Too Rough (age 4)

Rainbow and scootaloo were playing knights and dragons in rainbows bedroom, rainbow was pretending to be the dragon and scootaloo the knight. Scootaloo was hitting rainbow with a paper sword that their father had made.

Scootaloo: *in a cute baby voice* go away nasty dragon!

Rainbow: *growls and roars* you'll never stop me knight!

Scootaloo continued to pretend to hit rainbow with the sword, but then rainbow got the idea that the dragon was going to fight back. She jumped out and grabbed Scootaloo and pushed her onto the floor. She didn't do it that hard but it was a little too hard for Scootaloo.

Scootaloo: *crying* owww! Hurt me!

She runs downstairs crying for windy, rainbow stayed upstairs because she didn't understand what she'd done.


Scootaloo: *crying* mummy!

Windy whistles: *concerned* what is it sweetie?

Scootaloo: d-dashie h-hurt m-me!

Windy whistles: dashie hurt you?

Scootaloo: *whimpering* uh uh.

Windy whistles: *shouts* rainbow come here please!

Rainbow got downstairs and when she saw her sister crying in their mums arms she thought she was in a lot of trouble.

Windy whistles: did you hurt scootaloo rainbow?

Rainbow: *getting upset* a-accident mummy didn't mean to!

Windy whistles: *rubs rainbows arm* hey I'm sure you didn't mean to, why don't you both tell me what happened?

The girls told windy what had happened during their game and how scootaloo had ended up getting hurt.

Windy whistles: ok rainbow listen scootaloo is still only little, so you can't be grabbing her like that ok?

Rainbow: *ashamed* ok mummy. Do I have to go to the corner?

Windy whistles: *sighs* no I'll let it slide this time because it was an accident, but you need to apologise ok.

Rainbow: ok, *to scoot* I'm sorry scootaloo!

Scootaloo: *hugs rainbow and smiles* ok dashie!

Rainbow: can we play more now mummy?!

Windy whistles: yes but please be careful.

Rainbow: we will!

The girls went back to playing and rainbow made sure to always be careful with her little sister.

A/N: request for Bailey_Pottergirl
