We are not a couple!

[Ame city]

"Hey guys! How did it go? Who won? And what happened May?" As soon as Brendan, Drew and May arrived in Ame city Misty and Ash greeted them.

"W-" May was interrupted by Drew "Nothing, we just met Harley and Steven left the competition... And May won" as he said that his expression changed, showing he wasn't really happy about her victory.

"You won? That's great! What about the message you sent me?"

"Oh that? It was a prank pulled by Drew and Brendan don't worry!"

As they finished talking they walked to their hotel and found all the things they left behind. They didn't talk about what happened in Coral city again and they weren't going to.

[The day after, at the Pokemon centre]

"I'm glad you came, it's better if you know what will be this competition like. This time you'll have to dance with your partner and your Pokemon and the best choreography and interpretation will win... Oh, one more thing, since all the pairs that are left are couples the song should be a romantic one or anyway something like that. Have fun!" Nurse Joy smiled at the group of friends.

"Wait... WHAT???" Both May and Drew shouted looking at each other "WE ARENT A COUPLE!!"

"Well just act like one, it shouldn't be difficult!" Nurse Joy kept smiling even when they all left.


"I'd prefer killing myself than acting like if drEW was my boyfriend!" May lied on the grass face down sulking

"It wouldn't be a great loss if you did" Drew threw her a rose after she turned and glared at him "And anyway do you think I want to? It's absolutely disgusting! But I want to get that ribbon so we are going to do this wether you like it or not."

"It doesn't surprise me that you're willing to do it since who wouldn't want to date me? Unlike you I don't want to do this so I'm not." May got up and was walking away when Drew proposed to do 'heads or tails'

"..." She lost

"Now you have to do it" Drew smirked. He was happy since he was determined to win that ribbon... Or was it because of something else?

Drew left and May sat on the grass again, followed by the others who were now cheering on her.

"Come on May it isn't that bad... It's only for once! And it's not like you have to do anything, only the song has to be romantic!" Misty smiled at her

"Yeah and Drew isn't that bad, better him than people like Harley right?" Brendan patted her shoulder

"Yeah you guys are right... Well I'm going to my room now, bye bye!" May smiled and walked away.

Once she entered the room she found a piece of paper slipped under the door that said: 'Lets meet at 1pm behind the hotel so we can start exercising for the competition -Drew P.S. Don't be late like always'

"Wait it's now 1pm!! Seriously that guy..." May rushed out of her room and then out of the hotel, she turned left and went where Drew told her to meet up. He was already there

"It's good that you ran here, or you would have arrived late. Anyway what song should we use?" Drew flicked his hair and looked at May

"I don't know I'm not the type that listens to love songs and things like that..." She looked back at Drew annoyed

"Well if you, a girl, don't know, how am I supposed to?? You must know something!"

"Not really no. I'm gonna ask Misty." May got out the laptop that she had brought along and opened MSN, but Misty wasn't online so she closed it with a sigh.

"It can't be that difficult finding one! Just leave it to the professionals." He took her laptop and started searching for songs and after a while he exclaimed "Found one!"
