2.5k Special - Midoriya Edition!

After ordering his pork katsudon, Midoriya sat down next to me. I introduced him to Mina and vise versa, but Mina soon glanced at her watch and gasped, "Oh shoot! I've gotta go! Sorry guys, see ya later!"

I was thankful that we'd exchanged numbers earlier because she left in quite a hurry. Midoriya quickly polished off his katsudon, then, in a rare moment of courage, asked, "Hey L/N, wanna walk around the city together?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Sure. Do you want some more information on my dad?"

He blushed, "Yeah... but I still wanna spend time with you!"

I nodded and stood up, "Then let's go!"

We walked around together, Midoriya occasionally asking me questions about Hawks and pointing out hero-related monuments and art pieces. As we passed a gold-plated statue of All Might as the centerpiece of a small park, I noticed an ice-cream stand. I pointed it out, "Hey, Midoriya, there's an ice-cream stand over there!"

His emerald eyes widened, "Do you want some?"

I nodded, then led him over. He tucked his notebook into his bag as I glanced at him, "Which one do you want?"

He deliberated for a second, "Strawberry!"

I looked at the man tending to the stand, "One strawberry and one F/I/F please!"

He nodded, "That'll be 780 yen."

I dropped a 1000 yen note into his open hand, "Keep the change."

He gave me a small smile, "Thank you, m'lady."

As he got to work on our ice creams, Midoriya regarded me nervously, "L/N, what school are you going to next year?"

I gave him a wide grin, "I'm aiming to go to UA and do the hero course! Hawks said he'll get me in on recommendation too! What about you?"

Midoriya's eyes widened with excitement, "Me too! I'm gonna do the UA hero course too!"

As I was about to respond, the man handed me our ice creams. I gave Midoriya his and we began walking, then I said what I'd meant to say by the ice cream stand, "But how? You don't have a quirk."

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Well, I'm not really supposed to tell anyone, but I trust you!"

He launched into a whole saga of meeting All Might, having his hopes crushed, saving Bakugo from a sludge villain, then receiving a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity from All Might, "And then he said, 'You too can become a hero!' Now I'm training with him almost everyday to prepare my body for One For All!"

I fought the urge to hug him and just gave him a wide smile instead, "That's amazing, Midoriya! You met your hero and now you're his successor!"

He nodded happily, his fluffy green hair bobbing as he did so. My phone buzzed, it was from Hawks, 'Did you go home or are you out right now?'

I quickly replied, 'I'm with Midoriya, we're near the park with the All Might statue. What's up?'

Midoriya gave me a questioning look as my phone buzzed again, 'I am, especially considering that I'm above you right now.'

I face-palmed and directed my eyes to the sky, where I could see a certain twat circling above us with a shit-eating grin. Hawks landed in front of us and waved at Midoriya, "Yo."

Midoriya almost fainted. 

When he'd recovered enough, Midoriya instantly began firing questions at my dad. My dad quickly answered all of them, then glanced at me, "Thanks for being honest with me."

I raised an eyebrow, the question clear, "About what?"

He gestured at his phone, "About where you were."

I rolled my E/C eyes, "Since Kiyoko happened I've found more value in you always knowing where I am."

His face darkened briefly, then he grabbed Midoriya's phone, took a selfie of himself and Midoriya, then handed it back to my flustered friend and flew away, probably to catch another villain. Midoriya quickly backed up the photo to every safe space online he could access, then turned to me with a happy smile, "Heroes are so amazing!"

I couldn't help but agree, "Yeah, they really are!"

As we idly walked around, we slowly started heading towards Midoriya's house. Before we knew it, Midoriya gave a surprised gasp, "We're almost at my house! When did that happen?"

I shrugged, "Maybe you're just so used to walking home that you did it subconsciously?"

He nodded, "Probably..."

Before he could say goodbye, a woman walked up to us and embraced Midoriya. She then looked at me, "Izuku, who's this?"

He blushed, "Mum, don't do that in public! And that's L/N."

Midoriya's mum gasped, "Oh my! Hello L/N, my name is Inko Midoriya, but please just call me Inko!"

I smiled and curtsied graciously, "Do call me Y/N, both of you."

Inko nodded with a gentle smile, "Then, would you like to join us for dinner, Y/N?"

My eyes widened, "I wouldn't want to intrude!"

She laughed, "Don't worry, any friend of Izuku is a friend of mine."

And with that, I was bundled into the Midoriya home. I made sure to text my location to my dad, then looked around as Inko began making dinner. Midoriya was furiously blushing, so I decided to try and take his mind off the fact that I, a female whose adoptive father was the number 3 pro hero, was in his house, "Do you mind if we go into your room?"

He nodded, "Let me just clean it up real quick!"

He disappeared into his room, and after a minute or so, he popped his head out, "All clear! You can come in now!"

As I walked in, my poor eyes were bombarded by every All Might poster, figurine, and collectible ever made. I blinked, "Wow, you must really love All Might."

He nodded, then pointed at an All Might figurine with the Bronze Age costume, "This is the Bronze Age costume! All Might's first  partner, David Shield, designed it for him!"

***A/N: Sorry Sir Nighteye, no shade intended.***

He rambled on and on about All Might and I found myself learning quite a bit about the number one hero. Inko soon called, "Okay honeys! Dinner's ready!"

We made our way to the dining room and were greeted by the rich smell of soba. It wasn't my favorite food, but it was definitely up there! Midoriya also appeared to have that mindset as we dug into the noodle dish, occasionally dipping the noodles into tsuyu. At around 8, we heard the doorbell ring. Inko went to answer it and I heard a smooth voice, "Hello, is Y/N here?" 

It was my dad and he'd given absolutely no warning! I rushed to the door and glared at my father, "You should've told me you were coming!" 

Inko was staring at him with open-mouthed shock and Hawks rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I thought you'd told them about me already." 

I groaned, "I've said this before: If everyone I see knows I'm Hawks' daughter, they'll run away screaming!" 

He pouted, an expression I'd never seen him make before, "Y'know, someday you'll learn." 

Inko had begun waving her hands, "Please come in, Hawks! To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you?!" 

He pointed at me, "Y/N's my daughter." 

Inko looked at me with wide eyes, "My goodness! I never knew!" 

I gave her a wry smile, "That's the point, but I can't be very incognito if my dad keeps turning up and making our relationship known!" 

By now, Midoriya had joined us, "Hi Hawks, how are you?" 

After sitting everyone down and explaining everything, Inko was finally confident enough around Hawks to give him a hug before we left. We got home around 9:30 and came in through the balcony, but to our surprise, the lights were already on. Hawks quickly sent a few feathers to investigate, holding me tightly against him in case was had to take off again. 

A few seconds later, we were plummeting down to street level and I was deposited at the base of our apartment block. We lived in the penthouse so I'd have to go up 13 stories to get back! All the elevators were at the top and weren't coming down so I charged up the stairs. I heard an emergency announcement from the speakers, "A break-in has been reported on the top floor and the elevators have been disabled by the burglars. Please use the stairs to make your way out of the building immediately." 

I cursed as waves of civilians poured down the stairs and I had to fight my way through them. Eventually, I just spidermaned across the ceiling and I reached the penthouse 15 minutes after being unceremoniously dumped on the sidewalk. By the time I got there, I could already see that the apartment was in shambles. My only hint was a quiet whistle before someone slammed into me, covered my mouth with one hand, and pinned me down. 

***Lil' bit of a cliff hanger, but since it's a triple publish, it's negated! Author-chan out!***
