Rolls Reversed (age 7)

Windy whistles: *coughs* ugh my head.

Bow hothoof: *concerned* are you ok honey?

Windy whistles: *coughs violently and sniffles* n-no I think I'm sick.

Bow hothoof: *feels her forehead* ooh you're burning up, I think you need to stay in bed.

Windy whistles: I-I'm fine let's just go and get the kids up and then I'll have something to eat and a nice cup of tea.

Bow watched as his wife weakly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. She was sick probably a cold, he knew he was going to have to look after her.

*at breakfast*

Bow hothoof: girls listen mummy isn't very well and daddy needs to look after her, so I need you both to be good ok?

Scootaloo: but daddy, you promised we'd the park for my bug project today.

Bow hothoof: I know sweetheart but mummy isn't very well, we'll go tomorrow.

Scootaloo: *pouts* ok.

Windy looked at her youngest daughter and saw the disappointment in her face, she didn't care how sick she was she was not letting her baby down.

Windy whistles: bow you should take her to the park, I'll be ok on my own.

Bow hothoof: but honey you're sick and you need someone to look after you.

Windy whistles: *coughs violently* I'm ok.

Rainbow: *raises her hand eagerly* I'll look after mummy!

Windy whistles: *rubs her hand through rainbows hair* thats very sweet of you baby, but I can't ask you to do that.

Rainbow: please! I promise I won't get in the way.

Bow and Windy looked at each other bow didn't want to put all the responsibility on rainbow, but he had made a promise to scoot.

Bow hothoof: ok dashie you can look after mummy ok?

Rainbow: ok daddy. What do I do?

Bow hothoof: all you've really got to do is keep her company, she needs lots of hot soup and warm drinks and plenty of rest. I've left my phone number by the side if you need me ok?

Rainbow: ok.

Bow hothoof: *kisses rainbows forehead* good girl.

He then kissed his wife on the cheek and he and Scootaloo were on their way to the park. Windy had insisted that he'd make the soup and put it into thermal containers, because she was too weak to cook and she didn't rainbow using the stove.

*20 minutes later*

Rainbow: what are we going to do mummy?

Windy whistles: *coughs and smiles* mummy needs to rest sweetheart, you can watch tv if you like just keep the volume on low.

Rainbow: but daddy said you're sick. You always cuddle me when you get sick, I could give a cuddle.

Windy whistles: that's very sweet baby, but I don't want you too get sick.

Rainbow: you always say it doesn't matter if you get sick.

Windy whistles: that's because I'm the parent baby I'll always put you and you're sister first.

Rainbow: *sighs* ok can I watch tv?

Windy whistles: yes sweetie I'm going to have a sleep alright?

Rainbow nodded and turned on the tv. After an hour she began to get bored she looked at her mum, and saw that she was still fast asleep and didn't want to disturb her. She decided that she would do some house work whilst windy was sleeping. She wiped the counter tops down and swept up the best she could, because the broom was bigger than she was.

*half an hour later*

Windy whistles: *wakes up and sniffles* rainbow?

Rainbow: *comes in from the kitchen with one of windy's soups* yes mummy?

Windy whistles: what was you doing in the kitchen baby?

Rainbow: I was cleaning up mummy, but I didn't do it very well I'm sorry.

Windy whistles: *strokes rainbows hair* no it's alright sweetie you've tried your best, thank you. Is that soup for me?

Rainbow: yeah daddy said you have to have it for your lunch.

Windy whistles: *takes the soup out of rainbows hand* thank you and I think daddy left you a sandwich for your lunch.

Rainbow went back into the kitchen and fetched her sandwich. She then sat in the living room on the other sofa so that, she wasn't too close to windy and ate her lunch.

*after lunch*

Windy ate her soup and took some more medicine and she actually felt a lot better. She took her temperature and saw that the fever seemed to have gone down. She went back into the living room to see if rainbow had finished with her lunch, and found that the child had fallen asleep on the sofa with the plate in her hand. Windy smiled and walked over to rainbow and removed the plate, she then placed the blanket over her daughter and allowed her to sleep.

*bow and Scootaloo return*

Bow hothoof: honey we're home!

He went into the living room and saw that windy was reading her book and rainbow was fast asleep still.

Bow hothoof: *chuckles* I thought dashie was meant to be taking care of you?

Windy whistles: *smiles* she has been. She fetched my soup let me rest and tried to clean the kitchen. She tired herself out so I've let her sleep, besides I'm feeling a lot better.

Bow hothoof: *kisses her cheek* that's great honey.

Windy whistles: *to scoot* did you find any bugs baby?

Scootaloo: yeah mummy! We saw lots of creepy crawlies, and daddy screamed when he saw a spider.

Bow hothoof: * defensively* no i didn't!

Windy whistles: *points to rainbow* shh! It's ok scoot I believe you.

Scootaloo: *smirking* see daddy?

Bow hothoof: *laughing* ok trouble go and go upstairs and I'll come and run you a bath.

She went upstairs and bow was about to follow her.

Bow hothoof: would you like me to take rainbow upstairs?

Windy whistles: *goes over to rainbow and runs her fingers through her hair* no that's ok.

Bow hothoof: *kisses his wife and then his daughter* ok well I'll be down in a bit.

He went upstairs to give Scootaloo a bath leaving Windy and rainbow downstairs. Windy watched as her daughter slept, knowing that she always had her little helper if she needed it.
