
Sheriff Stilinski reads out the details of the restraining order Jackson secures against Scott and Stiles. They are to stay 50 feet away from him at all times. They cannot speak to him or assault or harass him physically or psychologically. "Wait, what if I have to go to the bathroom, and we coincidentally have to go at the same time and the only stall left is next to him?" Stiles asks.

Me and Scott snicker. Our mom smacks us both on the back of our heads. When Sheriff Stilinski gives his son a look, Stiles slouches down in his chair. "Or, I'll just hold it."

"This is so stupid," I say. "Just because Jackson is rich, doesn't mean he can just put a restraining order on whoever he wants."

"Scarlett, I don't know why you're upset. You're not apart of this," Jackson's lawyer says. "Jackson said you were pressured into doing this."

I look at Scott and Stiles then at Jackson. "What...? I..."

"We're done here," the sheriff cuts me off.

Our mom is extremely upset when we get into the hallway. "It's not just this. Although a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you two would reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it. The completely bizarre behavior, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris for you two to make up that chemistry test that you missed."

"We missed a chemistry test?"

"Really, Scott? Really? I have to ground you. I have to ground you both."

"What about work?" Scott asks.

"Okay, no TV."

"Our TV is broken," I say.

"Fine. No computer."

"We need our computers for school," me and Scott both say.

"Fine, then no..."

She turns around and looks at Stiles, who was standing in the doorway. "No Stiles."

"What?" I exclaim.

"No Stiles?" Stiles asks.


"Mom, it's about time we explain ourselves," Scott starts.

Stiles mouths 'no', knowing what was coming up. "Is this about your father?" she asks.

I sigh and shake my head. "I... I'm dating Stiles."

Stiles and Scott almost fall over. I have to come up with some kind of lie instead of talking about our father. My mother glances back to Stiles and asks, "For how long?"

"Uh...a couple months now?"

She just sighs and puts a hand on our shoulders. "We'll talk more when we get home."

At the library in school, we have to talk to Allison through a bookshelf. She passes us a tablet of the translated text about the kanima. "Like the wolf, its power is greatest at the moon's peak. Like the wolf, the kanima is a social creature but where the wolf seeks a pack the kanima seeks a master," I read out loud, but in a whisper.

"The kanima, a weapon of vengeance, is used to carry out the bidding of its master. The kanima was once used by a South American priest who took it upon himself to rid his village of all murderers. The bond between master and servant grew stronger until the will of the master became that of the kanima's and whomever the priest deemed unworthy, the kanima served his vengeance," Scott continues.

"The kanima is a mutation of the werewolf gene that cannot fully transform until it resolves that in its past which manifest it," I finish.

"Okay if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could have told you that myself," Stiles retorts.

Allison decides to ask Jackson about it while Stiles asks Lydia. We go to the chemistry classroom to make up for a chemistry test. During the test, I hear Allison's heart rate pick up. I look over at Scott and he nods. Mr. Harris says we can't leave until we fills in all the answers so I fill in random bubbles while Scott fills in 'B' for all of our remaining questions. We run to the locker room where we find Jackson naked with Allison in front of him. He tries to throw his restraining order at us but Scott doesn't care. He charges at Jackson and I run over to get Allison.

The two end up breaking a sink, destroying a tile wall and knocking over several lockers. Jackson throws Scott out the door. They continued to wrestle until Erica pulls Jackson back. Stiles and I hold back Scott. Mr. Harris shows up and gives everyone, including Matt, who was just a bystander, detention. Jackson tries to get himself out of detention. He gestures to Scott and Stiles. "I can't have detention with these tools. I have a restraining order against them."

"All 'these tools'?" Mr. Harris asks.

"No, just us tool," Stiles says, lifting his hand.

Detention is in the library. Scott decides that Stiles' plan to kill Jackson now suits him just fine but Stiles and I say we have to save him. Then we start discussing who might be controlling the kanima. "Hey. What if it's Matt? I mean, this whole thing comes back to the video, right?"

"Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing," Scott replies.

"Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion off himself."

"So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Chris' hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep?" I ask.


"Why?" Scott asks.

I see Stiles actually stop to think before answering. "Because... He's evil."

"You just don't like him."

"The guy bugs me. I don't know what it is. Just look at his face."

I take a glance at Matt but I don't see what Stiles is talking about. In my eyes, I see a kid who isn't given much respect or a chance. I get up and go to talk to him. He's reading some book at a table by himself. I take a seat next to him. "Hey, Matt."

He glances up and smiles. "Hey, Scarlett." He closes his book and turns to me. "Something you need?"

"No, I just thought I'd come say hi. What made you think I wanted something?"

"People come to me for favors. You're different."

I smile. "Excuse me for a second. I need to use the bathroom."

I get up and step into the hallway. As I'm coming out the bathroom, I run straight into Jackson. "Oh, crap. Sorry." He's about to walk past me when I grab him by his arm. "Wait, Jackson. Why didn't you include me in the restraining order with Scott and Stiles?"

He sighs. "When you slapped me and threatened me with your claws, I could tell that all the things you were saying were true. I just thought, maybe, you have a lot on your plate. I don't want that to be one of them."

I walk, silently, back inside the library without a reply. I sit back with Scott and Stiles. They are still talking about the kanima's puppet master. Jackson's head begins to hurt. He winces in pain and asks to be excused. Mr. Harris follows him out. Once Harris is out of the room, me, Stiles and Scott join Erica at her table. "My father was the insurance examiner who worked the car accident that killed Jackson's real parents. Jackson will get a large settlement when he turns eighteen."

"So, Jackson is rich now and will be richer at eighteen?" Stiles asks.

Erica nods. "Yep."

"There's something deeply wrong with that," Stiles says.

She pulls up the accident report on her laptop. It shows that Gordon and Margaret Miller died in a single car crash on June 14, 1995. It happened on Route 23 past mile marker 2 off Old Deacon Road in Beacon Hills. Apparently, skid patterns suggested that the car swerved suddenly and the driver lost control. Both the driver and passenger were DOA at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.

Suddenly, Scott is called to the office. Mr. Harris leaves detention but says the students must stay until all the books are shelved. I groan and slouch in my seat. I follow behind Scott to the office. I see Mrs Argent sharpening pencils and glaring at us. "I called Scott. Just Scott."

"He would tell me anyway, so, it doesn't matter," I reply.

"Scott, are you sleeping with my daughter?"

My eyes widen. Scott hesitates. She threatens Scott and dismisses us back to the library. Me and Scott decide to go talk to Jackson but, instead, we find Matt unconscious on the floor with a visible scratch on the back of his neck. The kanima jumps from stack to stack over our head, crashing into light fixtures and knocking down ceiling tiles.

Me and Scott wolf out. I growl out loud, followed by Scott. Jackson then lands behind Erica and incapacitates her. I notice he looks possessed and like a puppet, with someone pulling his strings. He writes a message on the chalkboard that says, 'Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you'. He then jumps through a window and is gone. We run to Erica and find her in the midst of a seizure.

We want to the hospital but she insist we take her to Derek. I scoop her up in my arms. One arm under her knees and the other on her back. Scott argues whether or not to leave Allison alone with Matt. She ensures him that everything is okay. I run through the woods, Scott following behind me. Stiles is driving his Jeep. Once we're in Derek's lair, Erica is not recovering from the seizure so Derek breaks her arm to trigger the healing process and squeezes it bloody to get out the venom. After she is stable, she says, "Stiles, you make a great Batman."

We talk to Derek off to the side. We finally make a decision. "We'll be apart of your pack," Scott says.

"Just until we capture Jackson," I clarify.
