First Birthday (age 1)

Bow hothoof: I can't believe our baby girl is going to be a year old tomorrow!

Windy whistles: *smiles* I know what you mean, feels like only yesterday she was born, and we were bringing her home from the hospital.

Bow hothoof: *chuckles* definitely.

Bow and Windy were getting everything prepared for rainbows first birthday tomorrow, getting the house decorated and getting presents ready whilst rainbow was in bed. The door bell rang and it was windy's mother.

Windy whistles: *opens the door* mum! Your early the party is tomorrow.

Spectrum: I know that dear, I just thought I'd come here tonight so it saves the trip tomorrow.

Windy whistles: well ok then, can you help us finish getting set up?

Spectrum: of course!

*the next day*

Rainbow woke up in her cot and stared tired at the mobile that was still spinning above her head. She started to become fussy which her parents heard from the baby monitor.

Spectrum: like someone's awake.

Windy whistles: I'll go and get her.

Windy went into rainbows room and saw her laying in the cot smiling cutely and playing with her feet.
Windy leaned over into the cot and started stroking rainbows cheek.

Windy whistles: *stroking rainbows cheek* morning baby girl, it's a big day for you today.

Rainbow just looked up her with her cute little eyes and started laughing when windy tickled her tummy.

Windy whistles: *chuckles* you're so cute, come on let's get you changed then we can go downstairs.

She finished getting rainbow changed and then they headed downstairs. Rainbows eyes lit up when she saw all the balloons and other decent that were put up around the house, there was a giant balloon set in the living room that was shaped like the number 1 and a banner across the fireplace that read "happy 1st birthday"

Bow hothoof: *takes rainbow from windy's arms and starts bouncing her in his arms* morning little one, I can't believe you're finally a year old.

Windy whistles: I'm going to get her a bottle made up and then we can get to some presents.

Bow hothoof: that sounds like a plan.

Windy got rainbows bottle made up and then gave rainbow to spectrum whilst her and bow went and fetched the presents out of the hiding place.

Spectrum held rainbow on her lap whilst the infant softly suckled on her bottle and drank the milk.

Spectrum: *rocks rainbow gently* you really are adorable.

She kissed rainbows temple and then bow and Windy came back in with the presents.

Rainbow finished opening the presents and she got loads of exciting things such as books, clothes and a collection of Winnie the Pooh soft animals that would stay in their boxes as keepsakes (the same ones that I got on my first birthday and nearly 21 years later there still in the boxes)
Once they'd done with the presents it was time for cake, which was Winnie the Pooh themed. Bow held rainbow in his arms and kept her hands out of the way, whilst windy lit the candles. After singing happy birthday it was time to cut and eat the cake.

Spectrum: this cake is really good dear, did you make it yourself?

Windy whistles: Um no mum we bought it from the cake shop.

Spectrum: oh well it still tastes really good.

Rainbow had cake and icing all over her hand and face, she was starting to become tired and fussy so windy decided a nap might be in order.

Windy whistles: I think I'm going to clean this scruffy little rascal up and then I'm going to put her down for a nap.

Spectrum: ok dear.

Bow hothoof: would you like any help?

Windy whistles: no I'll be ok but thank you, *picks rainbow up* come on baby time for bath and sleepy time I think.

She gave rainbow a bath and got all the cake and icing washed off of her. She took her into the bedroom and after applying the baby powder and a new nappy she changed rainbow into a fresh pair of pyjamas. She sat on the chair in the corner of the room and held rainbow on her lap whilst feeding her the bottle and rocking her to sleep.

Windy whistles: *puts rainbow in the cot and covers her with the blanket* night night baby.

She left the room and switched the light off, her couldn't believe her baby was now a year old and she couldn't wait for many more years together.
