Ice Pick

I open my eyes and feel Derek's strong arm around my waist. I slowly slip out of his embrace and quickly get dressed. I run my fingers through my unkempt hair. I was just about to slip away when I hear Derek murmur something that sounded like, "Scarlett."

I freeze. When I hear his light snores resume, I slip out as quietly as possible. I jog back to my house. When I get there, I take a shower and wash my hair. I change into a red V-neck, black jacket, blue jeans and black boots. I pull my hair back into a tight ponytail and let a small bang fall over my right eye.

I ride my motorcycle over the speed limit so I get to school in over a minute. I go straight to the locker room and prepare for P. E. I change into shorts, a tank, knee socks and sneakers. I come out to the tall rock wall and sigh.

First, Coach Finstock makes us run laps around the gym. While I'm running, I look back to see Scott and Stiles jogging slowly behind me. I listen in on their conversation without making obvious. "I'm kind of worried about her," Scott says. "She keeps seeing things and hearing things."

"Well it is pretty obvious that she's not like you or Derek. Maybe the same Alpha that bit you didn't bite her. But, it helps us. It helped us know what happened to Lydia when she went missing. Does she seem kind of like a nut job? Sure, but it benefits us sometimes."

I feel tears forming in my eyes. I quickly wipe them away and push myself to run faster. I'm not crazy. As far as I'm concerned, I'm no different than him. I pass some people but find myself pushing myself even more. "McCall! This is just a warm up, not a marathon! Save it for the Cross Country team!"

I completely stop running and lean against a wall to catch my breath. When the laps are over, Coach pairs everyone up for the rock wall. I don't get a partner due to the odd number.

After everyone goes, his last pair is Stiles and a random girl who I remember name is Erica. She's shy and very isolated. She's not very high on the wall but Stiles gets far then jumps down. Erica, on the other hand, starts to hyperventilate from looking down. The coach has no idea what was going on. "Erica, just jump down. What's wrong with her?"

I roll my eyes. "Coach, she's epileptic," I say.

"How come no one tells me these things?"

I push past everyone and stand on the safety mat. I don't bother to put on a harness. I look at Scott and nod. He stands on the mat, right under her. I begin climbing up toward her. "McCall! You need a harness!"

"Bite me, Coach!"

When I reach Erica, I hold on and move in as much as possible. Her blonde hair is in a disarray, her grey eyes show fear and her heart is beating like crazy. "Hey, Erica. How are you?"

"I...I'm scared."

I quickly glance down and Scott's ready to catch her. "Okay, sweetie. If you can trust anyone, it's me. It's okay to be scared but it's up to you to face those fears. I'm going to trip you and you're gonna fall back, okay? Then my brother is going to catch you, I swear. Please trust me."

I see her hesitation. "Are you sure?"

I nod. Before she can answer, I use one foot to trip her and falls back, like I planned. I look down to make sure Scott catches her. As soon as he does, I flip off the wall and land on the mat on both two feet. I hold Erica in my arms as she shakes violently and cries. "Shhhhhh, it's okay, Erica. Just relax."

Coach dismisses us to the locker room. I'm sitting on a bench, packing my duffel bag, when two girls start looking at me and snickering. "Hey, Scarlett," the first one says, standing next to me. "I heard you're dating the sheriff's son. What's his name again?"

The second girl is slipping on her shirt. "Biles, I think it is."

"Stiles," I retort. "And I'm not dating him. He's my best friend."

"Oh," the first girl replies. "So, it must be the other rumor of Isaac Lahey. Isn't he a wanted felon?"

The second girl laughs. "She loves bad boys. Didn't Trent beat her but then Lucas saved her?"

"Yeah, right before he was killed by something in the woods," the girl says. "From what I heard, Scarlett here didn't even cry."

"I mean, he was pretty rude but so HOT."

"Leave me alone," I mumble.

I throw my bag over my shoulder and storm out. As I'm walking out, my hand begins to shake. I run to the gym and Scott is right next to me. When we get to the wall, Erica slips and Scott manages catch her. Allison wonders how we knew. The only answer we could give is that we felt it. Erica was thankfully taken to the hospital.

The very next day, Stiles makes a deal with a guy named Boyd to borrow his car for $50. While me and Scott are talking, Erica walks in but she's different. Her blonde hair is curly and a dash of color. She is wearing make-up, a grey shirt, black leather jacket, black mini skirt and black boots. "Who is that?" Lydia asks.

"That's....Erica," I say.

Me, Scott and Stiles follow her all the way outside. A black car pulls up and Derek is driving. I growl at him when Erica gets in the passenger seat. He smiles at us. I stand there, shocked. I hear laughing behind me. I look past Scott and see the same two girls from the locker room and about three others. "Oh, look. Scarlett has another boyfriend," the first one says.

"Looks like he already found someone else, maybe better."

"He's pretty hot. Why would he want some one like her...a slut."

"OMG, her eyes!"

Scott grabs me by the arm. "Your eyes," he hisses.

"She's more of a freak than I thought."

I try to make my eyes go back to normal but my rage is standing in the way. I glance at Scott. I throw my hood over my head and run off school grounds. I go right home and sit on Scott's bed. What did I do to deserve any of this? Why me? I manage to pull myself together enough to get to work.

Deaton has me sit at the front counter once I explained to him what's been going on. I'm drawing on a piece of paper when Scott finally comes in. I don't look up when I feel him looking at me. He goes to the back and returns after an hour. He leans against the desk and waits. "Go away, Scott," I say without looking up.

"Why didn't you tell me girls were messing with you at school? I could've helped you."

"Yes, so the slut's twin brother can swoop in and save her from the bullies from school! What an idea!"

He squats next to me. "Scar."

"Scott, just leave me alone! You have no idea what's it to be me. A FREAK. Just go away!"

"You're not a freak. If you are, so am I."

"You can't do what I do. Stop trying to understand me. You don't and never will. You and Stiles said it yourselves. I'm a nutjob."

He sighs and walks to the back again. I touch the necklace around my neck that Scott made me in the sixth grade. My vision flashes. I see glasses shattered on the floor. Before I can see any more, I flash back to the present. I jump up and run to the back where Scott and Deaton are. I see Scott handling glass jars. I get close enough so, when a jar slips out his hand, I manage to catch it. "It...slipped through my fingers," he says.

"Just like our lives," I say.

After having a long discussion, Deaton gives us a raise. Before we leave, I have to ask him about what has been happening to me. He gives me better advice than anyone so far. "You aren't like your brother or other werewolves because you have a special gift that was triggered by the bite. I have not known you long but it connects to your human personality."

I shake my head. "That doesn't make sense. What does my personality have to do with me being bitten?"

"The bite turns you into something that bases off your personality."

"Okay, but one thing doesn't add up. That night, when Kate and Allison shot at me, I was able to dodge every arrow. I wasn't even facing them. My body just...reacted. Why couldn't Scott do the same?"

"You're able to feel when there's danger. You can sense when something and someone is hurt or when something and someone have died. You just have to feel it yourself. You can protect your friends, especially your brother. You can feel them all the time."

"Like, keeping them connected to me?"

He nods. I leave and get home. I skip dinner and go straight to bed. The next morning, I work on what Deaton told me but I don't tell Scott. At our lockers, Scott talks to Erica to find out who Derek's next victim will be. In the middle of the conversation, I interrupt. "Erica, I have to ask. Why? You had a choice and you chose this life."

To justify her decision, tells a story of the time she had a seizure in class and someone videoed it and put it on the internet. The students didn't know what to do and many laughed as she flailed and eventually pissed herself. "Look at me now."

I shake my head. "I liked you before."

"You didn't care about me before. No one did. I was never noticed until now."

I skip lunch to sit on the roof. What if the bite changed me? What if I turned out like Erica? Heartless. Selfish. I decide to go home so I can be alone for a couple hours. I almost fell asleep when I started to shiver. I think and feel worried. Scott. The feeling leads me to the ice skating rink. I find Derek, Isaac, Erica Boyd and Scott. "What the hell is going on?"

Everyone just looks at me. I run to Scott's side. There is a look in Derek's eyes that I don't like. This whole Alpha thing has made him crazy. "Go home you two."

I look at Scott, who is pissed. He punches the ice, preparing for a fight. I jump up on the ice cleaner Boyd is driving. I jump down and wrap my arms around Erica's neck while Scott takes on Isaac. She wiggles from my grip and tries to claw at me. I take her by the shirt and throw her into the ice. She lies knocked out next to the unconscious Isaac. "He's just using you for power," I growl through my fangs

"He's turned you into a bunch of..." Scott kicks Isaac. "Guard dogs!"

Derek just smiles. "They're right. It is about power."

He twitches and growls. He bares his fangs, eyes glowing. He immediately goes after Scott. After he makes him bleed, Derek steps on his chest then chokes Scott before going after me. He tries to take a swing at me but I quickly duck and jab him in the side. He grabs me by the neck and throws me across the ice. When I hit the ice, it cracks, hitting my arm pretty bad. He walks to me and stands over me. "You're a monster," I whisper.

"Sorry, Scarlett, but I have to do what I have to do as the new Alpha. You and Scott will eventually see that, the only way to survive now, is to join my pack."

I try to, at least, sit up but the impact left me pretty damaged. "I don't even know who you are anymore." I look up into his glowing eyes. All I can see is a monster that lived inside him. "When I look into your eyes, I don't see a leader. I see your uncle. You're becoming what he was."

He seems offended so he scratches me in my side. I cry out. He leaves with his 'pack'. Scott helps me up. " You shouldn't want to be like them," Scott tells Boyd.

Boyd reveals that he has already been bitten and agrees that he doesn't want to be like Derek's pack. "I want to be like you two."

Of course, we go to Deaton to help us. Scott lays me on a slab. "Why aren't we healing?" Scott asks.

"You aren't, Scott, because the wound was inflicted by an Alpha."

"What about me?" I ask.

He picks up my arm. "You have a very quick healing process, Alpha or no Alpha."

Suddenly he twists my arm. I growl. I look down and my wound starts to heal right before my eyes. "We need to have a talk," Deaton says.
