Choking (age 4)

Bow hothoof: Dashie eat all of your lunch and then you can have some sweets.

Rainbow: ok daddy!

Windy was in bed with the flu so bow was looking after the children, he'd given Scootaloo a bottle and was putting her down for a nap, and whilst he did that he'd given rainbow some lunch. Rainbows lunch was chicken strips, carrots and broccoli. She'd agreed to eat it all after being promised some sweets from bow.


Bow hothoof: *lays Scootaloo down and covers her with a blanket* have a nice sleep baby daddy will be back later.

He dimmed the lights and left the room. He went downstairs and saw that rainbow had eaten everything on her plate, and was waiting for him.

Rainbow: done daddy!

Bow hothoof: *strokes rainbows hair* yes I see that baby good girl, would you like some sweeties now?

Rainbow: *nods excitedly*

Bow hothoof: *chuckles* ok come on then.

He took rainbow to the sweet cupboard and found that they only had little soft gummy's. these were quite small but her trusted rainbow.

Bow hothoof: now baby listen, these sweets are very small, you can have them but you need to promise daddy, that you'll chew them really well before swallowing.

Rainbow: I promise daddy! Can I have them please?!

Bow hothoof: yes here you go.

He hands rainbow the sweets and leaves her in the living room watching tv, whilst he does some housework.

*a few minutes later*

Rainbow was sat watching cartoons and eating the sweets she'd been chewing them like bow and told her too, but then one got stuck in her throat and she started to cough and choke. Bow heard this from where he was in the kitchen and rushed over to his daughter, who looked like she struggling to breath slightly.

Bow hothoof: *runs over to rainbow and starts patting her (quite hard) on the back*

Finally the sweet came up and rainbow started sobbing, partly from the choking and partly because she was shaken. Bow lifted her onto his lap and continued to rub her, and rock her slightly.

Bow hothoof: shhh sweetie it's ok, it's over.

Rainbow: *crying* I-it s-scary d-daddy!

Bow hothoof: *rocks rainbow gently* shhh I know it was. One must of gotten stuck, here baby have a drink for me.

Rainbow took a sip of her juice and then continued to watch her cartoons, whilst snuggling up to bow. She was completely fine after a few more cuddles and they decided not to tell windy.
