Funfair (age 5)

Bow hothoof: girls come here a minute please!

Rainbow: yeah daddy?

Bow hothoof: me and mummy have decided that because you've both been so good and because rainbow got a gold star in school yesterday, we're going to take you to the funfair!

Rainbow: *gasps excitedly* yay! Really?!

Bow hothoof: *chuckles* really.

Scootaloo: *confused* what's a funfair?

Bow hothoof: well it's a....

Rainbow: * interrupts* it's a place with loads of rides, food and games! It's so much fun!

Windy whistles: yes it is, now settle down rainbow so we can get ready and go.

Rainbow: *settling down* ok mummy.

The family arrive at the funfair and both kids are mesmerised by all the music and Lights in the fair. There was loads of rides and games just like rainbow had said.

Bow hothoof: ok girls what should we go on first?

Rainbow: let's go on the Big Dipper!

Bow hothoof: I think you might be too little for that dashie. Why don't we go on the teacups instead?

Rainbow: *slightly disappointed* ok daddy.

Windy whistles: scootaloo what would you like to do?

Scootaloo: the teacups please mummy!

Windy whistles: *chuckles* ok come on then.

Bow hothoof: yeah and we can spin really fast

Rainbow:*excitedly* yay!

*after the teacups*

Bow hothoof: *looking green and gagging* did you kids have to make it spin so fast?

Windy whistles: *laughs* you did tell them they could spin it really fast.

Bow hothoof: ugh don't remind me. Anyway what should we do next?

Windy whistles: why don't we go on the bumper cars?

Bow hothoof: yeah ok, girls would you like that?

Rainbow and Scootaloo: yeah!

*time skip to after the bumper cars*

Rainbow: that was so much fun!

Scootaloo: yeah fun!

Windy whistles: ok girls it's getting dark, so it time to get some candy floss and then head home.

Rainbow: ok mummy!

The family got their candy floss and then we're on their way back home. And rainbow was fast asleep.

Scootaloo: mummy?

Windy whistles: yeah baby?

Scootaloo: can we go to the fair again?

Bow hothoof: you enjoyed it then scoot?

Scootaloo: *loudly* yeah it was really fun!

Windy whistles: shhh baby you'll wake your sister. But yes we'll come again one day.

Scootaloo: ok.

After a few minutes Scootaloo was also asleep after an exciting evening.
