The Fire Escape (age 7)

Rainbow and her friends were doing quite reading when suddenly the fire alarm went off and all the kids had to make there way outside to wait until instructed to go back in. However rainbows year 3 class (3rd grade in America I think) was on the second story of the school and therefore her class had to go down a metal staircase that ran down the outside of the school in order to get out. The students we're making there way down the stairs but because it had been raining the day before the stairs were a little slippery, and rainbows mum had told her not to run downstairs especially when there wet so she was going a little bit slow.

Miss Crowley: *sternly* rainbow dash you need to hurry up on the stairs please.

Rainbow then tried her best to go quicker on the stairs and eventually everyone made it down.

After registers were taken to make sure everyone was there, they made their way back into classrooms as it was only a practice drill. When rainbows class got back into the class room her teacher had a word with her.

Miss Crowley: rainbow dash you were too slow on the stairs, next time the fire alarm goes off you need to wait behind and let everyone else go first,
Because if there's ever a real fire and your being too slow the other students could get hurt and die.

Rainbow nodded in embarrassment and went back to work, not thinking much into what the teacher had just told her.

A/N: so like the last story this one is based on facts. I was told to wait behind the next time there was a fire drill, though I never actually did. This bothers me more now as an adult because I've realised how wrong it was of the teacher to say that to me. What I basically take from it, is it didn't matter if I got hurt or killed in a fire. As you can see I didn't have the best school life. The reason rainbows parents don't know what's happened in these stories is because I didn't tell my mum what had happened until a couple of years ago, and let's just say she was disgusted with the school when I told her. 😢
