Doctors (age 3)

Today windy was taking rainbow to the doctor for her annual check up at the doctors, this usually wouldn't be a problem but rainbow had to get a shot and windy didn't know how she would handle it.

Windy whistles: are sure you're ok too look after scootaloo?

Bow hothoof: yes of course I'll be ok. Have you got everything for rainbow?

Windy whistles: *going through her bag* let's see, blankie, tank and pull up and pyjamas just in case. Do you think she'll be ok? I know she's had an injection before, but she was only a baby she doesn't remember it.

Bow hothoof: she'll be alright, she just might need lots of cuddles when it's done.

Windy whistles: ok well we best be off now I'll see you later.

Bow hothoof: good luck.

*time skip*

Rainbow: why we here mummy?

Windy whistles: you've got to have a check up baby.

Rainbow: ok.

Windy whistles: now sweetie listen, today's check up is going to be a little different. The doctor is going to give you an injection and I need you to be brave for me.

Rainbow: *getting upset* I-I d-don't W-want I-it m-mummy!

Windy whistles: *picks rainbow up and put her on lap* shhh it's alright just don't look whilst it's being done, I've got tank and your blankie would you like them?

Rainbow: *whimpers and nods*

The doctor then called windy and rainbow into the room and after doing the standard check up it was time to do the shot. Rainbow was starting to get worked up again and windy just rocked and shushed her whilst talking to the doctor.

Windy whistles: Rainbow sweetie please calm down.

Rainbow: *sobbing* NO! DON'T WANT A SHOT!

Windy whistles: *keep rocking rainbow and turns to the doctor* I'm really sorry about this, I think she's just scared.

Doctor: please don't apologise this happens often. Why don't we get it over with?

Windy whistles: ok is it ok for her to stay on my lap?

Doctor: of course it is.

Windy whistles: dashie the doctors going to do the shot now.

Rainbow: *wailing* NO!

Windy whistles: shhh shh just keep your head on mummies chest and don't look, it'll be over soon.

The doctor administered the shot and by the end rainbow was crying and shaking in windy's arms.

Windy whistles: shhh it's over now sweetie.

She rocks rainbow gently when the doctor comes over to them with his special box of treats.

Doctors: *to rainbow* good girl sweetie you were really brave, would you like a treat.

Rainbow: *nods*

The doctor gave rainbow the box and she chose a strawberry lollipop and a sticker.

*back at home*

Rainbow had fallen asleep on the way home from the doctors so windy had to carry her back into the house.

Bow hothoof: hey how did it go?

Windy whistles: she cried quite a bit which is what I expected, she fell asleep on the way home so I'm just going to put her in bed. How have you and scoot been?

Bow hothoof: yeah good, she's asleep now asleep as well.

Windy whistles: ok I'm just going put rainbow to bed and we'll get dinner made.

Bow hothoof: yeah ok.

Windy put rainbow to bed and then her and bow got dinner prepared. It had been a long day but at least their little girl was going to healthy.

A/N: request for Baileydash613
