The awkward Question (age 3)

Bow and Windy had just told rainbow that they were expecting their second child, and she was really excited. The only thing was she didn't know babies came from, so she decided to ask her parents.

Rainbow: mummy?

Windy whistles: *brushing rainbows hair out of her face* yes sweetie?

Rainbow: * innocently* how are babies made?

Windy and bow looked at each other, a: not believing what rainbow had asked them and b: not knowing how to respond.

Windy whistles: *confused stutter* W-why d-do you want to know that baby?

Rainbow: *sweetly* cause you're having a baby and I want to know where they coming from.

Windy didn't know how to answer the toddler so eventually bow stepped in.

Bow hothoof: *walks over and picks rainbow up* come on dashie I'll show you.

Windy whistles: *runs after her husband in a panic* bow you can't, she's too young!

Bow hothoof: relax honey I know what I'm doing.

Bow took his wife and daughter to a near by field and sat rainbow on the wall.

Bow hothoof: *points to a patch of soil* you see this soil dashie?

Rainbow: uh uh.

Bow hothoof: well this is where babies come from, they are planted here by a magical wizard and the rain waters them and the sun keeps them warm. Eventually the seedlings grow into plants and those plants grow into beautiful babies.

Rainbow: *excitedly* like me?!

Bow hothoof: *chuckles* just like you. And your new baby brother or sister. *picks rainbow back up* come on let's go home.

*back at the house*

Once they returned home bow put rainbow down for her nap, when he went back to his wife who didn't know weather the be angry or amused by what had just happened.

Windy whistles: *whisper yells* I can't believe you told her that?!

Bow hothoof: *snickers* well she asked. Would you rather I told her the truth?

Windy whistles: *through gritted teeth* of course not she's far too sweet and innocent for that. But you do realise she'll ask again one day when she's a bit older?

Bow hothoof: *looks at his daughters bedroom door and smiles* yeah well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

A/N: I just this would be funny. 😂🥰
