03 - What the F is String Theory!?

I would love to say after our meet-cute, we instantly became the best of friends. I become popular, start dating the captain of a sports team, join the pom-pom brigade, get elected prom queen, and then live happily ever after. But let's be real. In real life, it never happens that way. If you think it does you haven't been to high school or you've binged watched a lot of teen dramas on Netflix.

The building of our friendship was slow and unnoticeable. We only saw each other for half an hour a day for three days a week. And let's face it, in a classroom where talking isn't allowed, there were days we didn't say a single word to each other. We'd greet each other with a smile, sit down and listen to Mr. Smith's lecture.

Or at least I intently listened to the lectures. Aurora on the other hand never paid any attention. She always held her backpack in her lap. She would periodically look up and pretend to listen, but anyone born in this generation knows it's a charade. She is using her backpack as a cover to hide the cellphone she is texting within her lap. It was a technique everyone used, I couldn't understand how the teachers never caught on.

At first, it was distracting and annoying. I was trying hard to focus and learn, and there she was not even trying. The thing was though, she didn't need to. She was one of those students. Mr. Smith would call on her ask her to solve a problem on the whiteboard. She would calmly get up answer the question, always correctly, then sit back down and continue texting. Aurora got A's on all her quizzes. And in a strange turn of events. During lab projects, I was looking at her paper and leaning on her to help finish the lab projects.

She didn't mind and offered up her work freely. Because of her, my grades were on an upswing. We always finished first and always got an A. Finishing our labs early, gave us time to talk to each other.

The best thing about Aurora is she didn't pull her cellphone out when she's talking to you. This is rare to find in a teen. Especially, since you could hear the vibration of her phone whenever she got a text message. And someone was always messaging her; yet, she didn't so much as twitch. She gave her full attention and leaned into the conversations as if your words were gospel. And she smiled in interest, asked the right follow-up questions, and always knew exactly what to say.

Of course, she also talked about herself...a lot. Which is fine by me, to be honest, there wasn't a lot to say about myself. I was content to listen. She spoke about handsome boys in far off countries on their yachts and in their mansions, snowboarding trips, backpack trips across Europe and adventures too daring for me to ever consider trying. It all seemed like made-up fairy tales. Not real and unobtainable, or at least for me.

And then there was her love of science and technology. This was the one thing I could relate with her and what we talked about the most. It wasn't so much the pure science. I wasn't capable of keeping up with her once she started talking technical, but rather science's impact on the future. Her views of the future were optimistic and hopeful. She even shyly mentioned her dream to cure cancer. It's not what you'd expect to hear from a girl like her.

Aurora would ramble on about quantum computing and then as easily she switches to her tale of a summer fling with Jean-Paul in Paris. Aurora was fascinating. And I couldn't help but want to be around her more. Without me realizing it, AP Physics classes were becoming my favorite parts of the week.

We didn't acknowledge one another outside of Physics. Aurora knew Katie disliked her and I spent most of my free time with Kris and Katie. If she saw me with them, she might make eye contact with me but nothing more. I was fond of Aurora and thought that people were too harsh on her, but we were too different to be friends.

Despite Katie's rants about her hate for Aurora, she and Kris were fast becoming my best friends. We could talk about anything and everything. Music, books, anime, boys, and tv shows. The normal way teens spoke and they never made me feel inferior or less. We'd already began to plan our spring break and were talking about applying for the same colleges. I wasn't going to stop hanging out with them, for a chance to hang out with my popular lab partner. I didn't fit into her reality.

We continued to barely interact until almost the end of the school year. I remember the day it changed between us. It was on a Friday at lunch. I had long given up on reading The Dirty, it was cruel and immature, but Kris and Katie hadn't.

Kris leaps up from the table and exclaims, "Oh my gawd! Look, look, look!"

He shoves his cell toward Katie. Curiosity gets the best of me and I look. On his iPhone is a photo of Aurora and few people in a hot tub. She was practically naked in a small bikini. She was leaning in and kissing a guy I'd never seen. His hand was resting on her upper thigh, a little too high up. To the left of them, James watched them his face frozen in a grimace of distress. I quickly turn away from the photo and look at my food as if it was the most interesting salad ever.

"Girl has an amazing rack," Kris whispers. "Not fair."

The picture is a close-up, clearly taken by someone in the hot tub. I feel bad for her and little sick to the stomach. One of her friends must have taken the picture and posted it. I peer over at the photo again to see if there is a posted name or if it's anonymous.

It's not anonymous it was posted by "theCaptainJames." The nickname, The Captain, had been given to James because he was captain of the football, soccer, and the dance team. This is James's username, and everyone would know he'd posted it. I refuse to read the rest of the post. Kris and Katie; however, are giddy with excitement.

"Apparently it's his childhood best friend. I guess he got tired of being strung along and snapped." Katie sings this last part in delight.

I have the urge to reach over and smack her. How could she not see how wrong this invasion of privacy was? Instead, I clench my fist and try to ignore their gossipy chatter. I look over to where Aurora and James usually sit but they aren't there. What if she skipped the rest of school? We were supposed to have a lab together next period. My stomach sinks and I slump further into my seat.

Lunch ends and I nearly run to Physics, without saying bye. I'm the first one to arrive and I sit down at the table and watch the door for her entrance. Student after student comes in and sits down, but not Aurora. The late bell rings and I sigh reluctantly and turn my attention to Mr. Smith. He starts writing an equation on the whiteboard.

Then the door behind me opens and he turns around to look at the student. "You're late again Aurora, this is your last warning. Take a seat."

She often came to class late. Normally, she would have made some cute response that appeased Mr. Smith. This time she simply walks over to her seat and sits down. I look over at her, but she didn't turn or acknowledge me. My eyes trail down her face. Her eyes are red and puffy. Had she been crying? I couldn't imagine Aurora crying. It was only one post, albeit by her supposed best friend. But she was popular, strong, above girly emotions as lame as crying. Wasn't she?

Aurora puts her backpack on the ground. Then she places both her hands on the tabletop. One of them robotically takes notes in her notepad. For once I'm the one unable to pay attention. I pretend to listen but don't bother trying to take notes. I try my best to not look at her because I know my eyes would be filled with pity.

Everyone in the class was also staring at her anyway, though I'm sure it's not concern in their eyes. Two boys in front of us snicker and keep looking back at her. A couple of times they make rude gestures under the table.

I'm not sure what gets into me, but I get madder than a cat in a rainstorm. I feel anger like I've never felt my whole life. My hands start to tremble. Then I do something I never ever would do...like ever. I abruptly stand up; my chair makes a loud screeching sound across the linoleum tiles as I rise.

"Julian and Peter it's extremely rude, to pretend to masturbate in class! Some of us are trying to learn!" I'd shouted very loudly and it was completely unnecessary.

The moment I'd gotten up the classroom had already gone silent. Laughter filters in through the walls, the kids in the other classes must have heard my outburst. I should feel embarrassed, but I am too angry. Every eye in the room is looking at me.

It's the most attention I've ever received and it's nerve-wracking. And worse, my body is beginning to betray me. Whenever I get angry, I cry. If I were to cry in front of everyone, I would surely die. My fingernails bite into my palms and I try my hardest to hold back the tears.

"Miss...! Uh..." Mr. Smith stops. He doesn't remember my name, this elicits giggles from my classmates. He continues anyway, "Sit down. I won't have you interrupting this class. If you have a problem, please bring it to my attention after class."

"But..." I try to interject.

"Sit down now!" He growls, "Before I see fit to give you detention."

Seething, I flop into my chair. Julian and Peter look back at me all smiles. I have the urge to jump back up again.

"Julian, Peter, you two will see me after class." Their smiles slip from their faces. Mr. Smith continues, "Now, who can explain to Newton's Third Law of Motion? And how to apply it in this equation?"

When Mr. Smith isn't watching they both turn and grimace at me. I look down at my laptop and attempt to control my ragged breathing. I think I'm having a panic attack.

Aurora pushes her notebook towards me. Three letters are written at the top. "Thx".

I lean into her purposefully breaking her bubble of her personal space, as she'd done on that very first day. I take her pen from her hand and write "Np." Then hand it back to her. She smiles and briefly touches my hand before she goes back to taking notes.

I don't bother trying to take notes or focus on the lecture. I spend the rest of the class attempting to calm my nerves.

The end of the class bell rings and I jolt out of my seat. Mr. Smith tells Julian and Peter to stay in their seats. I shove my laptop into my bag and I'm the first one out the door. I'm halfway to my locker when someone calls out to me.

"Hey wait up!"

I turn to see Aurora coming up beside me. At first, I'm confused. I must have forgotten something. I mentally check my retreat from the classroom. I'm sure I've brought everything with me?

"Do you have a partner for the end of the year finals project?" She asks as we walk down the hall.

"No?" I had wanted to ask Aurora, but I didn't want to be presumptuous. There were several other people in our class I know are dying to be her partner.

"You'll be mine." It was a question but lacked inflection, making it more of a statement. She flashes me a smile. The slow creeper. I had no choice but to nod yes.

"Excellent. Here." She stops in the middle of the hall. What did she have for me? I look around nervously and notice people are staring at us. It's the most we've ever interacted outside of the classroom. Aurora pulls out her notebook then writes a number and some words on the top of today's notes. It's her phone number and Instagram.

She rips the pages out of her notebooks and hands them to me. "Today's Physics notes. I could tell your mind was elsewhere today." She smiles crookedly, a corner left of her mouth lifts up. Like she was letting me in on a secret.

I take the offered notes. "Thanks."

"Meet me at my house tomorrow. We'll start working on our project. I've got some great ideas. You can return those to me then." She motions towards the notes. Again, there were no questions in her phrasing. There are only two options, for me to either say yes or to correct her. Which left me no choice at all, I didn't have the balls to accomplish the latter. Who did?

"Sure." I gingerly slide the notes in my backpack, careful to lay them flat against my laptop. I don't want it to crinkle.

She watches me attentively smooth out the papers, and when I look at her, she raises one eyebrow. Her eyes are filled with laughter. It as if she is saying "You dork!", but only with the expression of her face.

"Cool, text me. Or drop a DM on Insta, or Snap." Then she walks away without waiting for my response.

As I walk to my locker to grab my English lit book, I remember that I do have plans on Saturday. And with Kris and Katie. I sigh. What was I going to do? No way was I was going to reschedule with Aurora. I was dying to see what her life was like outside of school. I'd have to find the time to do both. Kris and Katie earlier in the day and perhaps Aurora later?

"What the hell was that?" Katie is standing by her locker, her hands on her hips.

She is glaring at me with a grimace on her face. Katie is a nice person, most of the time. She is the type of girl who volunteers for community service, pulls plastic bottles out of the trash and places it in the recycle bin. She volunteered to be a buddy for all incoming new students. Generally, she was sweet and kind to everyone. But I can tell this is not going to go well. So, I lie.

"Oh, she was giving me some notes. That's all."

She slams her locker and stomps closer. "I heard you two. Why is she asking you to slide into her DMs and come over?" The way Katies says it sounds super dirty and suggestive. I want to either curl up in embarrassment or run away.

I muttered under my breath, "She's my Physics lab partner. We have a project."

"She's your what?" Her glare feels hot on my skin and I look down at my shoes.

Before I can say anything, Kris comes bounding over in excitement. I let out a breath in relief. He's bubbly personality is just what I need. Katie could use a distraction. I'd forgotten I hadn't told them she was my lab partner. It was information Katie would have wanted to know.

Laugher filters into my ears and students are standing around staring at their phones. A few are making crude motions with their hands. I hear bits from different students. Peter. Julian. Princess. Masturbating. The heat in my cheeks rises and I reach in my pocket for my cellphone.

I pull up the newsfeed for The Dirty. And there it is in digitalize text for the whole world to see, my first appearance on The Dirty. It's not technically an appearance only a small blurb, and thank god not a picture.

"Class jesters, Peter and Julian pretend to masturbate in front of Princess Aurora. Aurora's knight and shiny armor and lab partner isn't having it and comes to the rescue to defends the honor of our junior class royalty. She bellows at the top of her lungs in the middle of class. 'Stop fucking pretending to masturbate in front of Aurora. We're all trying to learn!' Peter and Julian get called out and sentenced three days in detention. Better luck next time boys, everyone knows discretion is key." -Anonymous

In my head, I read it in the sing-song voice of Kristen Bell, the way Kris and Katie always do and even add the signature xoxo sign off. It was clear whoever wrote this watched way too many old teen soaps. I sigh in relief. My name is not in it, sometimes it paid off to be invisible. Though I'm put off by the inaccuracy of the blurb. I did not curse in the middle of class. I never curse. Or did I?

"You didn't?" Katie's accusatory stare could slice marble.

The bell rings and I take it as an excuse to bail. "I've got class...don't want to be late." I turn on my heels and jog walk away.

Kris questions Katie behind me. "She didn't do what?"

Katie calls out my name a few times but the bustle of everyone getting to class is loud and I feign ignorance. My break for freedom is clean. I don't bother turning around to see if she's following me. I hustle to class, and for some reason, I can't contain the smile on my face.

Murphy's Law for String theory. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Thanks for reading Chapter One, I know it was a lot of background information. Our MC has no name, I wanted you to know her.

Chapter Two up next. Please vote or leave feedback.  ~~Izzy
