Tsukishima Kei[Listen To My Music]

"Can I listen?" You asked, leaning over the bus seat.

Tsukishima Kei glanced up at you and smiled, "Depends. Are you familiar with Faith No More, The Misfits, Alice In Chains, etcetera etcetera~?"

You smiled back and joined the blonde boy one seat up, "I don't care who it is, I like listening to music on long road trips."

"I bet you get sick right?"

"Yeah, how did you....?" You asked curiously.

"I get car sick too."

"I only get sea sick, but I do feel a least a little queasy when on the road for a while. Why is our away field trip so far away?!"

"I don't know, they must have planned it. Here," he handed you the left ear and you stretched it out, placing your head against his and listening to the soothing rhythm of the band that could only be The White Stripes.

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Tsukishima ☊ ☊ ☊

"Do you need any help with your bags?"

She smiled at me, "No but thanks!"

She grabbed her bag and headed into the hotel.

Karasuno High was going on a three day field trip to a beach. We would be visiting a museum on the first day, a planetarium on the second, and the last day was just giving everyone some free time.

I knew who I wanted to spend it with.

☊ ☊ ☊ ☊ ☊ ☊

"All right! Ladies on the 3rd floor, guys on the fourth! Curfew is at 10, lights out at 11! We have master key to check to see of you are in your room! No Co-Ed Sleepovers!"

I pulled my headphones on to block out their annoying voices and spotted _______ in the crowd, talking with her friend.

I smiled. What a nice girl.... She was really awesome of a person to know all the bands on my iPod. She wasn't an idiot, nor was she unattractive.

I wanted to kiss her so bad.

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You ☊ ☊ ☊

"Hey! Kei!" you called, waving your arm.

The blonde turned his head, "Oh ________, right?"

You smiled, "Yep! So what section are you going to look at when we get to the museum?"

"Probably the Renaissance section, would you like to join me?"

"Sounds fun! Of course I would love to!"

When your class arrived, friends separated into groups and did a round trip. Kei and you were headed to the Renaissance when you heard Shōyō call after you.

"________!" he smiled and ran up to you. He put his elbow on your shoulder and said, "You weren't planning on heading on without me were ya?"
"No, sorry!"

"Hey Tsukishima! What are you doing with _______?"

"You two know each other?"

"We're on the volleyball team together," said Kei.

"Ah! Cool!" you said.

When you arrived in the Renaissance section, you noticed that Kei was staring very intently at the torture devices. You became a little unsettled when he smirked but tried to remain normal. You didn't know Tsukishima that well but you always tried to talk to him.

He always blew you off. Finally, you had gotten his interest. You just wanted to be friends with him, he didn't seem to have that many. He often blocked people out. You just wanted to be his friend.

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Tsukishima ☊ ☊ ☊

As soon as I entered the torture section, I knew I needed to get out of there fast.

I was aware of my sadistic tendencies. I was aware that bondage and asphyxiation turned me on like no other sexual fetish. I knew that I had this amazing girl with me who I was into. I knew this situation was dangerous.
'My God, I wanted to see her in that machine....' I smirked.

"S-So Kei!" she smiled.

I turned to her, "Yeah?"

"D-Do you want to hang out with me on our final day?"

"Sure, I have nothing better to do."

She beamed, "Great! I'll go tell Shōyō!"

She skipped over to the orange haired brat and smiled at him. He laughed and gave me a smirk while she was looking away.

That bastard was only faking innocence.

I narrowed my eyes.

"He must be dealt with...."

☊ ☊ ☊ ☊ ☊ ☊

"Hey Kei!" smiled _______ in her swimsuit. She jumped on me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Sorry! Shōyō hasn't shown up!" she looked slightly concerned, "He didn't show up for the planetarium either...."

"That's strange. I bet he'll show up eventually though."

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You ☊ ☊ ☊

You laughed, "Very funny, but I'm not dating Tsukishima Kei!"

Your friend poked your side in the elevator, "I bet~ So how big is it~?"

"Amaya! Seriously!" you blushed. The elevator arrived at your floor and you were met by panic.

"Wh-What's going on?" asked your friend nervously.

You grabbed a classmate's arm and asked, "Why's everyone panicking?!"

"Shōyō was found in a girl's bed. He suffocated to death."

"What?" cried Amaya.

"What room?" you asked nervously.


You covered your mouth and pushed past the people in the hall. You saw police tape separating the students and the room. You ducked under it only to be stopped by an investigator.

"Please, that's me and my friend's room," you said. They gave you an eye before letting you and Amaya pass. Shōyō's body was removed from the scene but you could see where his body was on the bed.

Your bed.

"Th-That's my...."

"Hey get these kids out of here!"

You were shoved back out and the door was closed.

☊ ☊ ☊ ☊ ☊ ☊

You stared at your lap during the ride. You stomach started to bubble a bit.

"Hey ________, do you want to listen to my music?" smiled Tsukishima Kei next to you.

You shook your head and let out a sob.

"Hey don't be upset _______. Just....listen to my music and everything around you will fade away...."
