Learning To Read (age 4)

Miss feather boa: ok kids today we're going to start are "learning to read exercises," I need you all to pair up and then I'm going to hand out the books
And the lollipop sticks.

The class got into pairs and sat down at the tables. Rainbow was paired with rarity, which she didn't mind because she was one of her best friends. Miss feather boa handed out the books and sticks and then began the lesson.

Miss feather boa: ok so I know we've been learning the alphabet and what different sounds the letters make, but today we're going to be trying to read those letters in sentences. I'm going to read the story and you need to use the lollipop stick to follow along, and when I say "swap" you need to give the stick to your partner and let them have a go. Are we ready?

Class: yes miss feather boa!

Miss feather boa: ok I'll start.

She gave all the kids a number of either 1 or 2 and then began to read the short story, number 1's followed along firs and then it was number 2's turn to have a go. Rarity was the number 1 in her and rainbows pair and she'd seemed to able to follow along just fine with hardly any problem. However when it was rainbows turn she struggled to keep up with the speed miss feather boa was reading, and she began to grown frustrated with herself and eventually gave up.

*end of lesson*

Miss feather boa: ok class that's the end of the lesson, I'm going to send you home with some sentence cards and a lollipop stick, I would like to you to practice what we've done today at home. Rainbow can I talk you for a minute?

Rainbow: *nods nervously*

After the class had left miss feather boa sat rainbow down and a chat with her, rainbow thought she was going to in trouble because she couldn't do the task.

Miss feather boa: rainbow, were you having a little trouble with that task?

Rainbow: *shyly* y-yeah.

Miss feather boa: *softly* ok, do you have any idea why?

Rainbow: y-you was reading too fast for me and I couldn't follow.

Miss feather boa: that's ok sweetie, why don't you and I have a go at it now on our own, whilst the class isn't here?

Rainbow: *feeling better* yeah ok.

They spent the next half an hour going over the different sentences and the different sounds that the letters made. Miss feather boa knew rainbow had been having trouble with these reading tasks, so she didn't mind giving her extra help.

*after school*

Windy whistles: sweetie miss feather boa tells me you've been learning how to read.

Rainbow: *sadly* yeah I can't do it though.

Windy whistles: you will be able to soon don't worry, she said that you've all been given some homework to help with it, shall we have a look at it before we have dinner?

Rainbow: *unsure* ok.

They sat at the table going over the homework and rainbow was still struggling, she thought her mum was going to be angry with her and she got upset.

Windy whistle: *lifts rainbow onto her lap* hey what's the matter?

Rainbow: *crying* I-I c-can't d-do I-it!

Windy whistles: *rubbing rainbows back* hey calm down it's alright, we'll just take it nice and slowly ok?

Rainbow: *sniffles and calms down* ok.

*a few weeks later*

Rainbow had been working really hard with the school and her parents in learning how to read, she could now almost read full sentences. However today was going to be the big test, miss feather boa had been choosing student every week to read a sentence from the book out loud to the class, and today was rainbows turn.

Miss feather boa: *softly cause she knew that rainbow was nervous* whenever you're ready rainbow.

Rainbow: *looks around the classroom slightly panicking but then calms herself down* t-the man and his dog were best friends, they did everything together, like playing, going for walks and lots of other things. O-one day the man came down to find the dog was missing, so he set out to look for him. *now feeling a little more confident* he put posters on the lamp posts and o-offered a r-reward. The next day an old lady came to his door and she had the dog in her hands. "Thank you" said the man. "I never thought I'd see him again" the lady said back, "you're welcome and have a good day" the man gave her the reward and went back inside the house with his dog. Finally together again. (The story is made up, it's the first thing I could think of)

Rainbow took a deep breath and then looked around the classroom. Then to her surprise the class started to applaud her, then miss feather boa came over to her.

Miss feather boa: well done rainbow! You can have a sticker and then go back to your seat.

Rainbow: *smiling* thank you.

Rainbow received her sticker and then went and sat back down. Happy that she could finally read.
