The Dark Moon

I lean over with a flashlight and check my engine. My Jeep has been having car troubles and has broken down on the side of the road. Smoke is coming out and I'm too far from my house to walk. I take out my phone but I have no signal. I climb up to the top of my Jeep and hold my phone up, hoping to get a couple bars for one phone call.

While I'm holding my phone up, I hear rustling in the woods behind me. I try to keep calm and not become frightened. The noise gets louder and causes me to jump down from the Jeep. I scan my surroundings and don't see anyone or anything.

I walk a few steps in and hear some heart beats. Human heart beats. I just take off sprinting. I run through the woods and use some of the trees to my advantage. As I'm running, I accidentally trip on a huge tree root. I roll down a hill and use my claws to stop. I now have mud on my face and clothes. I start to hear people running behind me. I continue running.

My lungs and throat start to close up. My breath come in small spurts, hot and nervous. Mud smears my sweaty face as sweat drips from my matted hair. My lungs and heart are pumping, but the air doesn't seem to be enough as I sprint forward, panic trembling in my exhausted limbs.

I hear a gun go off three times. One actually grazes my ankle. I ignore the pain and keep running. I come up to a gate and go to climb it. I try to lift myself up and my foot slips. I'm grabbed by my shirt and thrown to the ground. The impact causes me to become dizzy. My vision becomes blurry and all I can see is a couple figures standing over me.

Hours later...

I look up at Araya. She is apart of the Mexican werewolf hunting group, or whatever. A few of her hunters caught me while I was coming out from working late and brought me all the way to Mexico. She has kept me tied to a chair and has asked me questions non-stop. All about my gifts, Talia Hale and other crap. I just wait patiently for Scott to come and save me. "There is no point in keeping me here," I retort. "Scott will come for me and it won't end well for your little hunters here."

"Oh, is that so? " She shows me the same black tool Kate used the day she attacked Derek with two other hunters. "How does he know we are not already waiting for him, well prepared?"

"He's not scared of some hunting tools," I hiss. "Only cowards hide behind weapons."

"Funny you mention cowards," she replies in a cool tone. She holds up one of Scott's rope bracelets. "What if we say your brother's life depends on you answering my questions?"

I yank against my restraints. "You leave him out of this."

She smiles and gestures to her hunters. They begin to untie me. "You will be able to see him but you better be prepared."

My head is covered and I'm dragged to a room. I'm thrown to a cold floor and I hear a door slam. I slowly remove the bag from my face and see Scott kneeling in front of me. I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck. "Jesus, Scott." I look behind him to see Stiles, Kira and Malia. I slowly stand. "What are you all doing here?"

"We could ask you the same thing," Stiles replies. "We're looking for Derek."

"So, you came to Mexico?" I ask. "I'm pretty sure he lives in Beacon Hills like the rest of us."

"You didn't come here for him?" Malia asks.

"No, why would I be looking for Derek in Mexico?! I was kidnapped by her hunters. I was having car troubles. They chased me and they brought me over the border."

"They did what? Is that even legal?" Scott asks. "Why the hell would they do that?"

I hesitate. Lately, my powers have been growing stronger lately. I've been discovering new things about myself and doing my best to control them. I sometimes feel like a freak. Everyone is staring at me, waiting for an answer. "Kira," I say. "Hold up your hand."

She looks at Scott with hesitation. She slowly holds it up. I press my hands against hers and the room lights start to flicker. I don't feel it and neither does Kira. I pull my hand away and the room goes silent. I stuff my hands in my pocket. "They don't have Derek, do they?" I ask.

All of them shake their heads. I walk to the door and try to pry it open. "We tried that," Malia says. "Even with Scott, I couldn't do it."

"They have Lydia," Stiles points out.

I spin on my heels. "Lydia? What do they want with her, out of all of us?"

"Maybe they need to find a body?" Malia suggests.

"Or, find someone period," I add.

"I say, when the door opens again, we take out whoever is in the way and run for it," Malia says.

"What about Lydia?" Kira asks.

"What about her?"

"We're not leaving without her," Scott replies.

"Why not?"

"Because we don't leave without people," Stiles tells her. "We talked about this, remember?"

"Rules of the wild kingdom doesn't apply to friends, Malia," I say.

"That's what you would do as a coyote? Leave her for dead?" Kira asks.

"If she was weak and injured, yeah. If hunting had been bad that season, I'd eat her...then I'd leave."

"Believe it or not, that's progress," Stiles points out.

"We're not dead yet," Scott says. "Why?"

"She wants something from us," I say.

"If they don't have Derek, that means they didn't take him from the loft, right?" Kira speculates.

"Maybe he left on his own," Stiles says.

"Maybe someone else got to him," Scott suggests.

The door swings open and two men begin to shock Scott until he passes out. I try to attack one but he grabs me by both my arms and sticks a needle in my neck. I feel whatever it is take effect immediately. I fall next to Scott and the last thing I see is them grabbing Kira.


I wake up facing toward the back of a chair with my hands bound to the floor. The door opens and men walk in with Lydia. They sit her in the chair next to me. "Let them go. You have me, just let the rest go," I say.

A man holds Kira by her arm and pulls her up to a box that has two dials. "I'm gonna tell you how things are gonna happen. The fox, is immune to electricity so she's gonna turn the dial on the Alpha if the other Alpha doesn't tell us what we need to know."

The door opens again and Scarlett is pushed onto the ground, her hands and feet bound. Araya says, "This a test. Let's see if your sister can pass to save your life. She answers the questions, no one gets hurt. She doesn't, we turn the dial. Now, Scarlett, what is Derek to you?"

I can see her hesitation. "He's my boyfriend."

"Good. We don't know where he is. We want to find him. Who took him?"

"What? What makes you think I know?"

"That doesn't sound like an answer."

"We don't know," Lydia replies. "Why do you think we came here?"

"It wasn't for a fiesta," I hear Scarlett mumble.

"Kira, turn the dial."

Scarlett continues to say she doesn't know anything as the current is steadily increased by a reluctant Kira. Araya pushes Kira aside and cranks up the juice to maximum. I begin to wolf out, yelling in pain. Scarlett begins to scream, telling them to stop. The shocking stops. Araya grabs Scarlett by the the arm.

"A name, Scarlett. I need a name."

Scarlett begins crying. "Kate. Ella está viva y que tenía que ser ella. No sé lo que ella querría con él y no sé dónde está. Déjenos solos."

Scarlett breaks free from her bounds. I break my hands free and sigh. Scarlett runs and hugs me from behind. I rub the back of her hand. Kate really is back...
