*Your Pov*

It's warm...Really warm...
I snuggled up against the source of warmth, digging my head into it and smiling. I felt arms wrap around me and pulling in closer, as if it there was a sense of protection and affection. I almost dozed back to sleep if it weren't for the sudden realization that I live alone with only one cat.

I open my eyes and yelp at the sight of a ashy looking homeless man.

"Looks who's finally awake." He looked at me in annoyance, I try getting out of his tight grip only to fail miserably.

"L-LET GO-" I whined, wanting to get out as soon as possible.


"O-oh-" I took a deep breath and saw the blue tinted in his eyes disappear.

I feel so embarrassed- Activating my quirk and having a homeless looking guy cuddle me as I sleep-

Then again I did let him stay here, I wonder why. . .

"Sir Dabi- You look like a mess, go take a shower!" I go to the tiny closet and throw him a new towel.

"The bathroom is over there!" I point in the direction, flustered

He looks at me like he thought I was crazy but walked to the bathroom.

"ANGEL!-" I had the white feline lay on my lap.

"Angel what do I do?? That was so embarrassing. ." I place a hand over my face and screech to a point where I dont scare my cat away.

I sat there, petting my cat while thinking over my life decisions for a while before taking notice the now not so dirty looking homeless guy was standing before me with only a towel on.

"I don't have any clothes" He looks down, biting the inside of his lip.

I take Angel off my lap and make Dabi follow me Inside my room.

I open the doors of my closet and walk in, looking for something suitable for him to wear. I manage to find a pair that doesn't fit anymore, ever since I got on a diet.

"Here." I handed him a pair of clothes and socks then pushed him out.

"We're going out, I need to change." I close the closet door and wait a bit before undressing and choosing my own outfit.

{Your outfit-}

I walk out soon after I'm done, looking for a hair tie and putting my hair in a low messy bun.

"Dabi? You done?" I walk downstairs and look around for him.

He was sitting on the couch with Angel on his lap.

"I like the shirt." He looks up at me smirking.

"Oh thank you- it's inspired by a homeless man who smells like beef jerky." I smile proudly, grabbing my wallet and phone.

"So you remember my quirk?" He asks, setting Angel aside.

"Of course I did! You even look off stands of my hair with it." I crossed my arms and took hold of my keys.

"Come, let's go." I opened the door and he went through, I went out after him, doing the door behind me.

"Where are we going?"

"Angel needs food." I start walking downstairs to the main entrance of the apartments and towards the nearest supermarket.

Dabi stayed by my side, speaking nothing as he followed me.

I took this chance to admire him and analyze his features.

He was more good looking now then when he had ashes on his face. He had burn marks? I think tahts what they are at least, they were a faded purple.

"What? Are you going to judge them like everyone else?" He looked annoyed.

I sensed a bit of pity towards him and held my hand out. "Hand, give me." He looked at me, confused but did as he was told.

I admired it. The marks were cool. Honestly I wish I had some too.

"They're pretty." I looked up at him.


Wow- I saw the recent notifications for my story and it made my day- 😭

I hope you enjoyed this one <3

~ Author-Kun

{692 words}
