Chaos Rising

While Scott and Stiles go to a birthday party, I go to see Derek at his new loft. I open the big door and smile. "I see you scored on the next best thing. It looks like...home," I say.

"Yeah, of course it does," he replies.

I sit in the windowsill and let my hair out of its ponytail. "How long do you plan on staying here?" I ask.

He shrugs. "As long as possible."

I jump from the window. I wrap my arms around his neck and frown. "How long will that be with a pack of Alphas probably here looking for the new Alpha?"

He kisses me lightly on my forehead. "You have nothing to worry about. When have you known for me to go down without a fight?" he asks.

I smile but it fades. "But I know you to fight and things still end badly."

He doesn't respond. I know, deep inside, I'll protect Derek, even if I have no chance of winning against the Alphas. "Derek, how do you expect this to end? With the whole Alpha pack dead or yours?"

"Just Deucalion."

I move away from him. "Do you really think it'll be easy? That pack is the most loyal pack I have ever seen. They will break every last single one of us before they let you anywhere near Deucalion."

He crosses his arms. "So, you're just going to let them win? Let them come here and kill anyone they want to and get what they want?"

"I'm just saying to play it safe and smart, not werewolf."

I spend the night with Derek and, the next day, Isaac comes over so we could see what he remembered when he was with the Alpha pack. Isaac paces near the large wall sized window. Derek plans to have Peter drop by to attempt to retrieve the memories Isaac lost. The process of retrieval is to plunge claws into the back of the neck to share memories. Isaac says he doesn't like the idea and he doesn't like Peter but Derek explains he doesn't know how to do it so they have to get Peter. "You know, Scarlett and Scott don't trust him, right? You know, personally, I'd...well, I'd trust them."

"Do you trust me?" Derek asks.

"Yeah, I still don't like him."

"Nobody likes him."

I nod in agreement. "I sure don't."

Then Peter walks in. "While coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. So I hope you're are comfortable saying whatever is that you're feeling straight to my face."

"We don't like you," Derek replies.

I snicker. "Just shut up and help us."

"Fair enough."

"The claw to the neck thing is an ancient ritual used mainly by Alphas since it is a skill that requires quite a bit of practice. One slip could paralyze someone or kill them," Peter explains.

He then plunges his claws into Isaac's neck. Peter's eyes glow blue as Isaac begins to kick and struggle. "Isaac did find them. Deucalion is talking about time running out. He apparently promised that they would both be dead by the full moon, tomorrow night."

Scott calls Derek for him to come to the school and look at some weird marks on Allison and Lydia's arm. Once he looks at it, Derek says it's nothing. "It's Pareidolia. A mental condition that causes people to see patterns that aren't there," Lydia explains.

"They're just trying to help," Scott says.

"These two? This one who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. Thank you." He points to Allison. "And this one who shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack."

"Okay, all right, come on. No one died, all right?"

I nod. "Stiles is right. Look, there may have been a little maiming."

"A little mangling."

I nod. "But no death. That's what I call an important distinction."

"My mom died," Allison points out.

"Your mom died because of your family code. Not me."

"Derek," I hiss.

"I'm here to help Scott and Scarlett, not you."

"If you wanna help them, find something real."

Scott takes Derek aside. "Give Allison a chance. She's on our side now."

"Then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do the night I bit her."

I look at Scott. "Tell her, Scott. Or this'll end bad for everyone."

Later, near the lacrosse field, Stiles is trying to figure out what the Alpha Pack wants with Erica and Boyd. Scott says he's not sure the Alphas want them, but someone else. Stiles then speculates that they may be recruiting Derek. At that moment, the two boy twins walk by. I recognize them as Aiden and Ethan. I met them when I went on a road trip with Allison's family. I run after them. "Aiden? Ethan?"

They see me and smile. "Long time no see," Ethan says.

"Yeah, what are you two doing in Beacon?"

They both shrug. I take a whiff and sense they're werewolves too. I start to back away. "I....gotta go."

In Economics, Coach Finstock is teaching a remarkably simple and yet extremely accurate lesson about the Stock Market. "What two principles the market is based on?" he asks.

Scott and I raise our hands. Assuming we couldn't possibly know the answer, Coach says we can be excused to go to the bathroom. "No, Coach, one principle is 'risk'."

"The other is 'reward'," I finish.

Coach is ecstatic that we knew the answer.

He then asks the class for a quarter. Stiles is quick to offer one, reaching in his pocket to retrieve the coin. He instead flips the XXL condom out of his pocket and onto the floor. Coach picks it up, returns it to him. "Congratulations."

Me and Scott snicker, looking at Stiles. I pat him on the back. "Yeah, congrats Stiles."

Coach then uses the old drinking game 'Quarters' to explain the risk and reward principle. "If you take the risk and successfully land the quarter in the cup you won't have to take a pop quiz."

"It's not a pop quiz if they already know about it," Danny points out.

"Yeah, it's just a quiz," I add.

Coach challenges Scott to put the quarter in the mug. "If you fails, you will have to take the quiz AND write an essay. If you succeed, there will be no extra work. But there is a third option: not to play at all."

Coach then explains that everything Scott knows about himself, his abilities and his past experiences should inform his decision and determine if the risk is worth it. Scott chooses not to play at all. I take the risk of playing and land in the quarter in the mug. Stiles is about to take his turn when his father shows up with the news that Heather has been missing since Stiles saw her last. "I assumed, when I couldn't find her, that she'd gone off with other friends."

"The Alpha Pack may be behind Heather's disappearance," I speculate.

But we can't come up with a convincing reason why they would want to do that. Stiles is in complete panic mode. "You guys don't understand. My mom and her mom were best friends. We grew up together and took bubble baths together when were were 3 years-old. I have to find her."

"We need Isaac to remember. If Peter and Derek failed then Deaton might have some idea of how to help," Scott says.

Me, Derek, Stiles and Scott go to the Animal Clinic. Deaton has us empty large bags of ice into a metal bath tub. "Lowering Isaac's temperature will lower his heart rate and help him slip into a trance state, like hypnosis. Isaac will be half transformed and this will somehow allow us to access his subconscious mind. We will slow his heart rate until he is nearly dead to get the result we need."

I hear a snap. We all look up and Stiles is playing with a rubber glove. "What?" he says

Derek shoots him a look. Isaac enters the tub and we struggle to keep him down. Finally, we get him in a trance. He remembers finding Boyd at the Beacon Hills First National Bank in a vault. He also says he saw Erica's dead body. Derek refuses to believe that Erica is dead. Then we wondered who was in the vault with Boyd. Scott suggests it might have been the Mystery Girl that saved Isaac but Isaac says, "No, she wasn't like us and whoever was in the vault with Boyd was."

"The Alpha Pack are pitting the prisoners against each other during the full moons like a werewolf thunder dome," Stiles says.

At five in the evening at the loft, me, Stiles, Derek, Scott and Peter formulate a plan to break into the vault based on a successful robbery that took places just before the bank closed for good. A narrow air duct leads from the roof into the wall of the vault. "If I go in first, how much space do I have?" Derek asks.

"What do you think you're gonna do, Derek? Huh? You gonna punch through the wall?" Stiles asks.

"Yes, Stiles. I'm gonna punch through the wall."

"Okay, okay, big guy. Let's see it. Let's see that fist. Big, old fist. Make it, come on. Get it out there. Don't be scared. Big bad wolf. Yeah, look at that. Okay, see this?"

Derek holds up his fist. "I wouldn't go down this road with him, Stiles," I warn.

He completely ignores me. "That's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid con-" Derek punches Stiles in the hand, knocking him off balance. "Ah! Ah! He could do it."

Scott and I laugh. Derek asks for volunteers to follow him down the shaft into the vault. "Don't look at me. Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of alphas. All of them, killers. And if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine to form one giant Alpha. I'm sure Erica and Boyd were sweet kids. They're going to be missed."

"Can someone kill him again please?" Stiles says.

I step forward. "Gladly.

Scott grips my arm and pulls me into a huge bear hug. "Nope."

"What about you?" Derek says to me and Scott.

"Yeah, I'll go if you want me to," Stiles replies.

"Not you."

"I have a question about the morphing twin thing. Me and Scott can't do that, right?" I ask.

"That would be so cool!" Scott exclaims.

"Right?" I agree.

We give a big high five. Derek looks at us. "No," he answers flatly.

Later, me and Scott hesitate outside the bank. He says they are not measuring the risk accurately. Specifically he wonders why they've waited so long to kill Boyd. It's been four months since they left the mark on Derek's door. Derek rushes ahead and starts up a fire escape. "I won't blame you if you don't follow me."

I go to pull myself up on the fire escape. Once I touch the metal, my vision flashes:

I see Erica in what looks like storage closet. Her head is hung over. Someone lifts her head and it shows her face, desiccated.

"Scarlett, come on."

I snap back and climb up the fire escape behind Derek with Scott following. Derek successfully punches through the wall. When we step out, I see Boyd. As the moonlight streams in through the newly punched hole in the wall, Boyd begins to lose control. Derek then sees the girl and says, "Cora?"

"Who?" Scott asks.

"Derek, get out," Cora warns.

We duck down against a wall. "You know her?" Scott asks.

"That's my little sister," Derek replied.

"Why is she here?" I exclaim.

"Like I have a clue. I thought she was dead."

Just as Boyd and Cora are losing control, Ms. Morrell steps to the vault door and puts the final line of what I see is a complete circle of Mountain Ash powder. Great, now all five of us are stuck here. Cora and Boyd start to attack us. Cora takes a swing at me, I duck, but she scratches my side. I wolf out. I try to stab her in the side but she grabs my wrist and twist me around. I fell to the hard floor and whine in pain. "Scarlett, you can leave. Go!" I hear Derek say.

I rush to the door. I step over the line, when I look back, I see Scott and Derek struggling with Boyd. I sigh and run back in. I go to help Scott and Derek when Cora, suddenly, knocks me back down by kicking me in the side jaw. I growl. She takes another blow to my torso. I coughed for air. My vision starts to get blurry. She takes several more blows to my side and chest. I just lay on the ground, going in and out of consciousness. I hear Derek warn someone not to break the seal. I look up to see Allison. She reaches down and breaks the seal, freeing Cora and Boyd. Derek picks me up in his arms. I wince in pain. I feel like she broke every bone in my body, which she probably did. I hear Scott say, "Is she okay?"

Derek says, "Yes, she'll be fine. But the more important thing at hand: what the hell were you thinking!?"

"Allison saved our lives," Scott shoots back.

Derek says she's loosed two killing machines into the world at large. "I'm not the one turning teenagers into killers," I hear her fire back.

Derek retorts that she might not but the rest of her family. Allison admits that she's made mistakes but that Gerard is not her fault. Derek verbally strikes again with, "What about your mother?"

I get out of Derek's arm. "Look, I hate to be the one to say this but your mom killed herself because of your family's code. That has nothing to do with us."

"Derek bit h-"

"Derek bit her in self defense. That night, your mom was trying to kill my brother and almost killed me when I tried to defend him."

She's speechless. She finally gets her words together, tears forming in her eyes.  "He didn't have to bite her."

"If you saw Derek about to kill me, would you care how you killed him?"

Before she can answer, I collapse...

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