The Last Day Of High School (age 16)

Pinkie: *sad* I can't believe we're not going to be seeing each other.

Twilight: pinkie we've got 6 weeks off and we still be seeing each other when we can.

Pinkie: I know but it won't be the same.

It was the last day of high school and after the summer holidays the girls would be going to college, however they weren't always going to be in at the same time because they were doing different courses.

Rainbow: pinkie we can ask if we can be in English class together.

Pinkie: *cheering up* ok dashie!

Rainbow and pinkie hadn't quite passed their English exams but they got good enough grades to get into college, pinkie was going to be doing a catering course and rainbow was doing a sports course. Applejack was doing the same course as rainbow, sunset was doing a graphic design course, rarity was doing hair and beauty, fluttershy was doing animal care and twilight was doing a health and social care course.

Aj: look we've got 6 weeks off to hang out, this is our last day of high school so let's enjoy it.

The whole year 11 class was in the main hall listening to principal celestia give a speech.

Principal celestia: you've all been an absolute asset to this school and I am proud of every single one of you, I wish you all the best of luck with the future.

Pinkie: *shouts excitedly* SCHOOLS OUT LETS PARTY!

The girls and their friends all went to sugar cube corner, mr and Mrs cake had closed off the shop to the public so the kids could have a party to celebrate their last day of high school.
