Shintaro Kisaragi [lost.exe]

You found yourself lost. Not in the woods, or in the city. You found yourself lost in the reflection of his eyes. Seeing yourself in his eyes, was something enlightening.

You found yourself lost. Not on land, not in the sea. You found yourself lost in the world he created. The places he spent hours writing lines and lines of code.

You found yourself lost. Not in your mind. You found yourself lost in his.


Growing up together was something beautiful, something you cherished. It was sad to see Shintaro turn inwards. He would spend less and less time with you. You thought your friendship with him was over.

You barely knew what to do when you got his text out of the blue. The last thing he texted you was "i just don't care anymore." After not showing up to school, you had thought he killed himself and went into grieving. Then after a week of silence, beeping noise that roused you from your sleep made you not only confused, but upset.

He had said he was in love with you.

That wasn't just what he sent. He sent a full thesis that probably took a week to write about why he felt so guilty for falling in love with his best friend. Page after page, you read everything. Shaking hands and quivering heart made you turn him down. You couldn't date Shintaro. He was practically your brother.

"I love you too, Shintaro. But I can't date you."

You hated yourself. Was your body language flirty? Did he start to think that you were trying to advnce on him? Is that why he texted you at 2 AM, with practically a 500 page list of reasons of why he loved you?

You found yourself vomitting. Heavily.


The next day, Shintaro didn't come to school either. He didn't reply to your text. You were more worried thay he had tried to kill himself, or something. But then you scolded yourself, telling yourself that you were a selfish bitch. You were just some girl. You weren't anything important to him. His friend yeah, but you always knew he could've had any girl he wanted.

In the back of your head, you heard a little voice saying, "But he wanted you." But did he? Or was he just saying that? He was probably pranking you or something. There was no way.

You phone started ringing in class. Thank god it was on vibrate but you saw his number and wanted to run out the class. There was only 20 minutes of class left, he could wait.

When the twenty minutes were up and the bell finally rang you noticed 15 unread messages from Shintaro and 3 calls, with 3 voice mails.  You didn't listen to the voicemails and called back.

Croaking and slight, the voice that answered could not have beenthe voice of a human.

But it was.


"You sound awful, what's wrong?" you asked. Shaking with worry, you grabbed your shirt to calm yourself down. He was fine, surely.

"I need to see you."



He hung up. Sighing, you gathered your things and walked to his house. When you got there, knocking on the door was the hardest thing to do. Your stomach was heavy and your throat was sore, and you just didn't want to deal with the drama right now.

As you went to knock the door again, it swung open revealing the tall boy you had known your whole life, in a large, dirty t-shirt and long sweat pants. You made note of his weight, which was considerably less than average.

"Hey what's wrong?" You asked coming inside. You made your way to the kitchen and sat on the counter. His entire house echoed softly.

"I need you."

"Shintaro...." You swallowed dryly. "I already told you...."

You became suddenly intimidated by his. His eyes were hollow, and his pupils seemed so distant. His twitching shoulder only calmed down when he grabbed it with his other hand. He seemed so weak, so upset.

"Shintaro this isn't fair," you growled. "You can't put me in this situation-!"

"I worked on a program when you turned me down. I have a very convincing 3D model and everything. I just need some voice clips, different various sounds and maybe some pre recorded sayings. I need to write a personality and study up on a code language or two. Then I won't need this version of you. This version that keeps pushing me away-"

"What the fuck are you saying, Kisaragi?!" You cried, terrified to your bone. "If you keep saying things like this you'll get called crazy-"

"This version of you will be melted, disposed of. But Ene can teach me how to make you like her. She'll enjoy a playmate."

"Who the fuck is Ene?!" You were so irritated. He just wouldn't stop blabbering on.

"She was a girl like you. Now she's a computer program."

"Jesus fucking Christ Shintaro! You're scaring me!" You marched closer to him, angry to the core. "Why are you doing this?!"

"Because you said when we were kids that we'd always be together."

"We were twelve! And don't quote Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet's romance lasted 3 days and 6 people died!" You tried to lighten the mood in anyway possible. But no matter what, you were still frozen solid in your stance.

A hand shot out and grabbed your neck. Despite his litheness, he was strong. Very strong. The pain in your neck distracted you from the cloth being placed on your mouth.


You can't describe the world you woke up in. It was calm. A dream home. You could barely find the motivation to stand up. You opened your eyes and looked above you, seeing a piece of paper hanging from an infinitely long string.

You pulled it off the hook and the string retracted into the ceiling. You opened the letter and saw in fancy calligraphy.

1.) You will always call me Master. You will speak to me with respect.

2.) The prompts from the news carrier(the string hanging from the ceiling) must be fulfiled. You will follow every command.

3.) You are here forever. There is no escaping.

4.) You will always say "I love you too."

-Any of the rules that are not complied will result in punishment.


At first the prompts were simple, but as time went on they developed to become more erotic. You sometimes got prizes, like a book, or TV or internet privileges. Once he left the computer on the whole night and you just with Ene, who was very sweet.

Othertimes, he'd leave the computer off for days, not touching it. You could feel yourself crying, stuck in a sad, lonely place. He'd right click on you to hit you and left click to touch you.

You hated everything. It was fucking bullshit.

How dare he make you lose yourself.
