh- I hope you liked it though-


516 words
