Parents Wedding (age 2)

Today was bow and windy's wedding day. They'd been together since they were teenagers and now they were finally tying the not. They'd had a beautiful little girl and now they we're ready to take the next step in their relationship.

Windy whistles: *nervously* mum do you think we're doing this too soon?

Spectrum: how can it be too soon you've been together for 13 years and you have a child, I'd say your ready.

Windy whistles: that's just it. Being a wife is a lot to take on as well as being a mother, I just don't know how good I'll be at it.

Spectrum: you do an amazing job at being a mother. *looking round the room* speaking of which where is the little one?

Rainbow: *excitedly* I'm here!

Spectrum: oh there you are you sweetie. Why don't you tell your mummy she's the best ever?

Rainbow: *looks to windy and smiles* you're  the best mummy ever?

Windy whistles: *gives her mum a funny look and strokes rainbows hair* thank you baby.

She knew that rainbow only said what she said because her mother had told her too. With rainbow being so little she didn't understand why she was told to do something she just did it.

Windy whistles: hey dashie why don't you go and see what daddies doing?

Rainbow: ok mummy!

Rainbow left the room and went to see what bow was up to.

Rainbow: daddy!

Bow hothoof: hey rascal (this is nickname my dad called me when I was 2) what you doing here?

Rainbow: see what doing. (I don't know how to write in toddler language)

Bow hothoof: oh I'm just getting some things ready for the wedding sweetie.

Rainbow: ok. Mummy sad.

Bow hothoof: *confused* why is mummy said?

Rainbow just shrugged and started playing with her toys, bow decided he was going to go and ask his wife to be what was wrong.

Bow hothoof: *knocks on the door* honey can I come in a minute?

Windy whistles: *sniffles* y-yeah what is it?

When bow opened the door he saw that windy was crying and rushed over to her and took her hands into his.

Bow hothoof: baby what's wrong?!

Windy whistles: *stopped crying* nothing I just feel a little overwhelmed that's all.

Bow hothoof: *understanding what she meant* hmm dashie said you were sad. What you feeling so overwhelmed about?

Windy whistles: I don't know just the whole getting married thing. I know we've been together for a long time but I'm just scared that as soon we get married things will go wrong, like it did for my parents.

Bow hothoof: *in a comforting voice* hey we're not your parents and it will work out for us, you'll see and we already have a beautiful daughter so that's one thing we did right.

Windy whistles: *feeling better* yeah you're right.

Bow hothoof: *offers his hand to windy* I know I am. So shall we go and get married?

Windy whistles: *nods and takes bows*

*time skip to the wedding*

They we're now at the wedding ceremony about to do the vows, but rainbow had started playing up as she was tired and board. Getting a toddler to sit still for that long was not an easy feat. She was sat on spectrums knee fidgeting wanting to get down.

Spectrum: rainbow what's the matter?

Rainbow: want mummy.

Spectrum: well you can't have mummy now, she's busy.

Rainbow: *crying* want mummy!

Windy whistles: *walks over to where her mother and daughter were sitting* here mum give her to me a second.

Spectrum hands rainbow over to windy and she just rocks her slightly in her arms to get her to calm down. Eventually she did and drifted off into sleep and then it was time to do the vows.

Bow hothoof: windy you are the most wonderful women i have ever met. We met when we were just 13 years old and I now can't imagine my life without you. We now have a lovely little girl and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Vicar: ok windy your turn.

Windy whistles: *clears throat* bow. You really helped me when I was going a rough time at school, my parents had just divorced and the other kids were bullying me. You helped me to find my smile again and give me back the life I never thought I could have. When I found out I was pregnant with your baby I was so scared as we were going through a rough patch, but then you told me that this baby would be the rainbow at the end of the storm (see what I did there 😉?) and you were right.

Vicar. And now for the final vows. Do you bow hothoof  take thee windy whistles, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part?

Bow hothoof: I do.

Vicar: and now windy. Do you windy whistles: take thee bow hothoof, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part?

Windy whistles: I do.

Vicar: I now announce you husband and wife. *turns to bow* you may now kiss the bride.

*time skip to the reception (party)*

The reception was going really well and the guests were having a good time. However it was getting late and it was getting close to rainbows bed time. But rainbow had not long woken up from her nap and therefore was not ready for bed, but windy needed to keep rainbow in her routine so had decided to make a bottle of warm milk and was just going to hold her whilst she fell asleep.

Rainbow and windy we're sat on the bed whilst rainbow was drinking her warm milk and windy was gently running her fingers through her hair.

Rainbow: *looks up to windy with tired eyes* mummy?

Windy whistles: what baby?

Rainbow: when I get married?

Windy whistles: *chuckles and kisses rainbows forehead* not for a long time baby.

Rainbow drifted off into a deep sleep so windy removed the bottle and put a dummy in it's place, which rainbow softly suckled on.

Windy whistles: *looks down rainbow and smiles* not for a long time.

A/N: request for OmqItzEliza i know you requested for rainbow to be causing trouble in this story, I kind of forgot about that bit so had make some last minute alterations. Anyways hope you enjoy.
