11 ❋

The smell of smoke and fumes filled my lungs as soon as we stepped outside. Screams and car alarms and other horrible noises flooded my ears.

"Emiri!" Keigo shouted before grabbing my arm and pulling me into an alley. "Stay here with Haru," he ordered.

My emotions swirled and my stomach twisted at the thought of seeing Dabi again. He probably doesn't even remember me, but I sure as hell remember him.

I peeked around the corner and saw Keigo and Tokoyami dodging Dabi's blasts of flames. They had all been going at it for a while. Tokoyami had taken a big hit and was knocked out.

I couldn't just sit and watch them.

Before I could even think, my legs started moving and before I knew it, I was running straight into their fight.

Keigo had barely dodged one of Dabi's blasts but the tip of his wing caught on fire, causing him to fall to the ground.

I watched as Dabi walked towards him, ready to burn him alive.


Not again.

I won't let you take someone else from me.


Keigo's pov -

Dodging all of Dabi's blasts was tiring and extremely hard. I knew it would only be a matter of time before I ran out of stamina and had to rest on the ground.

"Is big bird finally getting tired? Just give up, I'm gonna cook you either way," Dabi laughed. He shot another blast at me but I wasn't quick enough and my wing caught on fire.

I lost my balance and fell, stumbling to the ground, putting my wing out. I looked up and saw Dabi walking towards me with an evil grin on his face.

My leg got injured when I fell. I can't move it. Is this it? Am I going to die?

My life flashed before my eyes as Dabi rose his hand in the air with flames in the palm of his hand. I shielded my face, waiting to feel heat sear through my clothes.

Instead, I felt an arm on my shoulder and looked up to see Emiri shielding the both of us with her metal wings.


Emiri's pov -

"Well look what we have here, another birdie?" Dabi began, "Wait, I remember you. Your mom was that woman who almost caught me a couple years ago."

Keigo gave me a worried and confused look. "Well, I try to keep my promises, and if I remember correctly, I said I was going to kill you," Dabi stated.

"Angel what are you doing here, go back and wait with Haru," Keigo said, gritting his teeth in pain. "Like hell I will," I responded.

"Angel? I like that nickname for you, I think I'll use that," Dabi chuckled. "Time to burn, Angel," Dabi said, blasting us again.

The heat was bearable but it still burned. It felt as if fire ants were biting every inch of my body, but I couldn't let Keigo get hurt. Not anymore. He already had cuts and bruises from attacking him. Not to mention, probably a broken leg.

"That quirk of your's is annoying, just burn already," Dabi said as another blast came my way. I have to get Keigo away. But how?

"Emiri, go!" Keigo pleaded, but I didn't listen. My only concern was getting him away from Dabi. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tokoyami slowly getting up off the ground.

He had been knocked out and was regaining consciousness. I have to get them both out of here. Especially Tokoyami. Then it hit me.


I looked over to see Haru crouched in the alley. He was on the phone, watching desperately as his friends were trying to stay alive.

I knew he called for help, I just have to withstand his fire until they get here. "You're really starting to piss me off, just like your mother, before I fried her of course."

That's where he crossed the line. Something in my mind snapped. And before I could process anything, I was lunging at him with full force.

He dodged my first attack but I managed to sweep him off his feet and he fell to the ground. Having no other choice, he sent another blast at me while getting up and backing away.

Tokoyami had finally regained full consciousness and got up. Dabi had noticed and sent a blast his way.

Quickly, I ran over to him and wrapped my wings around the both of us, shielding us from his blue fire.

"Ah, these are your friends then? Good to know," Dabi said before turning and firing at Keigo who was still on the ground.

This time, instead of trying to block the fire, I tackled him and attempted to put him in a chokehold. I can't be too predictable, especially not with him.

He struggled but grabbed my forearm and burned it, causing me to cry out in pain and let go. He then did the same and put me in a chokehold.

With his free hand he ran his fingers across the top of my wings. "I can see why big bird over there calls you Angel, these are so pretty," Dabi said, "I wonder if I can cut them off and sell them."

As soon as he said that my wings turned metal as I squirmed and kicked which caused him to immediately tighten his grip.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, I'm pretty strong," he said. "Maybe I won't kill you just yet, your quirk seems useful."

There was no way in hell I was gonna be taken by him and be used. And with that thought, I head butted him with the back of my head and stumbled away from him.

"Just like your mom, always a nuisance." I couldn't get far away enough because he picked me up by my neck. "So annoying," he said before throwing me.

When he threw me, I hit my head on the ground. The last thing I saw before blacking out were silhouettes and and a blurred face in front of me.

Did I do it? Did more heroes come?

Are they safe?

[A/N: this was a shorter chapter than what i usually do so i'm sorry but i hope you enjoyed this fight. as always thanks for reading, see you soon! have a nice day :)]
