Bed Time Story (age 2)

Bow and Windy had been taking turns putting rainbow to bed, and today it was bows turn. He gave her a bath, put her in a fresh nappy and got her dressed into a warm onesie. Whilst he was doing all of that Windy was making rainbow a warm bottle of milk. Rainbow was starting to get tired and cranky, she was obviously ready for sleep.

Bow hothoof: *looks at his daughter and sees her eyes are nearly closed* come on baby girl, I think it's time for bed.

Windy whistles: *kisses rainbows forehead* night night sweetheart.

She gives bow the bottle and he takes rainbow upstairs. Once he's gotten upstairs he placed her onto the bed, (it's one of those toddler beds, that has the sides on it) and gave her the bottle.
Whilst she was cutely guzzling the bottle, he went over to the book shelf and picked out 2 bedtime stories to choose from.

Bow hothoof: ok dashie which will it be tonight, "good night little bear" or "the goodnight train?"

Rainbow: *points to the train one and smiles cutely*

Bow hothoof: *chuckles* "the goodness train" it is then.

He read her the story, stroking her hair gently whilst she drank the bottle. He only got about 4 pages into the story before he heard a soft little snore coming from the child in his arms. He gently picked her up from his lap and laid her on the bed, and covered her with her blanket and put her cuddly bunny under her arms. He kissed her forehead and then left the room.

Bow hothoof: *closing the door and whispers softly* night night baby.
