2.5k Special - Hawks Edition!

***First of all, I just want to thank you all so much for 2.5k! We hit it on the 16th of August and I'm so happy! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Please comment here for any suggestions for my anime oneshots book!

There's gonna be a lot of fun stuff and fluff in this chapter and the next two after this as a thank you for hitting 2.5k so please enjoy! There won't be too much action though... but hey, more action coming soon! (Evil cackle) I've got a bucketload of plot stewing right now so just you wait! For now, enjoy this wholesome chapter with Hawks! Author-chan out!***

I quietly microwaved a plate of chicken nuggets, set the table for two, then snuck towards Hawks' bedroom. I carefully opened his door, revealing my father lying in bed, still sleeping. He tended to sleep shirtless and without a duvet because of his wings so my next move was quite simple. I mustered up all my hard-earned strength and shot threads at the ceiling, then at him, and yanked. Hawks was abruptly lifted into the air and woke up with a start, limbs flailing as his half-asleep mind tried to wrap around what was happening. He eventually saw me and stopped struggling, giving me a 'bruh' look as I winched him down slowly. I stifled a laugh as I used a thread to toss a shirt at him, then left. He followed soon after, still tugging the shirt on as he walked, "Oi! What was that for?!"

I shrugged, "Someone forgot to wake up on time."

He sweatdropped, "What did I forget?!?"

I grinned and winked, "Nothing, I'm just messing with you, ya great big oaf!"

Hawks gave me a 'bruh' look, but when he saw the slightly steaming plate of chicken nuggets, it appeared I was forgiven. I sat down opposite him and began eating some F/F, then brought up a topic that had been on my mind for a while, "So, I've been thinking about what school I want to go to next year and I've decided I want to go to UA."

He gave me a knowing smirk, "And why is that?" 

I shrugged, "No particular reason." 

He rolled his golden eyes, "Could it be because of a certain hero who also attended UA?" 

(A/N: In case it wasn't clear, this is referring to All Might!)

I looked away, not meeting his teasing gaze, "Maybe..." 

He chuckled, "Well if that's what you want, I won't stop you." 

I burst out of my chair and was at his side in an instant, casually catching my chair with a few threads as I began excitedly exclaiming, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" 

He tilted his head, making his hair wobble dangerously, "I haven't actually said yes yet." 

Within a second, I was back in my chair and had begun glaring at my dad. He laughed and waved a hand in dismissal, "Yeah, sure, you can go to UA." 

I didn't throw my chair on the ground this time but I wasn't any slower in giving Hawks a hug. He patted my hair with one hand, then suggested, "I've heard there's a pop-up shop downtown that sells F/F, apparently they use their own recipe and it's delicious!" 

I broke off the hug and checked the website of said shop on my phone, then glanced at Hawks, "Anything else on the menu that you'd like to add?" 

He glanced around with fake guilt in his eyes, "Uhh, no?" 

I snapped my fingers and pointed at him, "It says chicken yakitori right here on the menu!" 

He fell off his chair, clutching his heart with one hand, in one exaggerated motion, "Gah! Guilty as charged!" 

I rushed to kneel down next to him as his free hand stretched out, reaching for the sky. I grabbed said hand in both of mine and desperately spoke, "Hawks! Stay with me, Hawks!" 

I then pressed my ear to his chest and gasped, "There's no pulse!" 

Hawks winked at me, then croakily spoke, "Only... chicken... yakitori... will heal... me..." 

His head lolled and I clutched his hand tighter, "Don't worry, we'll get all the yakitori you could ever need!" 

Within a second, he was sitting cross-legged with an excited expression, "Really!?" 

We both burst out laughing and we had soon arrived at the pop-up shop. To my surprise, Hawks wasn't the only one being swamped by the media. A girl with pink skin, pink hair, and two yellow horns walked up to me, "Hi, you're L/N, right?" 

I nodded, then rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly, "Yeah, who are you?" 

She laughed, "We've never met so it's no surprise you don't know me! I'm Mina Ashido, but you can call me Mina!" 

I shook her hand with a sigh of relief, "Sorry, I'm just not used to people I don't know knowing my name. I thought maybe I'd met you before and just couldn't remember you!" 

I laughed nervously and she joined in with a bubbly giggle. She pointed to the shop, "Are you going in there?" 

At my nod she began gushing, "Oh my god the okra is so good! Have you tried it?" 

I shook my head and she grabbed my hand, "Come on then!" 

She pulled me into the shop and away from media attention, then began ordering, "We'll have two plates of okra and..." 

She trailed off and the woman taking our order looked at me to finish. I supplemented with my favorite food, "And two F/Fs too please!" 

The woman nodded, "That'll be 1760 yen." 

Mina grabbed her pocket and moaned, "I left my money at home! I'm so sorry Y/N!"

I waved it off and pulled two crisp 1000 yen notes from my wallet. I collected the change and dumped it in Mina's hands, "There you go; problem solved!" 

I grinned and Mina hugged me, almost dropping the coins as she did so. We chatted like excited schoolgirls as the woman, who introduced herself as Arla, made our food. Hawks eventually stumbled in after satiating the media's thirst for content and raised an eyebrow upon seeing Mina and I talking, "Making friends I see." 

I nodded, then walked Mina up to my dad, "Hawks, this is Mina! Mina, this is Hawks!" 

My new friend began blushing and nervously outstretched her hand, "H-hi Hawks! Nice to meet you!" 

He shook her hand with a laugh, "Nice to meet you too. So what've you girls ordered?" 

Just as the words left his mouth, Arla, who was semi-drooling at the sight of my dad, deposited a tray of food in front of us on the counter. My dad pointed at a booth with one hand, "Go sit down, I'll join you in a second." 

And with that, he sidled up to Arla with a wink and ordered his trademark favorite food: chicken. I placed a serving of okra and a plate/bowl of F/F in front of Mina, then took my food respectively. We agreed to try each other's favorite foods first and once we finished chewing, we exclaimed at the same time, "Oh my god, this is so good!" 

Hawks soon sat down next to me and dug into his yakitori as Mina and I, albeit hesitantly, resumed talking. My dad occasionally interjected between mouthfuls of chicken, adding to my various stories when possible. Mina gradually overcame the fact that Hawks was famous and included him in the conversation once he was finished with his food, but our time together was cut short all too soon. My father stood up semi-abruptly, "Sorry folks, gotta go! Villains wait for no-one!"

As he flew off, I noticed a familiar head of green hair in the crowd. Midoriya walked into the shop with a somewhat defeated look on his face, "Aww, I just missed him!"

His face brightened up as he saw me, "Oh hi, Y/N!"
